Essay on the topic “Love of nature. Cultivating love for native nature in literature lessons Love for nature

Tamara Korolchenko
Formation of love for the Motherland through love for the nature of the native land

Love to motherland- this is one of the manifestations of patriotism. This complex feeling is made up of an emotionally positive attitude, a stable interest in nature and the desire to work in nature, transforming and protecting it. What attractive force lies in what surrounds us since childhood? Why, even after leaving native places for many years, a person remembers them with warmth and love, proudly talks about the beauty and wealth of his native land?

In this expression of deep love for everything what's with early years entered the heart as the most precious thing. My love for native places, knowledge of what he is famous for motherland, To nature of the native land adults pass it on to children. This is extremely important for nurturing the beginnings of patriotic feelings.

First ideas about home country that a child receives in kindergarten must include information about the nature of that area, that the edges, Where does he live. Any region is unique.

IN any its own special, unique place nature. Everywhere there is "special", paths dear to its inhabitants, "special" trees. In our Bogorodskoye, in my opinion, these are linden trees, old and huge, which still remain in the village, beautiful mountain ash trees along the road, and, of course, spruces at the monument to fallen soldiers, a pond near the church.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man became human only when he saw the beauty of the evening dawn and clouds floating in the blue sky, heard the nightingale singing and experienced admiration for the beauty of space. Since then, thought and beauty go hand in hand; but this ennobling requires great educational efforts..."

Each object nature, bright or modest, big or small, is attractive in its own way, and by describing it, the child learns to determine his attitude towards nature, convey it in stories, drawings.

Meetings with nature excite the child’s imagination, contribute to the development of speech, visual, and play creativity.

Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive. The more we learn nature of the native land, the more we begin to love him. A child enters the world very early nature of the native land. The river and forest gradually come to life for him. Playing in the forest, in a meadow, on the banks of a river or lake, picking mushrooms and berries, and observing animals and plants give children many joyful experiences. From the first general perception, the child moves on to specification - he has favorite paths in the forest, trees, a place for fishing by the river. This makes the forest, the river yours, relatives that remain in memory for a lifetime. A person keeps these memories all his life. From close attention to nature, from attachment to the place of children's games, arises and develops love for one's native land, To native nature , To Homeland, a sense of patriotism is fostered. So natural the environment acts as the first teacher introducing the child to Homeland. beauty native nature It also reveals the beauty of human labor and gives rise to the desire to make one’s land even more beautiful. Love for nature determined by a careful attitude towards it. In children preschool age this is expressed in basic care for plants and animals. Interest in nature appears already in early preschool age. The baby is surprised when he meets a new flower, an unfamiliar animal, the first one with her, running streams. His questions are the first shoots of a joyful feeling of knowledge nature, interest in it, and this needs to be strengthened and supported. Targeted walks are carried out with children aged 3-4 years. They are short-term, episodic. Gradually the boundaries of observations are expanding: kindergarten site, familiar street, river, field. The teacher not only imparts to children the first knowledge about nature, but also gives an example of estimates of observables phenomena: “This is a meadow, look how beautiful it is, how many different flowers there are here growing: and yellow and white pigeons..."

However, younger pupils are already introduced to the rules of caring for nature: plants need to be watered, flowers, leaves should not be picked unnecessarily,

Introduce older preschoolers to nature of the native land possible on excursions and walks, during classes and conversations, during observations. However, this is not enough: Children need a minimum of basic environmental knowledge to help them understand the need to behave environmentally Right: do not make noise in the forest, do not play loud music, do not light a fire close to trees, do not pick armfuls of flowers, do not offend insects and birds.

Great help in enriching the sensory ideas of preschoolers, in organizing their various meetings with nature can provide family. On Sunday parents with children they go to the forest, to a pond, you can ask them to collect natural material, identify medicinal plants, photograph something unusual. And then place these photographs and crafts at exhibitions. This is also practiced very often in our kindergarten.

Convey your attitude towards nature, a child can through landscape lyrics of Pushkin, Yesenin, Nekrasov, through making up stories from personal experience, in drawings, crafts.

The final stage of work to familiarize children with nature of the native land and nurturing love for the homeland are holidays and leisure evenings "Seasons", “I love Russian birch”, « Native nature» and etc.

It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and attachment to values native land. Native the edge is part of our homeland.

Every person needs to know native nature.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of moral and patriotic qualities of preschool children through familiarization with the history and culture of their native land The formation of moral and patriotic qualities in preschool children is a long and complex process. Therefore, educational work.

Relevance: For many centuries, man, directly or indirectly influencing nature, has changed its appearance. Following changes in living conditions.

Speech at the Moscow Educational Institution in MBDOU d/s No. 42 November 26, 2015. Theme of the Moscow Education: “Formation of the foundations of moral and patriotic education through love for.

