The whole truth about Elena Malysheva. Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Biography and personal life of Elena Malysheva

Personal life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva - today

Find out everything about Elena Malysheva now: Name: Elena Malysheva Date of birth: March 13, 1961 Zodiac sign: Pisces Place of birth: Kemerovo Profession: Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor. TV presenter. Director and presenter of television programs "Health" (since 1997) and “Life is great!” (since 2010) broadcast on Channel One and Radio Russia. Professor at Moscow State Medical and Dental University.
What is Elena Malysheva's height and weight?
Weight: 63 kg Height: 168 cm
What are the parameters of Elena Malysheva’s figure?

Today Elena Malysheva is a successful TV presenter and an independent creative personality.. Currently he is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 1992, she began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo). In 1993, she was the author and presenter of the “Lazaret” program (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”). In 1994, she began working as an author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” within the framework of the “Business Russia” (RTR) channel. In the same year I took a training course European Center health and environment in the USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course. After the revival of the “Health” program on ORT in 1997, Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia. In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: new strategy management inflammatory process" Since 2007 - member of the Academy of Russian Television. Since August 16, 2010, he has been hosting the program “Live Healthy!” on the First Television Channel, which is broadcast on weekday mornings. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. Since 2012, she has been actively promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet.

In the photo Elena Malysheva with her husband and children -

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Yurievich Malyshev, Professor of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in molecular biology, head of the laboratory dealing with the topic “Reprogramming of macrophages as a new strategy for managing the immune response in various diseases.” The marriage produced two sons - Yuri and Vasily.


Born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo in a family of doctors. Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin, mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors (sister is a neurologist, brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the S.P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital). She graduated from secondary school No. 19 in Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In 1984 she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 1987, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.” After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute.

Malysheva's awards
Order of Friendship (2006)
Medal "For Merit to Domestic Healthcare"
Badge "Excellence in Healthcare"

Wedding of Elena Malysheva's son

In one of her programs, the TV presenter shared with the audience the good news that she had married her eldest son. Wedding of Elena Malysheva's son took place last year and became a joyful event in the life of her family. She decided not to skimp and celebrate the celebration widely, inviting her relatives, friends and co-hosts to it - Dmitry Shubin, Andrey Prodeus, German Gandelman. True, the wedding itself took place a month earlier, and they celebrated it in a close family circle.

In the photo - the wedding of Elena Malysheva’s son

Elena Malysheva's son Yuri married a girl from the estate Karina, with whom immediately after the wedding he flew to America to spend his honeymoon there. A year after the wedding of Elena Malysheva’s son, she shared with her friends and viewers of the program another good news that she had become a grandmother. The TV presenter spoke about this a month after the birth of her grandson, in whose honor she decided to create a new section in her program, “I am a grandmother!” - in it she is going to talk about the development of babies.

Elena Malysheva’s eldest son, who made her a grandmother, is also a doctor and works together with Elena Vasilievna on television. He is the creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!” and he was the author of the themes of the skits that caused a lot of noise.

In the photo - Elena Vasilievna with her sons

In addition, Yuri himself acted as one of the artists who performed a song about testicles, which plunged the audience into an indescribable shock. Elena Vasilyevna happily picks up all her son’s creative ideas and implements them in her programs, and then they become topics for discussion.

Elena Malysheva began hosting programs on medical topics back in 1992, and her first program was broadcast on Kemerovo television and was called “Recipe.” A year later, she became the head of the “Lazaret” program on Channel Five and the Northern Crown TV Channel. Two years later, Elena Vasilievna was already running the column “Did you call the doctor?” on RTR.


Elena Malysheva and circumcision

On January 27, 2011, in his program “Live Healthy!” Elena Malysheva showed how a man is circumcised and why it is needed. Moreover, she imitated the process of circumcision of a woman’s foreskin by cutting off the collar of her turtleneck. This broadcast caused a great public outcry. In one of the episodes of the TV show “ProjectorParisHilton,” presenter Ivan Urgant and his comrades staged a parody of the circumcision process.

Elena Malysheva on Yandex

Russian teacher

Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor. Wikipedia

TV presenter Elena Malysheva: personal life, photos, husband, children

Married to: Igor Yurievich Malyshev

Parents: Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova, Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin

Children: Vasily, Yuri

View free photo biography and personal life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva website. Everything about Elena Malysheva is available on mobile phones online.

