3 examples of dialogue of cultures in modern society. Dialogue of cultures - an example of peaceful coexistence of civilizations

Report by Associate Professor of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, SSU, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Irina Viktorovna Kutyreva at the Plenary session of the X Pimenov Readings

A person living in the modern era, an era of rapid development in all spheres public life, the endless production of personal goods, accustomed to frequent changes in various areas. Having replaced the 20th century with its sometimes casual historical vicissitudes and dynamic development and often equally dynamic destruction, the 21st century forces humanity as a whole and each individual to turn to the issues that humanity has lived with throughout its history. It was during this period that our society, more than ever before, found itself cut off from its spiritual roots; it was during the period of progressive development (later it turns out that progress meant only scientific development and technical improvement) that primordial values ​​and traditions were destroyed with particular force. Losses in the field of spiritual culture resulted in an almost complete loss national identity. A person begins to remember his history and his culture, unfortunately, only when he realizes the need to not forget it. The unfolding of the global political situation indicates that the moment for this kind of necessity to arise has arrived. The need for revival traditional culture(including as a means of overcoming the modern spiritual and moral crisis) is currently recognized by society as one of the priority tasks.

The identified topic puts the problem of a cultural nature in the central place. At first glance, it may seem that problems of an economic nature, social vulnerability of certain segments of the population, environmental safety, for example, are more important than the problem of preserving the “heritage”, which will not be vital for a starving population, say, at the time of an environmental disaster. However, if we remember all the tragedies in the history of mankind, then to the question: “what helped the people/country/residents to remain a people, and not just an uncivilized community of representatives of homo sapiens?”, then the first thing that helped them was unity and awareness belonging to unshakable values. This is due to the fact that a person is brought up in culture and socialized in it. Culture is memory, a system of values, life ideas and patterns. In science, not a single term has such multiple definitions as the term “culture”, which unites everything: both the material and spiritual components. It is the fact that EVERY person has his own deep cultural self-awareness, has a cultural memory that shapes his value ideals throughout his life, testifies to the fact that someone born in a culture cannot imagine life outside it.

But history demonstrates that each culture cannot exist in isolation. Just as other cultures exist in interconnection or went through a stage of formation under the influence of an external dominant tradition, it is so difficult to imagine Russian culture in the form of an “ideally” holistic, historically continuously developing phenomenon. Unfortunately, it is not so difficult to imagine humanity of the 21st century included in the process of globalization, to see developed cultures, enriched by previous mutual influence, having individual self-awareness, but not hearing each other. This is a paradoxical reality. That is why the problem of “dialogue of cultures” comes to the forefront today.

For Russia, as a multinational state, this topic is also important at the internal level. As already noted, our culture has developed very heterogeneously, however, it is worth noting its main focus: Russian culture is predominantly a spiritual culture.

Misunderstanding of cultural characteristics is often associated with studying or perceiving culture from the perspective of other people's stereotypes. In previous eras, Russia tried to find its own path of development by imitating Europe. Such ambivalence - on the one hand, borrowing archetypes European cultures and often forcefully implant them for external similarity; on the other hand, recognizing one’s originality, which has an unshakable foundation - spirituality - is characteristic of Russian culture.

Today the West sets clichés by which the level of cultural development should be assessed. One of the main clichés is freedom, which is opposed to enslavement into an artificially created form of culture. The level of development is viewed through the prism of freedom. But we should not forget that even freedom has boundaries, otherwise it turns into chaos. Russian culture is distinguished by the fact that it understands the boundaries of what is permissible and cuts off what is unacceptable. These boundaries are based on moral values, the religious component, which for a long time has been a model of correct perception and understanding of what is happening around.