Formation of cognitive activity by getting acquainted with the nature of the native land The feeling of love for the Motherland, native land is one of the strongest feelings. Will a person feel attached to native land, if moving away.

Consultation “Formation of ecological culture in the process of familiarizing older preschoolers with the nature of their native land” The development of the content of environmental education for preschoolers and its experimental testing convinced experts that nature.

Nature teaches us to understand beauty Based on one or more works of Russian literature

Landscape lyrics constitute the main wealth of A.A.’s lyrics. Feta. Fet knows how to see and hear an unusual amount in nature, to depict its innermost world, to convey his romantic admiration for meeting nature, and the philosophical thoughts born when contemplating its appearance. Fet is characterized by the amazing subtlety of a painter, the variety of experiences born from communication with nature. Fetov’s poetics is based on a special philosophy that expresses the visible and invisible connections between man and nature (the cycles “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Snow”, “Fortune-telling”, “Evenings and Nights”, “Sea”).

The lyrical hero Fet strives to merge with the beyond. Only life in the beyond gives him the opportunity to experience a state of absolute freedom. But nature leads man into this beyond. The happiest moment for him is the feeling of complete merging with nature:

Night flowers sleep all day long,

But as soon as the sun sets behind the grove,

The leaves are quietly opening,

And I hear my heart bloom.

The blossoming of the heart is a symbol of spiritual connection with nature (moreover, such a connection that occurs as an aesthetic experience). The more a person is captured by the aesthetic experience of nature, the further he moves away from reality.

There is no end to the appeals to nature in Fet’s lyrics:

Open your arms to me,

Densely leafy, spreading forest.

The lyrical hero wants to embrace the forest in order to “sigh sweetly.”

Themes of the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...”: nature, love. Date in the garden. Mysterious twilight. Verblessness. "Music of love". Fet depicts not so much objects and phenomena as shades, shadows, and vague emotions. Love and landscape lyrics merge into one whole. Key images Fet's lyrics - “rose” and “nightingale”. “Purple of the Rose” in the finale turns into a triumphant “dawn”. This is a symbol of the light of love, the sunrise of a new life - the highest expression of spiritual elation.

Dissolving in the natural world, plunging into its most mysterious depths, lyrical hero Feta gains the ability to see the beautiful soul of nature.

Valentina Vilchinskaya
Project “What Nature Teaches Us”


In the sayings of ancient and modern sages we often come across the advice: “Learn from nature.” What is meant? Maybe this is a poetic exaggeration? How can we learn from people, we can imagine without much difficulty, but how can we learn from nature? Can fresh mountain air filled with prana give us anything other than health and vitality? Walking among the trees, contemplating the flow of the river, observing the change of seasons, can we gain new knowledge? How and what can nature teach us?

From nature, man has learned everything he can; many ideas for transforming the surrounding reality, changing it, have been gleaned by man from nature itself. Man himself, as a part of nature, changes and transforms it.

During the preparation of the project, the child had the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity, which allowed him to expand his understanding of how to learn from nature. Independently summarize received ideas and draw conclusions.

The work has a defined goal: to find out what nature teaches us.

A hypothesis has been put forward: children, having gained knowledge about environmental phenomena and the behavior of animals, will treat them more carefully.

When working on the project, the following research methods were used:


Literature analysis.

Comparisons and observations.




Making booklets

Conclusion: From this work we can conclude that it is informative - research activities allows you to expand your understanding of the world around you, help children from an early age understand that they are part of nature, teaches you to generalize received ideas and draw conclusions.


What nature teaches us

The sun teaches us not to regret,

River - don't sit still,

The star is to burn, the earth is to search,

The expanse of heaven - to take off from the ground.

The rains teach us purity,

Flowers - love, sunset - a dream,

Resistance - sails,

Forgiveness - mother's eyes.

One day Valentina Mikhailovna read us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches kindness

And with all the enormity

Teaches modesty.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

We are trees of all species

All the great forest people,

Teaches strong friendship.

How can one learn from people, I can imagine without much difficulty, but how can one learn from nature? What can she teach us? I decided to find out what we can still learn from nature.

Purpose of the work: to find out what we can learn from nature.

The object of study was nature.

The subject of the study was natural phenomena and habits of animals.

To achieve this goal, I solved the following tasks:

1. Study of natural phenomena, life and habits of animals;

2. Mastering ideas and concepts about living and inanimate nature;

3. The ability to find an answer to exciting question using a variety of sources.

4. Developing an understanding of the relationships in nature and man’s place in it.

Description of work.

Hello. My name is Razumov Vladislav. I go to kindergarten"Berry" for the preparatory group.