Private life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva (Malysheva Elena ) - today

Source of photo biography and personal life of Elena Malysheva:

In 2010, a new program “Live Healthy” appeared on Channel One. The hosts of the program are Elena Malysheva and a company of intelligent men who encourage the country's population to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - eat right, follow a daily routine and exercise. Guests of the program can be examined with modern equipment right in the studio and receive recommendations from highly qualified specialists. TV viewers also liked the advice of professionals. So who are they, the main characters of the program that teaches us on TV, great?

Program presenters: biography of Elena Malysheva and her colleagues

Regular viewers of Channel One have long been familiar with this charming lady from the “Health” program. Elena Malysheva is a general practitioner, winner of numerous awards for her many years of service in the area of ​​healthcare. Elena combines her work on television with her service at the Russian Medical University. It was Malysheva who initiated the annual “Vocation” award for services in the field of medicine.

The presenter of programs about health was born in the city of Kemerovo, where she graduated from school and medical institute with honors. Already in 1992, Elena began producing her first medical programs on Kemerovo television. Further education and Malysheva decided to continue her career in Moscow, but she still had to return to her hometown for various family reasons. Elena gained fame in 1997, when the first episode of the “Health” program was released. Today, the presenter is the author of many projects, her contribution to the development of television and radio broadcasting and healthcare does not go unnoticed - Malysheva is regularly awarded state awards. Elena and her husband managed to raise two sons, and not so long ago they had their first grandson.

Andrey Prodeus

Elena Malysheva invited her old friend, Andrei Petrovich Prodeus, to host the “It’s Healthy to Live” program. A well-known pediatrician, immunologist and allergist, Andrei Petrovich once acted as a reviewer for Malysheva when she defended her doctoral dissertation.

Andrei Prodeus dreamed of medicine since childhood; his example was his own father, who worked as a pediatric surgeon. Prodeus himself wanted to help children, and his dream came true. Today he heads the department of elective pediatrics at the Pirogov Medical University, and also heads the allergy center. Andrey Petrovich is married and has two sons. The eldest did not follow in his father’s footsteps and became an economist, but the younger one has not yet decided on a profession.

At the moment when Elena Matysheva called her colleague on the show, Andrei Prodeus was not really taking care of his own health. His weight by the time filming began exceeded 100 kg. But the hosts of the “Live Healthy” program must set an example of a healthy lifestyle with their appearance, so the doctor had to urgently lose 20 kg.

Herman Gandelman

German Shaevich once studied with Elena Malysheva in Kemerovo, so he got into the leading program “It’s healthy to live,” so to speak, “by acquaintance.” Gandelman never dreamed of becoming a doctor; he was attracted to a completely different specialty. But he was late for the entrance exams at the Institute of Physics and Technology due to volleyball competitions. This is how the world got a brilliant cardiologist. Today German Shaevich works in a clinic in Israel, he has hundreds of heart surgeries and saved many lives.

Dmitry Shubin

Dmitry Shubin is a practicing manuologist and neurologist. He also received his education at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. But Elena Malysheva invited him to host the “It’s Healthy to Live” program after she got to the Federal Center manual therapy. There she turned out to be a patient of Shubin, whom she was previously unfamiliar with. The doctors became friends, and since then they have been one team. Shubin still works at the manual therapy center today, often seeing about 40 patients a day.

  • In the first issues, Malysheva’s colleagues ran the column “About Love,” where they often argued about the superiority of one sex over the other.
  • In one of the episodes of the TV magazine “Yeralash”, the hero of the series, Petya, is asked to turn off the iron by Elena Malysheva directly from the filming of the program “Live Healthy”.
  • Each of the presenters at the end of the next episode utters a short but practical comment about health.
  • Communication manner and appearance Elena Malysheva and her colleagues often become the object of parodies and caricatures.
  • Thanks to the transfer, at least 9 people from the studio receive professional examination and treatment under the guidance of high-class specialists.
  • In their recommendations, presenters always focus on categories of citizens of any age, gender and income.

So, we found out who runs the “Live Healthy” program. Being professionals in their field, these people can really judge how to live healthy and be healthy.

The famous TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva has been working on television for a long time, on Channel One. Through simple explanations and television programs, she conveys important health information to citizens. Few people know, but Elena Malysheva is not just a television worker, but also a doctor with higher education and a degree in cardiology.

