"youth for a culture of peace, against terrorism." Countering terrorism in the digital world

The topic of anti-terrorism is more relevant today than ever. Every person who feels responsible for the peace and security of his country, for the happy future of his children, who understands the danger of the terrorist threat, considers it his duty to take part in the fight against this evil. Effective anti-terrorist means include culture and education based on humanism and universal values. In this activity, it is difficult to overestimate the role of libraries - a stronghold of culture, the wise printed word.

National Library of the Republic of Dagestan named after. On August 9, R. Gamzatova held a visiting event “Culture against terrorism!”, an anti-terrorist seminar-meeting “You are dearer than all lands to me - Dagestan!” in the village of Dylym, Kazbekovsky district.

In the small hall of the Center traditional culture Russia brought together librarians from the entire region, as well as library workers from the Babayurt, Khasavyurt, Novolak, and Kizilyurt districts, who came to the seminar-meeting.

The meeting began with the head of the cultural department of the Kazbekovsky district, Abubakar Kamilgereevich Ibragimov, delivering a welcoming speech to those gathered on behalf of the host party.

The seminar-meeting was opened and moderated by the Deputy Director of the National Library of the Republic of Dagestan named after. R. Gamzatova Sarat Abdullaevna Dzhabrailova.

“In the activities of the libraries of the republic, the prevention of terrorism and extremism in the framework of countering this phenomenon is the most priority direction,” noted Sarat Abdullaevna. “On the eve of the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, we have come to you to once again remember terrorist acts, attacks on civilians and to help every cultural worker in organizing and conducting events to counter this evil.”

Employees of the Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Dagestan, the Ministry of Youth Policy, the Committee on Freedom of Conscience, Interaction with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Dagestan, as well as the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan took an active part in holding this meeting.

Magomed Yusupovich Magomedov, consultant to the Committee on Freedom of Conscience and Interaction with Religious Organizations of the Republic of Dagestan, in his speech, in particular, said: “Speaking about the prevention of extremism and terrorism, it is necessary to take into account that this is, first of all, an ideological struggle and it must be waged through universal education and education. Today, knowledge of the basics of one’s religion and the religion of representatives of another faith living in the neighborhood is necessary, as is knowledge of the laws of the country. Having become familiar with the basics of his religion, a person will understand that not a single monotheistic creed calls for terror and violence. In this regard, it is necessary to popularize reading, primarily among young people. It would be more expedient for the Ministry of Culture and libraries to establish cooperation with the Muftiate of the republic, since for one and a half billion Muslims on earth, reading is a direct command of the Almighty Creator. Evidence of this is the first verse of the Holy Quran, which reads: “Read!”

Representative of the Ministry of Youth Policy of the Republic of Dagestan Murad Magomedovich Gaidarbekov noted: “The entire civil society should be involved in measures to prevent extremist sentiments in society, without shifting this work to individual departments or law enforcement agencies. Terrorism is a social phenomenon, and we need to fight it, I repeat, by the entire society.”

The head of the department of the Ministry of National Policy of the Republic of Dagestan, Alexander Vladimirovich Gadzhiev, spoke about the high importance of multinationality for Russia. “Unlike European and other countries, in Russia, even if one person has a separate language and is a representative of a certain nationality, the state gives him the opportunity to have his own nationality. For example, in Turkey there are no other nationalities or nationalities, since everyone living in Turkey is recorded and called Turks,” said Alexander Vladimirovich. – From the day of its foundation, Dagestan was and is multinational, and nothing can spoil the friendly relationship between peoples. The word “tolerance” is difficult to perceive - it’s so medical, it’s better to talk about good neighborly relations and urge the younger generation not to violate the centuries-old established laws of the mountains. The “Kunachestvo” project showed how important it is for our children to know the culture, way of life, customs, and traditions of neighboring nationalities.”

Deputy head of the Kazbekovsky district for security, secretary of the district's ATK, Ikramudin Baybulatovich Salimkhanov, in his report noted the work of all institutions in the district to counter terrorism and extremism.

The director of the Central District Library, Zulmira Izatpashaevna Adilmirzaeva, spoke about the work of the district’s centralized library system and presented the literary and poetic composition “We Remember Beslan!” performed by schoolchildren - young library readers.

I. o. Head of the Scientific and Methodological Department of the National Library of the Republic of Dagestan named after. R. Gamzatov Magomed Abdurakhmanovich Gadisov held a presentation of the book “Tolerance – terrorism?”, published by the main library of the republic.

At the end of the event, the National Library of the Republic of Dagestan named after. R. Gamzatova donated books to librarians.

In any useful work, it is always very important to exchange experiences, and the event, held by libraries and ministries, became precisely the platform on which participants shared their vision of the situation and methods of peacefully countering terrorist ideology.

February 14, 2019 on the stage of the Russian Drama Theater. M. Gorky in Makhachkala, the Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan “Lezginka” presented the Choreographic composition “Immortal Feat”, dedicated to the feat of Dagestan police officer Magomed Nurbagandov.