One day Valentina Mikhailovna read us a poem by the poet Vladimir Natanovich Orlov: “What nature teaches us.” And I began to wonder what else we can learn from nature. I talked with the teacher, read encyclopedias with my mother, and looked for information on the Internet. And today I want to talk about what I learned. I hope you find it as interesting as I do.

There is a tree in front of us. It stands motionless.

It endures everything: wind and cold, rain and snow. They cut the branch, it says nothing. The tree is very patient by nature. You can learn patience from him.

What does a dog teach us? The dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly sensitive to the most varied emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here, who is the leader, who is the breadwinner, who will play and walk with it. And only after being oriented in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its own special relationship with each member of the team individually. Her tact and ability to establish contact with people depending on their individual characteristics and preferences is worth learning from.

When we see a dog, we see complete fidelity in the look. Why do people love dogs? Because they are loyal animals.

If you compare dogs and wolves, then wolves are unfaithful, although they look like dogs. When we look into the eyes of a wolf (for example, in a zoo), his gaze is intense, suspicious, he has no one he trusts. Although outwardly they are similar to a dog. Dogs are loyal, so they are close to a person. You can learn loyalty from a dog .

Pay attention to the cat. The cat knows what it wants and unerringly chooses what really suits it best. That is why many tend to consider her cold and selfish. But this is not true: a cat is a very sensitive animal, and its attachment to its owner, although not as obvious as that of a dog, makes it a loyal friend, ready to support and calm through gentle touches. She is relaxed all the time. This means that in life you need to learn to accept everything like a cat: to be relaxed and calm. The cat gives us a wonderful lesson on how to maintain a balance between your own interests and the needs of others. The cat is unobtrusive in communication, she carefully doses the signs of her love and decides for herself what to do.

Those who raise bees know how amazing this insect is, they know that the hive should not be placed too far from the flowers. She will simply wear out her wings and die on the road, and therefore the hives are placed closer so that the bees do not fly so far. So that you don’t get too tired, because the bees won’t take care of themselves. They will live until the last for this hive. A bee does not live for itself. You can learn collective thinking from a bee. Looking at the bees, we understand that in a team we need to do everything together.

By watching a spider weave a web, man learned to weave webs.

If a dolphin finds an injured dolphin, it helps it stay afloat. Dolphins teach us not to leave each other in trouble.

Elephants never abandon the elderly. Elephants teach to respect elders.

Some plants and mollusks told people how to make traps: mollusks close their shells, and plants close their valves when food gets into them.

Watching how a chameleon, taking careful aim, shoots its long sticky tongue at its prey, a man came up with a harpoon.

Claws, fangs and beaks - the hunting tools of animals - became an example for the manufacture of arrowheads and spears.

Snakes and scorpions kill their victims with poison - this tells a person how to use a poisoned weapon.

Even such a hunting technique as an ambush was suggested to people by animals. Observe the cat, how patiently she can sit, hiding and watching to see if the sparrows have lost their vigilance. Large cats - panthers, leopards, lynxes and jaguars - also watch for prey.

Wolves were special teachers of people. In their hunt, all roles are strictly distributed: some lie in ambush, others drive the prey. In such a hunt, intelligence is already required. Maybe that’s why ancient people especially revered smart, brave and strong animals: bears, wolves, tigers.

As I finish my speech, I want to talk about 4 more things that animals can teach us:

Feeding and caring for the health of our pet teaches us responsibility.

Animals either love us or they don't. I think animals are capable of love. And they teach us this.

Caring for an animal teaches us patience.

Try throwing a ball to your dog, or play with a rope with your cat and you will understand that you can get pleasure from little things.

I also realized that we must share difficulties among ourselves, help each other and stick together. Such a law of nature. And we must live by this law.


While working on my project, I learned that man has learned from nature since ancient times. Nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and new discoveries. Nature must be loved, protected and very carefully observed and studied. And the main thing is to learn from her all my life, and then many new discoveries await us.

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our lives. It is in the family that a child can receive the first knowledge of how to learn to love and take care of his native nature.

“Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to become so close to nature as to feel their own soul in it.”

We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants and animals, the sun is shining, spilling its golden rays around us. It seems to us that this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, and birds will sing. But this is not true. If we do not learn ourselves and do not teach our children to perceive ourselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our homeland.

From the first years of life, children develop the beginnings of an ecological culture. Watching a mother who carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty.

Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around them. Namely, that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own “home” in which they feel good and comfortable.

Pay attention to the beauty of nature in different time year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, and enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn’t this the greatest joy in a person’s life? This is the greatest gift that Mother Nature gives us.

In winter, draw children's attention to the beauty of trees. Admire the Russian birch tree, which is covered with frost. Explain clearly to your children that in winter the trees sleep and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze.”

Pay attention to the arrival of migratory birds. Explain to the children that birds have a hard time after a long winter and we can help them: build birdhouses and don’t forget to feed them.