Yes, undoubtedly, some programs with her participation cause mixed reactions, but in general, the viewer loves her. There are videos that have become Internet memes and are often discussed by the public. Elena Malysheva promotes a healthy lifestyle, which is definitely worthy of praise.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

The popular TV presenter looks quite young, and this prompts us to think about the question of her height, weight, age, how old is Elena Malysheva. She recently turned 56 years old, her height is 168 cm, and the famous TV presenter weighs 63 kg. According to Malysheva herself, she constantly has to struggle with excess weight, although it is not easy.

Having a passion for flour, you have to constantly limit yourself, and, having relaxed, take your will back into your fist. Of course, Elena Malysheva does not have bad habits, like most of her compatriots. The craving for smoking or alcohol is alien to her. For a while, Malysheva even went in for sports at home, but due to her dislike for physical activity, she stopped. The TV presenter understands perfectly well that physical exercise are important for health, but he can’t suppress his laziness.

Today Elena Malysheva looks good, the fact that she adheres to proper nutrition has its effect, and therefore she clearly looks younger than her peers.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The future celebrity was born in Siberia. Malysheva’s parents also healed. Elena's maiden name is Shabunina. Elena has a twin brother and an older sister. Medicine attracted all family members. Three children decided to follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Malysheva first studied at school, and excelled, and then she entered and studied just as well at a medical school. In the mid-80s, Elena Malysheva already received a degree in cardiology.

Malysheva was a general practitioner and also assisted at the Department of Internal Medicine.

The biography of Elena Malysheva, as a famous doctor and TV presenter, began in 1992. Then, Malysheva participated for the first time on a television show. It was a local TV channel. The idea of ​​Elena Malysheva’s participation in the filming of the TV show was submitted by good friend Herman Gandelman.

A few years later, Malysheva is invited to another TV channel, where she becomes the TV presenter of the “Lazaret” program. The next step on the path to fame was working on RTR as a leading medical program, which was broadcast every day. Despite her education, Elena Malysheva strived for more and developed in the field of medicine. In parallel with filming, she managed to take courses in the States. By the way, anyone could not attend these courses, but only by invitation.

Since 1997, Malysheva has hosted the TV show “Health.” This is where great popularity awaited her. Soon, Malysheva took over the post of not just a presenter, but also the director and author of a television show.

7 years later, Elena Malysheva received her Doctor of Science. It is worth noting that she not only worked on television, but also constantly studied, gaining more and more knowledge and skills in the field of medicine. Malysheva perfectly combined work and study, as evidenced by her achievements not only in education, but also in the field of television. This is evidenced by Elena Malysheva’s membership in the Academy of Russian Television.

Three years later (2010), Elena Malysheva began filming “Life is Great!”, without leaving her previous program. It was broadcast on the most watched Russian channels on weekdays.

Not everyone is delighted with Malysheva; some even consider her and her colleagues on the TV show to be uneducated and funny. Someone, on the contrary, is her fan. The thing is that Elena Malysheva, like any other doctor, can discuss the most sensitive topics that are usually not made public without shame. TV viewers federal channels sometimes they are horrified when gases or potency become a topic of discussion. It often happens that the presenters themselves, including Malyshev, play funny scenes and ridiculous situations. Although, most likely, this is done precisely in order to defuse the situation and relax the people who came to talk about a delicate problem.

It is possible that this behavior on health programs is designed to attract more attention and create resonance. As you know, the non-standard attracts and attracts people.

Elena Malysheva about monastery tea:

Naturally, Elena Malysheva’s career is viewed from different angles. The network often laughs and discusses the TV presenter, invites her to talk shows, asks ridiculous questions, and also awards her the “Silver Galosh.” This is a kind of integral part of the style and image of Elena Malysheva. She is not only a serious and educated woman, a physician, but also a person who can talk on any topic without embarrassment or offense.

As for the usefulness of the TV show and Malysheva’s advice, there are also some contradictions here. There are a lot of people, and even Malysheva’s colleagues, who recognize her advice, admire her and gain experience. But there are also those whose opinion is the opposite. Part of the audience watching the program “Live Healthy!” frankly speaking, she considers her advice not only stupid, but also dangerous to health.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva’s personal life is not replete with a series of affairs, divorces and other things, like other domestic celebrities. The TV presenter got married only once, and is still married to this day. Malysheva’s chosen one is Igor Malyshev. He is engaged in molecular biology and has a doctoral dissertation behind him.