Due to the close interaction of all countries in solving global problems, knowledge of external cultures occurs, which influences internal cultural self-awareness. Under such influence, modern culture in Russia is in a changing state. There is no single direction in its development. Today, religion, and in particular the Orthodox Church, is separated from the state, but is recognized as leading in spiritual and moral direction and education. To preserve cultural diversity and cultural identity, it is necessary to perceive each culture as equal and necessary for preservation historical memory our people. Dialogue of cultures is only possible if it occurs with the participation of representatives of different cultures. Talking to yourself is not dialogue. In addition, dialogue presupposes equality of participants, which should be based on mutual respect. Respect for another, foreign culture is based on respect for one’s own and is brought up from childhood. The idea of ​​one’s culture as the only form of true cultural acquisition and presence seems primitive. If a person values ​​the culture in which he was raised and respects himself as an individual, then he must respect the “I” of another person who also has cultural consciousness and was raised in a different cultural tradition. Such consciousness should be instilled from childhood to minimize the possibility of conflict on ethnic grounds or religious hostility. Naturally, the development of culture is not limited only to the religious component, however, as the last decade of the 20th century clearly demonstrates to us, the gap between secular and religious culture was so significant that it could lead to a vulgar cultural rethinking of the entire historical heritage. Today we see an attempt to establish a dialogue between secular and religious culture. And once again, when attempts to reach an agreement through business language fail, the need arises to turn to the unshakable value foundations, the attitudes on which Russian self-consciousness has been based for centuries.

There is no doubt that the study of the spiritual culture of a people should begin with religion, as the primary source of spirituality. The religion of Rus' - Orthodoxy - has always played a decisive role in the formation of the main life values, principles of interpersonal interaction, ideological and moral attitudes, thereby being one of the main factors in the formation of Russian spiritual culture. Of course, it is necessary to understand that the uniqueness of Russian culture is not limited to the influence of Orthodoxy. The Western European tradition has had a certain impact on Russian culture in recent centuries, the influence of which has always been talked about a lot and colorfully. In any case, it should be said that there has never been a ban on research into the influence of Western culture on Russian culture. Orthodoxy, especially in the Soviet era, was a closed topic for a long time. Thus, many years of silence about the spiritual component in Russian culture has created a severe vacuum, which is felt more than ever today, and there is a vital need to fill it.

At the end of the last century, the interrupted connection of continuity of cultural life became acutely noticeable in Russian culture, the process of spiritual production changed, which was reflected in personality changes. It is with this that the modern anthropological crisis is connected - more than one generation has grown up in isolation from their spiritual roots. Therefore, today, more than ever, the process of reviving cultural traditions and instilling moral values. A decisive role in the creation of our culture is played by the upbringing of a spiritually healthy generation that has cultural self-awareness and respects its origins and traditions. Today, the concepts of secularism and religiosity are no longer mutually exclusive. Now we see the process of creation, the process of rooting moral ideals, fostering respect for one’s history and one’s culture, eliminating illiteracy and ignorance in the perception of the religious foundations of culture. The educational space today is called upon to reduce the gap between total ignorance and understanding of value guidelines and to eliminate existing gaps. The introduction of the fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics in secondary schools indicates a gradual return to moral origins.

The readiness of higher education to implement, within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards, the training of bachelors and masters in the field of “Religious Studies”, “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” within the framework of Pedagogical Education, “Theology” is due to the social need for the formation of high-quality trained personnel who educate at the proper high level professional level of the existing generation.

But still, the attitude towards “Theology” of some part of the Russian elite is surprising. The introduction of one of the many educational areas enshrined in the state list is interpreted as a total clericalization of the university system.

It seems that theological education, with its powerful humanitarian and humanistic message, is a reasonable addition to the range of specialties that are implemented in universities today. Theological specialists today are in demand both by the church itself, and - to no less extent - modern society, where there is an acute lack of theological understanding and specific knowledge. Only after receiving a university theological education, a graduate is able to carry out appropriate expert work, patiently and professionally understand the most complex socio-political and interfaith relations, competently interpret works of art and literature, and fully understand the laws of the world order. Saratov University understands this well, and we plan to expand the range of educational services in the theological field. We understand that today theology in the academic space is an integral component of the entire educational sphere, responsible for the formation of religious culture. University theological education is currently being implemented in 34 cities of the Russian Federation. 37 state institutions received a license to train theologians. educational institutions, among which Saratov takes pride of place state university. This year, one of the important events took place in the university environment, which marked a return to tradition, namely, the re-establishment of the department of theology and religious studies. Already this year the university has made its first intake of master's students in the field of Theology.

In the coming 2013, it is planned to begin training bachelors and masters in “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” within the framework of teacher education, which is due to social demand, which determines the demand for graduates of religious studies and theologians in various institutions of government, public structures, educational and cultural institutions, and the media.