January 16, 2019, on the initiative of Dzhambulat Magomedov, V.V. Putin’s Trustee, head working group ONF in the Republic of Dagestan on education and culture, visited the Caspian Naval Cadet Corps named after M. Gadzhiev

December 9, 2018, on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland in Russia, Dzhambulat Magomedov, V.V. Putin’s confidant, head of the regional working group of the ONF “Education and culture as the foundations” national identity"in Dagestan with a group of artists from the Lezginka ensemble, met with Major General Rustam Usmanovich Muradov

Friends, on November 4, 2018, a gala reception was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace in honor of National Unity Day.

Friends, The team of the State Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan “Lezginka” was honored to perform in front of the personnel of the Armed Forces Russian army in Syria.

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the leadership and artists of the State Academic Honored Ensemble of Dagestan “Lezginka” congratulated the veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the holiday. The event took place on February 22 at the National Library named after Rasul Gamzatov in Makhachkala.

On May 7, at the initiative of deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War In Makhachkala, a celebration for war veterans was held at the London cafe. A festive table was organized for them and a musical program was prepared. This is the fifth annual event organized by Deputy of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Islam Guseikhanov

On May 4, at the base, the director of the ensemble "Lezginka" held a meeting with the children of the Children's Municipal Group of Khasavyurt. Together with the invited artists, they talked about the moral education of the younger generation and the role of culture and art in it.

General manager The State Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan “Lezginka” Dzhambulat Magomedov took part in meetings with the population of the regional centers of Kizilyurt, Khasavyurt and Kumtorkalinsky districts.

On April 14, the General Director of the State Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan “Lezginka” Dzhambulat Magomedov took part in meetings organized by the Regional Headquarters of the ONF and the political party “United Russia” with the population of the regional centers of the Kizilyurt district, Khasavyurt district and Kumtorkalinsky district.

On February 27, on the initiative of the General Director of the State Budgetary Institution Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan "Lezginka", Trustee of the President of the Russian Federation, head of the ONF working group "Education and culture as the basis of national identity" Dzhambulat Magomedov, a meeting was held at the Club of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan with local police officers, teenagers, as well as with the widows of those killed in 1999 on the topic “Lessons in Courage.”

General Director of the State Budgetary Institution Academic Honored Dance Ensemble of Dagestan "Lezginka", Trustee of the President of the Russian Federation, head of the ONF working group "Education and culture as the basis of national identity" Dzhambulat Magomedov, initiated a meeting with students of gymnasium No. 13 of the Makhachkala Mountains under the auspices of the ONF.

An extended meeting of the ONF working group in the Republic of Dagestan on issues of education, science and culture, in preparation for the Conference of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian Social Movement "People's Front "For Russia" with the participation of experts from the working group "Education and culture as the basis of national identity".

Participants of the meeting, head of the working group on education and culture of the ONF in the Republic of Dagestan, Magomedov D.M.

Working group meeting, Conference of the RO ONF in the Republic of Dagestan, development of proposals as a result of studying materials for monitoring the implementation of the May decrees of the President Russian Federation.

The meeting took place at the Dagestan State Agrarian University.

The meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, headed by the head of the department for work with personnel, the team of the Lezginka ensemble, students of the Lezginka choreographic school-studio, and the General Director of the Lezginka ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov.

The event was eventful, representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan, the team of the Lezginka ensemble, the director of the ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov, and the artistic director of the ensemble Zulumkhan Khangereev were invited.

At this event, speeches were given: a speech by D.M. Magomedov, an explanation of the political situation in the world, the preparation of proposals for a working group on education and culture, including in terms of strengthening the work of psychologists in schools and universities in working with youth, citizenship education , the ability to resist an ideology alien to us.

In Moscow, on November 5, 2015, a musical event was held as part of the all-Russian celebrations dedicated to the Anniversary of Derbent in the State Palace of Culture. This event was attended by Representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan, Representatives of the Dagestan diaspora, director of the ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov, artists of the ensemble “Lezginka”.

In Moscow in the library named after. Pushkin hosted an event dedicated to the Anniversary of the city of Derbent. The event was attended by Representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan, the team of the ensemble "Lezginka", director of the ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov

On August 4, 2015, events took place as part of the “National Unity Day”, which was attended by Representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan, Representatives of the Dagestan diaspora in Moscow, and General Director of the Lezginka ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov.

The participants of this event were Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, director of the ensemble Dzhambulat Magomedov, and the team of the ensemble “Lezginka”

Let us remind you that international competitions“Caspian Cup-2015” and “Caspian Derby-2015” are held as part of the “International Army Games”. This significant event speaks of the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of the CIS countries and China, the development of international cooperation and meets the national interests of Russia.

It is worth noting that competitions of such a high level are being held in Dagestan for the first time. Dagestanis are proud that it was their land, the gray mountains of the Caucasus, the waters of the Caspian Sea, that hosted the participants in the unique competition. Literally a day before the opening, a dress rehearsal for the upcoming grand opening of international competitions took place.

On May 21, in one of the banquet halls of Makhachkala, the Republican festival of creativity of visually impaired people “We are hardened by our fate” was held, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, the 85th anniversary of the Dagestan Republican organization VOS and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The solemn event was attended by members of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, representatives of the administration of Makhachkala, republican departments, chairmen of local VOS organizations, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the All-Russian Society of the Blind, etc.