According to the TV presenter, her husband rarely watches a TV show with her participation, and if he does, he doesn’t bother with tips and corrections. Igor and Elena Malyshev work at the same medical institute. There is no gossip about Elena Malysheva’s personal life, because there is nothing to gossip about. Elena and Igor Malyshev have two sons with a small age difference.

Family of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva’s family consists of her sons, Yuri and Vasily, as well as her husband. It is known that the TV presenter has a twin brother, Alexey, who works in the surgical department and is also the head of this hospital. Elena Malysheva’s sister, Marina, works as a neurologist in Tuapse, while at the same time heading a branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

The eldest son Yuri followed in his mother’s footsteps and received a medical education. Currently he holds the position of creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”. The youngest son is engaged in law.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are sons Yuri and Vasily. Three years ago he tied the knot with a girl, Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. In 2015, Yuri and Karina had a boy, Igor. This is the first and so far only grandson of Elena Malysheva. Malysheva admits that she gets along with her daughter-in-law, she likes Karina’s character, her thriftiness, and decency.

But, unfortunately, as always happens, his son already has his own family, and each family has its own ways and customs. Because of this, Malysheva tries not to interfere with advice, so as not to escalate the situation. Elena’s husband was very happy with his grandson, he constantly loves to babysit him, change his clothes, without experiencing any hassle.

The eldest son of Elena Malysheva is Yuri. Wedding of a young couple

The eldest son of Elena Malysheva is Yuri Malyshev. The guy followed family tradition and received a higher medical education. Currently working with his mother on television. Today he is happily married and raising a wonderful son (Malysheva’s grandson) Igor.

It is known that Malysheva’s children mainly live in the United States of America. Malysheva’s husband adores his grandson and pays him a lot of attention. According to Malysheva, the husband is so passionate about raising his grandson that he doesn’t notice anything around him. The son of Yuri Malyshev is a real joy for happy grandparents.

The couple had a great wedding. Elena Malysheva (eldest son’s wedding) photo below:

Son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

The youngest son of Elena Malysheva is Vasily Malyshev. There are few introductions about him on the Internet, only that he is a lawyer by profession, and is also single and lives in the States. Vasily loves his mother and tries in every possible way to support her, even when he is far from her.

Malysheva’s older brother Yuri plays a big part in Malysheva’s life. He works with his mother on television. Many people gossip that it was he who began to insist on jokes and nonsense for broadcasting television programs.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

The famous TV presenter praises and presents her husband in every possible way. He's perfect for her. In short, Elena Malysheva’s husband, Igor Malyshev, is a very calm and balanced person. He also chose to become a doctor. The views of the spouses agree on many things.

Minor disagreements arose only when raising sons. Igor supports his wife in everything. He rarely watches TV shows with his wife. As you know, Elena and Igor Malyshev live in perfect harmony, without quarrels or scandals. A dream, not a family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

Elena Malysheva’s diet at home is also very popular. The menu for the week is designed in such a way that you don’t have to starve or come up with sophisticated recipes. With the help of such a diet, many have lost excess weight and still do not gain it back.

The list of products for the diet will not cost a pretty penny, as is the case with other diets. Elena Malysheva insists that fried foods release harmful substances that prevent the body from cleansing itself of toxins and excess fats. There is a lot of material on the Internet that describes in detail the list of products and a complete list of dishes.

The popular Elena Malysheva, although she leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right, follows all the advice, as a doctor and a person who monitors her health, but looks too suspiciously young. Especially, fans and spiteful critics drew attention to the absence of deep wrinkles on Malysheva’s face.

Whatever one may say, many have long suspected Malysheva of using plastic surgery. If you look at the photos of Elena Malysheva before and after plastic surgery, everything is obvious. Many celebrities turn to plastic surgeons for help, and most likely, Elena Malysheva is no exception.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

The TV presenter and chief doctor of the country is very popular. Because of this, Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Malysheva contain a lot of detailed information. Elena Malysheva has almost 49 thousand subscribers on Instagram. Malysheva often updates new photos, delighting her fans. These are pictures from the work process, that is, from the filming of a TV show, and other pictures.

Elena Malysheva evokes mixed reviews, not everyone loves her, but she is definitely not boring and meticulous, but extraordinary, calm, and humorous. No one is obliged to listen to the opinion of Elena Malysheva, but watching a program with her participation is a real pleasure.