The best summer vacation is a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children that in the forest you can see rare plants that are listed in the Red Book. These are lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. Under no circumstances should they be torn off. Admire their beauty and breathe in the aroma. Find medicinal plants with your children, name them, explain the benefits.

While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Animals not only eat some mushrooms, but also treat them. For example, fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come and he will need it for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife and not torn together with the stem. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Don't look into birds' nests - these are their homes. The bird may become frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will be left without maternal care and die.

Don't make noise in the forest. Don’t take tape recorders with you to nature; you can listen to them at home. And you don’t have to talk to each other throughout the forest: enjoy your communication with nature. The forest, animals, birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful to you for your care and attention.

We and nature are one big family. Teach children to see the beauty of their native nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards it. If a child treats everything that surrounds him with care, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you, the adults.

“Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature”

Message for Educators

“Nature teaches us to understand beauty.
Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature.”
K.G. Paustovsky

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our lives. “Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to become so close to nature as to feel their own soul in it.”

We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants and animals, the sun is shining, spilling its golden rays around us. It seems to us that this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, there will be

Flowers are blooming, birds are singing. But this is not true. Scientists are alarmed to notice that the animal and plant world on our planet is becoming poorer, rivers and seas are being polluted, and this leads to the death of all life in them. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on earth. People began to lack clean water because... rivers and lakes dry up due to deforestation, they are polluted with chemicals, industrial and household waste.

Each of us must protect the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Nature conservation is everyone’s sacred duty. Have a sacred attitude towards all living things. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower. Do not cut down trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Pick up trash after yourself on river banks and forest clearings. Avoid fires in the forest. Do not pollute forests, lakes and do not allow your friends to do this, do not poison or destroy fish. Don't destroy birds' nests, don't kill animals.If we do not learn ourselves and do not teach our children to perceive ourselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our Motherland.

A child can get his first knowledge of how to learn to love and protect his native nature in preschool childhood. From the first years of life, children develop the beginnings of an ecological culture. Watching a mother who carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty. Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around them. The singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the splash of water in a river, the rustle of grass, the color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the rustling of dry leaves, the creaking of snow underfoot - all this serves as material for the development of children's aesthetic sense and sensory perception. The ability to see and hear nature acquired in childhood arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interest. In the process of introducing children to nature, moral, physical and mental education is carried out. In the moral development of a child, a special place is occupied by instilling in him a love for his native nature and a caring attitude towards all living things.

The child should know that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own “home” in which they feel good and comfortable. It is necessary to pay attention to the beauty of nature at different times of the year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, and enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn’t this the greatest joy in a person’s life? This is the one

the greatest gift that Mother Nature gives us. In winter, draw children's attention to the beauty of trees. Admire the Russian birch tree, which is covered with frost. Read the poem by S. Yesenin:

Explain clearly to your children that in winter the trees sleep, and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze.”

Watch with your children how it snows. Note its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

The footprints are clearly visible in the freshly fallen snow. Invite your child to play the game “Pathfinders”. By the tracks in the snow you can determine who passed here, who went where, whose they are (humans, cats, dogs, birds).

In spring, nature wakes up. Rejoice with your children at the appearance of the first grass, the first leaf. Invite your child to play the game “Find the Signs of Spring.” (The sun is shining brighter, the sky is blue, the first flowers have appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to the arrival of migratory birds. Explain to the children that birds have a hard time after a long winter, and we can help them by building birdhouses and remembering to feed them.

The best summer vacation is a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children that in the forest you can see rare plants that are listed in the Red Book. These are lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. Under no circumstances should they be torn off. Admire their beauty and breathe in the aroma. Find medicinal plants with your children, name them, explain the benefits. While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Some mushrooms are not suitable for animals

They only feed, but also receive treatment. For example, fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come, and he will need it for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife and not torn together with the stem. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Don't look into birds' nests - these are their homes. The bird may become frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will be left without maternal care and die.

Of course, everyone understands that one should not destroy nests, anthills or dig holes.

Don't make noise in the forest. Don’t take tape recorders with you to nature; you can listen to them at home. And you don’t have to talk to each other throughout the forest: enjoy your communication with nature. The forest, animals, birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful to you for your care and attention. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, without harming all living things that surround them.

Don't leave trash at your vacation spots!

Ecological fairy tales help to protect and love nature. Inquisitive kids love to listen to them. They ask many questions, and it is necessary to find answers to them together.

By involving children in close communication with nature, in understanding its world, we, adults, contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy. These features inherent in early childhood, will firmly become part of a person’s character and become his basis.

We and nature are one big family. Let us teach children to see the beauty of their native nature, cultivate a caring attitude towards it, and the child will treat everything that surrounds him with care - and our upbringing will not be in vain. And then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.