I would like to hope that the trend that has been built today, including in the educational space of Saratov University, will soon lead to long-awaited results, and in general will contribute to achieving a balance in the disrupted dialogue in modern culture between material and spiritual values.

Option 1 and 6

Thanks to legal awareness:

- the number of cases of encroachment on someone else's property decreases, since the material world for a citizen acquires the property of belonging (private, personal and state property);

Instances of encroachment on the life and health of others are reduced, since other people are recognized and protected in their physical integrity and moral dignity by the rules of the law;

Respect for the rights and freedoms of other people, since the individual objectifies and understands his actions and moral qualities in the light of the legal norms of society and its laws.

C5. Individuality- totality characteristic features and properties that distinguish one individual from another; originality of the psyche and personality of the individual, originality, uniqueness. Individuality is manifested in the traits of temperament, character, specific interests, and qualities of perceptual processes.

Individuality is the specific traits of a person that distinguish him from other people.

The concept of individuality includes: intelligence, character, temperament, social differences.

C6. Main disadvantages: unemployment, large gap between rich and poor, inflation.

1.creation of new jobs, retraining of workers, government support for small businesses

2. increase in social tax

3. investment in production

C7. Vertical Social mobility. Descending and ascending. Descending - the actress is forced to work as a waitress. Rising - the main role in the popular film.

1.1 Definition of power.

1.2 The essence of power and its functions

1.3 Types of power

2. Public relations

2.1 Concept and elements of society

2.2 Types and types of relationships in society

3. Political power in society, its functions and properties

















Option 2

- “The task of entrepreneurs in market conditions is to direct economic actions. They also retain the function of production control.”

Three ways to influence consumer demand

1) change customer preferences using hidden or explicit advertising (new or my product is better and why)

2) influence with the help of competent pricing policy- use of a system of discounts: cumulative, one-time, holding a lottery, using club cards, etc.

3) use of the credit system, bank payment systems

C5 Social control is a mechanism for maintaining social order through the use of authority and sanctions.

- Depending on the means used, there are two types of social control:

informal and formal.

In the broadest sense of the word, social control can be defined as the totality of all types of control existing in society.

ideological (participation in the development of new curricula, new standards of secondary education);

financial (state financing of educational and cultural institutions)

supervision and control in the field of education (inspections of schools, implementation of unified state education);

P.7 Anna Ivanovna’s claims are justified. In this case, there is discrimination on the basis of age (Part 1 of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and Anna Ivanovna’s appeal to the court is lawful, provided that there is a refusal to hire in writing. This case will be considered in civil proceedings. Anna Ivanovna will act as the plaintiff.

C8. The problem of the world's cognition

1) The essence of knowledge

a) Sensual P.

b) Scientific knowledge

c) Knowledge and faith

d) Knowledge and truth

2) The collision of scientific and everyday

a) The influence of the traditional on our knowledge (religion, experience of generations, traditions...)

b) Science-based facts

3) Conclusion: Ways to solve the problem of the cognizability of the world

Option 3, 5

C3 Examples of dialogue between cultures

Days of France (England, Ukraine, etc., etc.) in Russia;

Various exhibitions foreign art;

- “Russian Seasons” in Paris.

C5 Taxes, mandatory payments levied by the state from legal entities and individuals.

Taxes can be direct and indirect.

Taxes arose with the division of society into classes and the emergence of the state.

C6 Signs of ethnicity:

Language (Mikhail’s native language is Russian)

Culture (M.’s family is very fond of the pagan holidays of the Slavs)

Territory of residence (Mikhail managed to establish that his ancestors from time immemorial lived in Russia)

C7. - the executive branch will be headed by the government;

Management foreign policy countries;

The government will be responsible to parliament and partly to the president.

From 8. Plan “Employment contract in the Russian Federation”

1. The concept of an employment contract.

2. Conclusion of an employment contract.

3.1. Employer

3.2. Worker

3.3. Contract term

3.4. Employment test

3.5. Remuneration

3.6. Working hours and rest time

4. Termination of the employment contract

5. Features of regulation of labor relations of certain categories of workers.

5.1. Seasonal workers

5.2. Temporary workers

5.3. Part-time labor

5.4 Homeworkers

Option 4

Are emerging(After the rehabilitation of my grandfather, it became a tradition in the Ivanov family to visit the memorial on the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression)

Are being imposed(Decree of Peter the Great on the celebration of the New Year)

C4 according to the text

C5 The political elite is a privileged group that occupies leadership positions in power structures and is directly involved in making the most important decisions related to the use of power.