Known to every Russian TV viewer, she is the presenter and author of the “Health” program on Channel One, an experienced doctor, scientist, professor at a medical university, a caring wife and mother. All this is the famous Elena Vasilievna Malysheva.

She was born in 1961 in Kemerovo and grew up in a wonderful family loving parents. In early spring, the Shabunins gave birth to twins - Elena and Alexey. And so began the incredibly interesting and rich biography of Elena Malysheva. Work and science have always occupied one of the main places in the life of this amazing woman.

Childhood and youth

The girl was brought up and grew up in love and affection. The family always had warm relationships, calm and mutual understanding reigned. Dad and mom taught their son and daughter to love life, people, always be forgiving, be able to forgive, listen and understand others. Elena Malysheva's brother has always been her support and support.

Since childhood, Malysheva was very smart, interested in serious things, and loved to read. She was incredibly inquisitive. She graduated from both school and college with excellent marks. Elena's parents were doctors, and she followed in their footsteps. In 1987, Elena graduated from medical school.


A significant period in Elena Vasilievna’s biography is associated with work in practical medicine. She was a general practitioner, but after a while she realized that she was interested in scientific activity. Dr. Malysheva began to engage in science and in 1990 became an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Russian Moscow State University. Malysheva devoted all her time to research.

In the early 90s, Elena Malysheva’s family moved for some time to Kemerovo, to Elena’s parents. This period is one of the most important for the future TV presenter. There have been big changes both in her life and in her professional activities. It was then, thanks to a combination of completely random circumstances, that Elena became the author and presenter of one of the people’s most beloved programs about a healthy lifestyle.

In 1992, her ten-month-old baby underwent surgery. Then Elena Malysheva’s son became seriously ill. The child was given a serious diagnosis. The mother was incredibly worried and hoped for the best. She looked after the child, did everything that was necessary for him to get better. And it was her son’s illness that led her to the idea that there were very few serious and useful programs about health. And Elena Vasilievna decided to act.

She became the host of the “Recipe” program. The result was not long in coming. Six months later, Malysheva became incredibly popular in Kemerovo. People recognized her on the street. She was loved by all viewers. When we met, they always expressed gratitude to her for her useful and very necessary advice. In this program, the presenter talked about all possible health-related problems, the prevention of various diseases and how to properly treat this or that ailment.

While pursuing her career, Elena did not forget about her children for a minute. Despite the busy work schedule, Elena Malysheva’s children always remained in first place.

Then Malysheva moved to Moscow and continued her activities there. She met with television editors and proposed creating a useful program about health. She wanted her program to help people of any age and gender:

  • For men.
  • Women.
  • Elderly people.
  • For children.

Malysheva’s first work at Ostankino was the television program “The Doctor was Called,” which was broadcast on the RTR channel. After working there for some time, she went to work at TV-6, and then at Channel Five. On this channel the program was broadcast under the name “Infirmary”.

The TV presenter lived in Africa for several years. She went there as part of a group of scientists. There Elena did her favorite thing - researching the environment and its problems, transmitting data to the media.

After the presenter returned to her homeland, she learned that a competition was being held on Channel One. This competition was organized with the aim of reviving the “Health” program. We needed talented, energetic, promising and knowledgeable specialists. Elena passed the competition. Her ideas were the most creative, interesting and useful. The channel’s managers liked her and was hired as the host of the “Health” TV show.

For several years this program occupied a leading place in the ratings of Channel One programs. During the same period, Elena defended her dissertation and received the degree of Doctor of Science.

In 2010, the channel launched an excellent program, which received the original name “Live Healthy.” In it, Elena Malysheva and her colleagues have been talking for many years about how to turn your life into an exciting way to take care of your health, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, what healthy and safe diets are, as well as methods of treating various diseases. The program has become a favorite for a huge audience of television viewers.

Personal life

Elena Vasilievna's life was not at all easy at times. She had to go through many trials and experiences. But her family has always been a huge and irreplaceable support for her. Elena Malysheva's husband, Yuri, helped her with everything. They met when they were still students.

Igor Yurievich also famous person in the scientific world: he is a scientist, professor, his area of ​​interest is molecular biology. Elena Malysheva and her husband are very happy. He is the closest and most reliable friend in her life.