Environmental education in literature lessons.

from the work experience of a teacher of Russian language and literature Svetlana Adamovna Agafonova

KSU "Comprehensive secondary school No. 4"

City of Shemonaikha.

“Love for one’s native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one’s country,” wrote K. Paustovsky.

Forming feelings for the Motherland and nurturing love for native nature as part of it is one of the important tasks of the school literature course. Nature evokes strong aesthetic and patriotic feelings in the soul of an artist. And this determines the lyrical pathos of the works that we convey to students.

Without any doubt, every teacher understands that environmental education in literature lessons is an integral part of moral and aesthetic education.

Spiritual and emotional underdevelopment, along with environmental ignorance, is one of the reasons for the indifferent and barbaric attitude towards nature.

In the literature program, the dominant place is occupied by works whose art world connected with what is eternal in our understanding of life: with the native land, the person on it, with the homeland, nature, people, spiritual memory, continuity and traditions - in other words, with spirituality as a person’s ability to comprehend life in all its manifestations, to self-knowledge, without which there is no loving, caring attitude towards nature. However, in the practice of our work, there is often insufficient attention to the problems of man’s connection with the natural world, “with our smaller brothers.” These problems have been and remain for writers of many generations the most pressing problems time.

Literature reflects and shapes the view of nature, primarily as a wonderful and elevating organization, as a universal human value. The rich world of nature, its harmony, beauty are revealed in the works of P. Bazhov, I. Turgenev, F. Tyutchev, K. Paustovsky, V. Astafiev and many other writers whose work is studied at school.

Literature, as it moves through time, increasingly intensifies its anxiety about the fate of man and the fate of the Earth on which we live. Artists of words help to bring students to an awareness of what this is connected with, to cause concern and anxiety for the state of nature. If in the works of writers of the 19th century we see the unbroken harmony of man and nature, acting as a single whole, then already in the works of Prishvin alarming notes appear, they intensify in the works of Soloukhin, who calls not for dependency, but for cooperation with nature, and reaches an aggravated ringing heights in “The King Fish” by V. Astafiev, in the stunning work of Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold”, the main idea which is that the death of nature due to human intervention leads to the death of man himself; a person who destroys nature destroys, first of all, himself.

Artistic image The world created in literature reproduces such relationships when man and nature seem to look at each other and reveal their innermost meaning in dialogue. Nature in a work of art helps to better understand state of mind, inner world hero. It is enough to recall now the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Sholokhov and many others.

By drawing various relationships between man and nature, works of art allow the student to identify the nature of his relationships with the world, to realize that a person’s relationship to nature reveals his moral and social essence.

In literature, the image of the Motherland is certainly associated with the image of the native land. Each nation has its own type of consciousness, its own poetic views of nature. These images form the soul of every nation.

You cannot love your Motherland without living in one soul with the life of your beloved birch tree. You cannot love the whole world without having a homeland. What we sometimes take as pure poetry of nature, landscape sketches, turns out to be a special manifestation of citizenship and patriotism, without which it is impossible to respect nature, human activity in protecting it, preserving and increasing its wealth.

When solving the problem of instilling a caring attitude towards nature in the classroom, we must not forget about the specifics of the impact artistic word for a student reader. For this effect to take place it is necessary:

*Constantly evoke a strong, vivid emotion in response to the offer art material- this is the emotional word of the teacher, expressive reading by the teacher or students, addressing them with journalistically pointed questions.

An example of a teacher’s deep personal appeal to each student can be a word designed for a sincere response, for example, when reading V. Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera.” “If the Earth is a territory and nothing more, then the attitude towards it is appropriate. The land, the native land, the Motherland is liberated, the territory is captured. The owner is on the earth, on the territory - a conqueror, conqueror. So who is this earth-nurse-earth, earth-earth, Motherland, the whole Earth? Or territory. Who are we on this earth - masters or temporary aliens: we came, we stayed, we don’t need the past, we don’t have a future? We took everything we could, and then there was a flood?”

*Recreation in the students’ imagination of visual and auditory images of nature, revealing its beauty, grandeur, value, and influence on the inner world of man. The solution to this problem is the type of questions and tasks that allows the reader to experience the “effect of presence”:

How we see the world in the work (nature, forest, land, lake...)

So, together with the writer, we mentally walked through the forest and lake. What and why did we see and hear? (For example, when getting acquainted with the work of M. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun”, 5th grade.)

Retell the description of nature, preserving the author's epithets and comparisons.

How does the picture of nature change during the day?

How is morning born?

What do these indicate? art paintings?

Also important are tasks that ask you to convey your perception of nature (its sounds, colors, movements) and feelings evoked by artistic and real pictures of nature (love, admiration, joy, sadness, anxiety, pain).