The political elite is a selected part of society that determines public policy.

There is a distinction between the highest political elite, which makes decisions that are significant for the state; middle, involved in the preparation and implementation of decisions; administrative, intended for executive activities, but in reality having a great influence on politics.

own F. Acquired a new computer

enjoy Now F. makes precise drawings on the computer

Dispose of During the holidays, F. allowed his friend to use it

In this case, the social environment acts as a determining factor in personality development.

ENVIRONMENT is the social, material, spiritual, natural conditions surrounding a person of his existence, formation and activity, as well as the totality of people connected by the commonality of these conditions.

Two additional factors

HERITANCE is the genetic program of biological characteristics that a child receives from his parents at birth.

EDUCATION is a purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating active work the formed personality to master the entirety of social experience.

Culture is the most important factor that organizes the spiritual life of people. The meaning of the concept “culture” is very broad and not always defined. It is understood as the state of society, its characteristics, and the totality of beliefs and technologies of the inhabitants of a certain area. Culture does not arise on its own, in a natural way, it always appears thanks to a person, it is a product of his activity.

Symbiosis of peoples

And it is very similar to relationships between people. They can be in hostile, antagonistic relationships (remember, for example, one culture can displace another (how much remains of the culture of the North American Indians?). They can mix into one whole (the interpenetration of the traditions of the Saxons and Normans led to the emergence of a new - English - culture) . However current state of the civilized world shows that the optimal form of interaction between cultures is dialogue.

Examples from the past

Dialogue of cultures, like dialogue between people, arises from mutual interest or urgent need. The young man liked the girl - and he asks where he could have seen her before, i.e. the young man begins a dialogue. No matter how much we like the boss, we are forced to conduct a business dialogue with him. An example of the interaction of cultures antagonistic to each other: even during the time of the Golden Horde, there was interpenetration and mutual enrichment of ancient Russian and Tatar cultures. Where was there to go? The spiritual and material life of a person is very heterogeneous and diverse, so it is not difficult to give a corresponding example. There are a lot of dialogues, their vectors and spheres: dialogue between Western culture and the East, Christianity and Islam, mass culture and the past and present.

Mutual enrichment

Just like a person, a culture cannot remain isolated or alone for a long time. Cultures strive for interpenetration, the result is a dialogue of cultures. Examples of this process are very clear in Japan. The culture of this was initially closed, but later it was enriched by the assimilation of the traditions and historical identity of China and India, and from the end of the 19th century it became open towards the West. A positive example of dialogues at the state level can be observed in Switzerland, where four official languages ​​are at the same time (German, French, Italian and Romansh), which contributes to the conflict-free coexistence of different peoples in one country. International film festivals, song contests (Eurovision) and beauty contests (Miss Universe), exhibitions of Oriental art in the West and Western art in the East, holding days of one state in another (Days of France in Russia), spreading the Japanese dish “sushi” around the world, Russia's adoption of elements of the Bologna model of education, the popularity of martial arts in Europe and the USA - this is also an endless example of dialogues of cultures.

Dialogue of cultures as an urgent need

Naturally, every culture strives to preserve its identity, and there are realities that different cultures will probably never accept. It is unlikely that a Muslim girl will dress like her European counterpart. And he is unlikely to be able to come to terms with polygamy. But there are many more things that you can agree with, or at least reconcile, tolerate. After all, a bad peace is still better than a good quarrel, and peace without dialogue is impossible. The example of dialogues, forced and voluntary, constructive and fruitless, is preserved by world history, reminding contemporaries that any conversation presupposes respect for the values ​​of another original nation, overcoming one’s own stereotypes, and a willingness to build bridges rather than destroy them. Constructive business dialogue between cultures is a necessary condition for the self-preservation of all humanity.