Igor is a very serious and responsible person. According to Elena herself, she has never felt such support and reliability from anyone in her life. Their family is very friendly and there is always fun in the house. Sons Yuri and Vasily are a great happiness for their parents. The children of Elena and Igor now live in the USA. Yura always wanted to become a doctor, like his mother, and Vasily – a lawyer. Elena has a dog named Charles, whom Elena’s husband found on the street and brought home.

Presenter today

Elena Malysheva created a new direction and a new format on Russian television, this is her great merit. The TV presenter has an excellent, impeccable reputation. She is a very sympathetic, kind and responsible person, a professional in her field.

Malysheva helps those who want to get her advice using social networks. She always answers questions with great concern and enthusiasm. Elena always tries to help. She is kind, sociable, smiling, open and attentive to her interlocutors. He will always find time to talk with a person who is facing any health-related problem. This is how her father and mother taught her from childhood. Author: Irina Angelova

In this article, we present to our readers life path famous Russian TV presenter. She gained her main popularity thanks to her programs, where she tells everyone about various diseases. This activity earned Elena Malysheva the unofficial title of TV doctor.

It is noteworthy that medical programs are gaining fame not only thanks to practical advice, but also to the Internet. The fact is that Malysheva’s show is quite famous among users of social networks, who create various memes and jokes from fragments. Viral videos are especially popular. Thanks to this, one more merit of Elena can be noted - a large number of people became acquainted with medical issues in a very accessible explanation. Next, we’ll take a closer look at Malysheva’s path to television.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

Before talking about the biography, it is worth saying a few words about external data. This will be convenient for new fans - without photographs, you can form the image of an idol. Therefore, we will present to you the basics - height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva? Russian TV viewers of any generation ask. We asked - we answer. The TV presenter's approximate height is just over 167 centimeters, with a weight of 63 kilograms.

In March 2018, Elena Malysheva celebrated her 57th birthday. Photos in her youth and now are easy to find using the Internet and see for yourself what changes have affected this woman.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961. Kemerovo is considered to be her birthplace. It is noteworthy that the family of the future TV presenter mainly consisted of “medical people.” Father Vasily and mother Galina worked at a local hospital.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, there was no long thought about the further place of study - the choice immediately fell on the Medical Institute in my hometown. Studying was relatively easy, and already in 1984, Elena had a diploma with honors. In order not to waste precious time, she decides to go to Moscow, where she will continue her studies in her chosen specialties. In the capital, Malysheva enters the Academy of Medical Sciences, where three years later she defends her thesis. Main topic– prevention of heart disease.

Before television, she worked as a therapist, eventually receiving the position of professor at Moscow State Medical University.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva appeared on television for the first time. At that time, in his native Kemerovo, the “Recipe” program was broadcast, where a doctor was invited.

After a series of events, the aspiring presenter notices that there are no useful and educational medical programs on television. She managed to get through to the Administration and leave a complaint about the current situation. Friends began to persuade Elena to launch a TV show herself. With their help, she managed to meet the right people, and Malysheva was immediately taken on local television.

A year later, “Lazaret” was launched, where a woman immediately took over as host. A little time passed, and she was invited to the capital. First gear on central television was called “Did you call the doctor?”, and its launch happened in 1994. Of course, Malysheva did not forget about her own education and attended European universities. By the way, after 4 years, she returns to the “Health” show again.

In the summer of 2010, a new program will start - “Live Healthy!”, hosted by Elena. Notably, this show is getting mixed reviews. It all has to do with the fact that the TV presenter often raises slippery and risky issues. Until now, she has been practicing medicine, trying to bring to the masses topics that people rarely think about seriously.

Many criticize Malysheva’s programs due to the fact that they do not bring anything new, but only adopt the experience of foreign medical programs. But, despite various controversies, the show has a large audience that continues to follow each new episode.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is not replete with various scandals and gossip. It is unlikely that you will even come across such a headline in weekly publications - everything is so transparent here.

The TV presenter met her future husband in her hometown, when she was just starting to build a medical career. After receiving their diplomas, they move to the capital of Russia and legalize their relationship. After some time, the first-born is born, but we’ll talk about the children a little lower. It is noteworthy that Elena happily talks about her family and always adds that she is happy in her private life.

Family of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva's family was directly connected with medicine. It’s no wonder why the TV presenter has such a passion for treating people. The head of the family, Vasily Shabunin, like his wife Galina, have worked as doctors all their lives.