*Realize the impact on a person’s inner world. Tasks to comprehend statements help with this. literary heroes, for example, the hero of one of V. Rasputin’s stories, who admires the beauty of the evening by the river: “Why do we spend so much time worrying about our daily bread and so rarely raise our eyes around us and stop in surprise and alarm: why I didn’t understand before, that it is precisely in such moments that beauty and kindness are born and filled human soul

Students are asked to convey their attitude to this statement, tell whether they have experienced such moments, and think about what it says.

*Because piece of art- is a reflection of life through the prism author's attitude to it, it is necessary to direct students to assess the environmental situation that formed the basis of the work, to evaluate it by the author, to compare the writer’s positions in his attitude to nature with his own, the reader’s.

To understand the position of writers and their attitude towards it, it is important to pose these types of questions to students:

How does the artist appear to you from his statements and works about nature? What are you concerned about? What does it stand for? Why are we irreconcilable? Which writer's views are closest to you?

What beliefs of his could you say that these are your beliefs?

*To transfer “to yourself” the situations described in the works, actions, deeds, thoughts, feelings of the characters associated with the perception of nature and attitude towards it. This leads to a deeply personal experience and comprehension of what you read. For example, tasks of this type are appropriate here:

The writer K. Paustovsky called the region dear to his heart an ordinary land.

Do you agree with him?

Do we love our land? How is it shown?

What poetic images of your native land, native nature are closest to you and why?

IN Lately environmental anxiety takes on a special social resonance in our literature. Our concern for this problem will help us raise active environmentalists.

Such works as “Pantry of the Sun” and “Everything in a Melting Haze” do not leave you indifferent. “Here you need to look closely” - this is the motto of the joint work of the teacher and students.

Tell us about the corners of your small Motherland that are dearest to your heart?

When you leave and think about your hometown, what is the first thing you remember?

Name the places in the area or city where you like to visit? What do you know about these places? What colors would you use to depict the evening dawn or the setting sun?

All this work leads to the conclusion: to look closely at nature and see “charm” in its inconspicuousness and shyness - this means acquiring such vigilance of the soul and heart, which will then allow you to truly look at yourself, at people, at life, and understand its meaning .

This is confirmed by the essays that our students write after getting acquainted with works that take them into the world of their native nature. These works are the result of the enormous influence that works have on the formation of the best principles in a person.

6th grade student Kirill R. writes an essay “In the apiary”

Work is life.

One summer, my uncle came to us and invited me to the apiary. He is a beekeeper.

I really enjoyed it at the apiary. It is located in a ravine. There are many trees growing around the apiary, and the stream is babbling merrily. The cheerful singing of birds and the chirping of magpies can be heard throughout the green foliage of the trees all day long. For several days I lived in the apiary and helped my uncle. The work is very interesting, but difficult. Bees interested me because of their hard work. From sunrise to sunset, their work is in full swing. The life of a bee is very short: after ten flights it dies from overwork.

I learned a lot of interesting things about the life of bees from my uncle this summer. But the work of a beekeeper is similar to the life of bees. He also gets up with the first rays of the sun and finishes work late in the evening.

Watching bees, ants, birds, adults, I came to the conclusion that work is the meaning of everything on earth, work is life.

M. Prishvin’s work “Pantry of the Sun” is of great importance in instilling a caring attitude towards nature. Prishvin looks at nature not through the eyes of a random traveler, but with the kind gaze of a zealous worker to whom the forest gave warmth, food, and life in the difficult post-war years. When getting acquainted with the work, we especially emphasize the idea that nature is a public property, a source of beauty and moral health. As the class works on the work, I strive for this idea to become dear to them too.

Here is an appeal to Antipych asking where the truth is. But Antipych answers:

No, I can’t say while I’m alive, you look for it yourself.

Are put problematic issues:

What is Antipych's truth? Why should everyone seek the truth themselves?

These questions and tasks give meaning to the entire work on the fairy tale, determine the role and purpose of each fact and episode in the work.

Fifth graders find the answer to the first question in the work itself: “This truth is the truth of the eternal harsh struggle for love.” The teacher explains these words to the students and helps them answer the last question: a person throughout his life comprehends the truth in a harsh struggle for love for people, for the world around him, for nature; everyone comes to this truth only through their own experience, specific deeds and actions.

Can we assume that Antipych himself deeply knew this truth? What did Travka understand that people didn’t seem to understand? This question is very important: why is Antipych’s truth the truth of a harsh struggle? Fighting what against what?

The answer to it helps the guys contrast the most important qualities that determine people’s actions: on the one hand, love for them, on the other hand, selfishness.

To feel the unity of nature and man, the indivisibility of the entire living world, the inextricable close connection of everything that exists on earth, a serious conversation is needed.

Can pine trees, spruce trees, and the wind resemble living beings?