Answers are needed urgently(((((
Questions for examination in the course “Social Studies” 1st year, 1st semester
1. The concept of “society” in the broad and narrow senses. Functions of society.
2. Society as a dynamic self-developing system.
3. Subsystems of society (spheres of public life). Characteristics of people’s activities and relationships between people in these areas. Name the institutions (organizations) belonging to certain spheres of society.
4.What is nature? The relationship between society and nature. Give examples.
5.Society and culture. The difference is in these concepts.
6. Typology of society. Classification of typologies of society.
7. Traditional (pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial (information) societies. Give comparative characteristics the specified companies.
8. Formational approach to the study of society. The authors of this approach.
9.Civilizational approach to the study of society. The authors of this approach.
10.What is globalization? Causes of globalization. Directions of globalization. Consequences of the globalization process (positive, negative). Factors of the unity of modern humanity.
11.Global problems of humanity. Causes of global problems. Global Issues Groups. Ways (directions) to solve global problems. Social forecasts of the prospects of humanity.
12. Approaches to solving the question of human origins. Biologization, sociologization approaches. The main differences between humans and animals.
13. Sociogenesis Man as a biosocial being.
14. Morality as a regulator of social relations.
15.Science, its role in the development of society.
16. Religion as a form of social consciousness. World religions.
17. Education as a way of transmitting scientific knowledge.
18.. Scientific and technological progress, its consequences.
19. Cognition. Types of knowledge. Basic philosophical directions in the field of knowledge.
20. Mass and elite culture.
21.Spiritual culture, its main forms.
22. Education as a way of transmitting the cultural experience of society.
Problems of development of spiritual culture in modern Russia.
30. Art and spiritual life

A4. The difference between humans and animals is the presence

1) instinct of self-preservation
2) sense organs
3) caring for the offspring
4) ability to work
A5. What distinguishes play as a type of activity from work is
1) mandatory use of tools
2) the presence of an imaginary environment
3)implementation by a team of people
4) striving for a goal
A6. Are the judgments correct?
Man shapes
A. as the natural environment, as well as social relationships and interactions.
B.cultural environment.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect
Society as an integral dynamic system is studied by science
1) psychology
2) sociology
3) political science
4) cultural studies

The modern meaning of the term “culture” is very diverse and often vague. Suffice it to recall that culture today is understood not only as a state or characteristic of society and a person in general, but also as a very specific set of technologies, customs, traditions, way of life, statehood, etc.: “culture Ancient Rus'", "culture of the ancient world", "West" or " western culture", "East" or "culture of the East", etc. It is in this sense that they speak, for example, about many cultures, about comparison of cultures, about dialogue and interaction of cultures. In these situations, the term “culture” refers to a really existing culture created in a certain area...

This word (term) in everyday life refers to art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters, religion and many other very different things. We define as “cultural” or “uncultured” behavior of people; We use expressions such as “work culture”, “trade culture”, “production culture”, etc.

Cultural phenomena, by definition, arise only as results (traces) of human activity; they cannot appear in nature, in a “natural” way. These are, in particular, the same knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and all other abilities, characteristic features and habits acquired by man as a member of society; it is language, symbols and codes, ideas, taboos, rituals, ceremonies, social institutions, tools, technologies and all components associated with these phenomena...

Therefore, any manifestations of human activity that take place in a particular society, one way or another represent the culture of this society. If, even for the best and noblest reasons, some of them are arbitrarily removed (not included in the culture), then the picture of a historically specific (local) actual culture will be incomplete, and the system of interactions between the elements or components, aspects of this culture will be distorted. In other words, the culture of a concrete historical society appears even in crime, drug addiction and other quite odious events and processes. Fully deserving the label “anticulture,” such phenomena of social life nevertheless remain phenomena of the corresponding culture as a whole.

(D.A. Laletin)

Show answer

The answer should provide examples, for example:

1) acquaintance with the culture of another people, their mentality (museum experts from Scandinavian countries came to Moscow to visit museums, exhibitions, theaters to get acquainted with the spiritual achievements of the peoples of Russia);

2) interpersonal communication at the level of real and virtual informal contacts with representatives of other cultures, promoting understanding of each other, overcoming stereotypes, mutual enrichment through other cultural experiences (teenagers communicate with their peers from different countries through social networks on the Internet);

3) exchange of spiritual values ​​leading to development national cultures(conducting round tables by university students with representatives of national-cultural autonomies, preparing book exhibitions“Masterpieces of National Literatures”, etc.)

Other examples of any degree of specificity may be given.

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