In addition to the future TV presenter, her family brought up her sister Maria and brother Lesha, who also chose their parents’ profession. The sister moved to Tuapse, where she works as a neurologist, and her brother became a famous surgeon. Due to her popularity on the Internet, Elena often became the main character various conspiracy theories. The most interesting of them is that Malysheva is the ancestor of Leon Trotsky. Some users found external similarities. Of course, she does not undertake to comment on such rumors.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are a rare topic that is raised in the media for the sake of scandals or rumors. Everything here is clear and ordinary, and there is no reason for “conspiracy theories”, as for the famous TV presenter. At the moment, she has two children who were born two years apart. The eldest son chose his parents' profession and received a medical education, unlike the younger one.

Several years ago, in 2015, the Russian TV presenter had her first grandson, who was named Igor. Elena herself says that she is very happy about the addition to the family, and happily spends her free time with her children and grandchildren.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Yuri

Elena Malysheva’s first son, Yuri, was born in the spring of 1988 and is the first-born of a TV presenter. Now he is already 30 years old. In 2014, Yuri met Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. A little later, the young people got married, and in the winter of 2015, Igor, Malysheva’s grandson, was born. Using the Internet, you can find photographs of the entire happy family in its entirety.

Like his parents, Yuri decided to connect his life with medicine, and after school he graduated from the corresponding university. Along the way, he appears on television, and for some time hosted the program “Live Healthy!” together with mother Elena.

Son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

Elena Malysheva’s second son, Vasily, was born two years later than his older brother, in December 1990. It is noteworthy that the youngest stepson decided to move away from his parents’ profession and not receive a medical education. Thus, Vasily is the first in the Malysheva family to choose a different path. He himself admits that his parents did not agree with their son’s choice for a long time, but in the end they gave in.

Vasily is a lawyer by training, and is now developing his own business. The main direction is programming. The dream of Elena Malysheva’s son is to create a comfortable software, which will take medicine to a new perfect level.

By the way, when Vasily was not yet one year old, he suffered from a serious illness that required surgical intervention. The teledoctor was quickly able to recognize the symptoms and go with her son to the right hospital. It was this event that influenced Elena - she decided to become a TV presenter.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

Elena Malysheva’s husband, Igor Malyshev, was born in January 1959. By education, he is a doctor. Works at the capital's medical and dental university. He holds a doctorate in medical sciences and is also involved in molecular biology. He has received many awards for his works and achievements in the field of science.

The future spouses met while studying at a medical university. The exact date of the wedding is not known, but it is known that the event took place before the birth of the first son. In some episodes of her programs, the TV presenter raises the topic of her family. Elena says that Igor has great restraint, seriousness and calmness. He rarely watches programs with his wife’s participation, and if necessary, he talks about the shortcomings. It is noteworthy that there are no disputes on this basis in the family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

A few years ago, the TV presenter increased her popularity by introducing a highly effective diet. It is noteworthy that Elena Malysheva’s diet for losing weight at home was already known before its official release. The menu for the week can be created using the website, which was launched recently.

In addition to losing weight, you can use a balanced nutrition program that will help you maintain your weight within the same range. Also, some diseases are taken into account, and a diet is also formed, avoiding harmful foods. Also, there is a program where anyone can monitor the effectiveness of one or another weight loss method. Of course, some “recipes” were received skeptically by Internet users who directly claim fraud on Elena’s part.

Personally, the TV presenter said that she herself uses the presented diets. Therefore, some users began to expect a photo of Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine. As far as we know now, an invitation to take candid photos from a glossy publication has not yet been sent to the TV doctor. However, it is unlikely that she will agree to participate in a photo shoot naked, because she is a family person, and many will not understand such an action.

The only thing that can be recommended to those who are interested in Elena’s figure is to find vacation photos where the TV presenter is in a swimsuit. This will help evaluate the quality of the developed diets and understand whether it is worth using one or another method of keeping fit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

A career as a TV presenter requires a large number of fans. Social networks help in communicating with fans, so the query “Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Malysheva” is quite popular among those who follow the activities of the TV doctor. For example, the free encyclopedia contains all the basic information about her life, as well as the awards that the doctor received for her work.

Elena’s official pages gather a large number of subscribers who are interested in their health and figure. In addition to this, in social networks You can find announcements of TV shows with Malysheva’s participation. Also, anyone can find a question of interest and read the doctor’s answer. The article was found on