Why do we sympathize with crippled trees?

Prove that Prishvin’s feelings for nature are warmed by living participation, that for him it has living soul?

Is the title of the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” justified?

How many years will peat last for a large factory? What about the forests? Yagodnikov? Animals and birds, if not protected and replenished?

Our goal is achieved if the guys understand that for a wise person, a prudent owner who takes from nature in moderation, wisely, giving it his strength, showing care for it, nature is a friend, an ally. If a person only takes, he will destroy first nature, and then himself.

By showing the relationship between man and nature, we reveal the “truth” of man through nature.

Why is the “Pantry of the Sun” open?

Listening to the students’ reasoning, I draw their attention to the idea that those who know and love it, who truly know how to work, can take advantage of the wealth and treasure of nature. In this regard, we are talking about Nastya and Mitrash.

We emphasize children’s hard work, love for all living things, sensitive attitude to nature, closeness to it, and their selflessness. Nastya gave the sick children a healing berry, collected with great danger and labor, which she and Mitrasha also needed.

Reflecting with students on the title of the fairy tale, we talk about the role of the sun in the life of nature and man, as an inexhaustible source of heat, under the beneficial influence of which life develops, the world becomes kinder, comes to life, and is filled with colors and light.

Show how nature carefully stores and uses the solar heat given off during the day.

Students read how, on a large black stump that kept the warmth of the sun, “six small lizards crawled out of the swamp and fell into the warmth,” and “four lemongrass butterflies, folding their wings, fell with their antennae,” and large black flies flew in to spend the night.”

In conclusion, we read Prishvin’s words about the role of the sun in the life of nature: “... the hot sun was the mother of every blade of grass, every flower, every marsh bush and berry. The sun gave warmth to all of them.”

Don’t you find the truth of Antipych in the sun or, conversely, the truth of the sun in Antipych?

Summarizing our observations, we note that the truth of the sun is the same truth of Antipych. Its essence is the same: love, goodness, warmth and light transform life, and hatred, evil, and cold darken and oppress it. Just as the sun unselfishly gives warmth to all living things, so Antipych gives goodness to the forest, people, and Grass.

To master Antipych's truth means to be imbued with love for the surrounding nature, to merge with it, to achieve true human beauty.

During their joint work, fifth-graders became convinced that the wealth of nature and its beauty must be protected and preserved, since, according to Prishvin, “to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.”

Both when reading the works of classical writers, and when reading the works modern writers There is a big conversation about nature, about caring for it, a part of our life, and eternal problems of good and evil are being solved.

Offered for independent reading are works that will make you see a lot, understand a lot in the life of nature, and seriously think about your participation in its fate. Teenagers show particular interest in works in which man’s four-legged friend, the dog, appears. This is “White Bim” Black ear"by Troepolsky, "The Tsar Fish" by Astafiev, "Descendant of Jim" by Abramov, stories by Bianchi and others.

In high school, students read independently and taught lessons on works based on the theme of defense environment(this is Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, “Live and Remember”, Vasiliev “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, Aitmatov “White Steamer”, “The Scaffold” and others). After discussing what they read, they wrote an essay. For example, an essay was proposed - a miniature “Man and Nature.” Here is one of them.

« Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote more than a hundred years ago. But the nature in Tolstoy’s time and even much later, when our grandparents were children, surrounded people completely different from the one among which we live now. Rivers then calmly carried their clear water into the seas and oceans, the forests were so dense that fairy tales were entangled in their branches, and in the blue sky, nothing except bird songs disturbed the silence.

And quite recently we realized that all this: clean rivers and lakes, wild forests, unplowed steppes, animals and birds is becoming less and less. The crazy twenty-first century has brought humanity, along with a stream of discoveries, many problems.

Among them, environmental protection is very, very important. Individual people busy with their work notice how nature is becoming poorer, how difficult it was once to guess that the Earth was round. those who are constantly connected with nature, people who observe and study - scientists, writers, nature reserve workers, many others, and recently astronauts have discovered that the nature of our planet is quickly becoming scarcer. And people on earth began to talk, write, make films about it, and began to think and worry.

Many literary artists have written and continue to write about nature. As children, we read Aksakov, Bianchi, Paustovsky and many other writers who reflected nature, its flora and fauna in their works.

B. Vasiliev, V. Rasputin, Ch. Aitmatov write with emotional pain about the relationship between man and nature. They manage to deeper reveal the moral suffering of the heroes through images of nature.

Nothing can replace living, changeable nature for us, which means it’s time to come to our senses, in a new way, much more thriftily, more caringly than before, to treat it, because we ourselves are also a part of it, despite the fact that we have fenced ourselves off from it with the stone walls of cities. And if nature is bad, it will certainly be bad for us too.”

All of our current pain for our land, for the destruction of grass and wildlife, is heard in these works and there is a call to come to our senses, to preserve our planet Earth, to leave it for posterity.

The theme of war and ecology sounds and will not cease to sound in our literature as long as it exists. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is precisely such works that are read with interest by the younger generation, causing so much thought, shaping the best, human.

The essay “Love for the Motherland” provides for the consideration of love at different levels: love for the place in which a person was born, for nature and for loved ones. All theses are supported by arguments from the poems of N. Rubtsov (“My Quiet Motherland”), S. A. Yesenin (“Go away, my dear Rus'”) and M. Nozhkin (“My clear-eyed Motherland”).

Love for native lands

Love for the Motherland in the broad sense of the word begins with love for one’s own home, with love for one’s small homeland. A person treats with care and reverence the place where he was born and where he spent his very first years of life. It was here that he said his first word, took his first step and went to school, which is one of the most important life institutions for a person.

Thus, N. Rubtsov in his poem “My Quiet Motherland” showed that for him, love for the Motherland lies in the place where he swam for fish, where he went to swim, where he went to school. Small Motherland means a lot to the poet. He speaks with trepidation about the place in which he was born.

Love for nature

Love for the Motherland also includes love for nature. A person learns to appreciate nature and treat it with care from his very birth, that is, in his homeland. Love for trees, birds and animals - all this applies to love for the Motherland. Nature becomes the personification of love for the Motherland, and vice versa.

For example, for S. A. Yesenin, love for the Motherland was manifested in the description of his native places and nature. This is Rus' with its fields, poplars and the gentle Savior. In the poem “Go you, my dear Rus'” great poet showed what love for the Motherland is:

If the holy army shouts:

“Throw away Rus', live in paradise!”

I will say: “There is no need for heaven,

Give me my homeland."

These words have become aphoristic, with the help of them many people express their love for the Motherland.

Love for loved ones and relatives

The homeland is not only the place in which a person was born, but also those people who surrounded him from birth. Mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents - all these people belong to the concept of the Motherland. These are all those who appeared in our lives in order to teach and educate. It is with these people that all childhood memories are connected, which are the basis for love for the Motherland.

The Soviet poet M. Nozhkin, in the poem “My Motherland, Clear-Eyed,” compares love for the Motherland with love for one’s own mother. This connection is so great and inextricable.

This article, which will help you write an essay on the topic “Love for the Motherland,” will consider the manifestation of love for one’s native land, nature and loved ones, and will also illustrate love for the Motherland with arguments from literature.

The most popular January materials for 9th grade.

Love for the Motherland is love for the native land

Homeland is home. The house where you were born, where you grew up, from which you run to school every morning and where you return. A house in which it is easy and joyful to live. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hut in the taiga, a sixteen-story giant on the bank of a big river, or a yurt in the distant tundra...

The homeland is your home, the land on which your family lived and lives. This is our native land, its nature. Everything that is deeply etched into the memory for a lifetime and is stored in the soul as the most intimate.

The homeland is often associated with a town that is dear and dear to the heart. Memories of its streets and courtyards immerse you in a carefree childhood. This is a time of dreams and fantasies, which is associated with a feeling of absolute happiness.

Homeland can be anything: a house, a street, a village, a city, a country. However, this is not only geographical position, but a broader concept. It is not limited to your own home or a certain territory. These are the people, native language, traditions, culture, nature of the native land... Everything that we imagine when we say the word “Fatherland”. In any corner of the Motherland it is easy to breathe and live joyfully - for those who consider this corner their native land.

What is love for the Motherland in my understanding?

In my opinion, loving your native land means treating it with reverence and respect. Every person should not only love their Motherland, honor its history and culture, but also be ready to protect it from enemies.

The future is very uncertain. The possibility of a military conflict cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the sacred duty of every conscientious citizen is to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland and prevent the enemy from enslaving his people. This is the true essence of patriotism - to be a faithful son of your country, your Fatherland.

Where does love for one's native land begin?

I believe that the origins of love for one’s native land stem from admiring its picturesque landscapes and views dear to the heart. If a person does not notice the beauty of his native land and is not proud of its nature, he is not able to love his Motherland - his country. I am convinced of this.

Love for the Motherland is pure and selfless. It does not imply any conventions and is akin to love for a mother, for one’s family. We don’t choose our parents, but we consider them the best, the most dear people worldwide.

Every citizen is obliged to know and respect his country. After all, this is a symbol of the independence of the state, its identity. Even those people who, for various reasons, are forced to communicate daily foreign language, should still be fluent in their native language and not forget it. It is also important to know the history and culture of your country.

Homeland is the place where we were born and spent our best childhood years. Each person has one homeland, like a family, therefore its customs, traditions and holidays are revered and observed. Love your native land!