On the holiday, May 9, 2015, in Buinaksk, activists of the Regional Branch of the ONF in the Republic of Dagestan took part in ceremonial events as part of the 70th anniversary celebration Great Victory Soviet Army and people in the Great Patriotic War.

ONF event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. at school 13. Fostering loyalty to the spiritual traditions of Russia and involving military service veterans in these lessons

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Ramazan Jafarov, Deputy Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia Nikolai Tsvetkov, Chief Federal Inspector of the North Caucasian Federal District for Dagestan Vasily Kolesnikov, Head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan Enrik Muslimov, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Dagestan Ummupazil Omarova, Commissioner under the Head of the Dagestan Region for the Protection of Family, Maternity and Rights child Intizar Mamutaeva, Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan Zaur Kurbanov.

Culture – against terror

As part of the implementation of the action plan of the State Program of the Republic of Dagestan "Comprehensive program for countering the ideology of terrorism in the Republic of Dagestan for 2016" at the State Budgetary Institution "State Tabasaran Drama Theater" on June 24, a meeting was held between the imam of the Juma Mosque in Derbent, Mahmud-Haji Piriev, and the theater staff. Students were also invited to the meeting correspondence department Derbent Institute "Yuzhdag".

Imam Mahmud-haji held an explanatory conversation about what is the difference between true Islam and other movements of Islam. He noted that such meetings are needed in order to voice the problems that have developed in our society and try to find ways to solve these problems. This is necessary to save our future, the future of our children.

Young people today are joining radical Islam because they are illiterate in matters of religion; young people cannot find the correct answer to many questions that confront them in life. The distortion of religious values ​​and false calls today are pushing our youth to commit crimes and die. We need to educate young people, give them the true values ​​of religion. It is necessary to introduce young people to the national culture. The spiritual administration and representatives of culture must join forces to save our youth. Together we must maintain peace in our society.

The theatrical stage must be used to convey spiritual and moral values ​​to the viewer.

“For us, terrorism is an alien phenomenon. None of the indigenous peoples of Dagestan have ever engaged in extremism; all peoples lived as one family. Our goal today is to show a negative attitude towards such phenomena and provide assistance in the prevention of extremism,” noted theater director Alimurad Alimuradov in his speech.

The imam received many questions from the audience on religious topics, to which the artists and students received detailed answers.

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Rector of Moscow State
University of Culture and Arts
T. G. Kiseleva

It is a well-known fact that XXIcentury, unfortunately, did not become a century of general prosperity and harmony. One of the global problems of our time is the growth of terrorism, which threatens all the achievements of world civilization, and the very existence of man. National, racial, religious intolerance against the background of the sharp economic impoverishment of some countries and the enrichment of others and the terrible consequences of fanaticism - world terrorism have become a monstrous reality for modern man. These processes take place against the backdrop of a spiritual crisis, the oblivion of humanistic ideals, under the slogans of pluralism of opinions and the triumph of permissiveness, which acts as a surrogate for freedom. The destruction of the moral foundations of society does not pass without leaving a trace. A break with national traditions, moral, traditional values ​​and ideals, oblivion of one’s origins and historical roots ultimately put humanity in front of the threat of its own destruction, threaten the death of civilization, a surge in racial and national hostility, terrorism, which becomes a fact of the everyday existence of modern man. Unfortunately, these processes have also affected our country. We must sensibly assess the situation and to this end ask the question: can a society in which 80% of the population is on the verge of poverty and social exclusion be prosperous? We can talk endlessly about spiritual crisis as the cause of terrorism, but is it the only source of such destructive and destabilizing effects? In our opinion, the crisis in the spiritual sphere is unfolding simultaneously with the social and economic crisis. The creation of a socially oriented society in Russia is the only way out of the political and economic crisis, in our opinion. According to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the cause of terrorism is inequality in society. He called not just to “knock down the fruits from the tree of terrorism,” but to get to its roots.

What are the ways to solve this problem? First of all, I see this as ensuring a decent standard of living for Russian citizens; financing of the social sphere, education, culture, upbringing, care for children, family. The policy should be not only socially oriented, but also socioculturally oriented. Otherwise it will come into conflict with the fundamentals folk life. Russians do not have a Western mentality, and Russian culture confirms the collectivist orientation of the Russian soul. It is necessary to remove the social roots of terrorism, the social basis on which terrorism flourishes: poverty, homelessness, illiteracy, lack of life prospects, propaganda of violence and pornography in the media, tolerance of alcoholism, drug addiction, tolerance of evil.

Terrorism can only be overcome through the joint efforts of public and state institutions, as well as the world community as a whole. From the position XXIcenturies, traditional cultures seem more peaceful and calm. World wars and the phenomenon of totalitarianism are identified in public opinion only with modernity. The civilized world, the world of culture, has its Achilles heel - vulnerability, defenselessness when faced with barbarity, cruelty and lawlessness. The word “terrorism” itself originated during the French Revolution, when innocent citizens became victims of political repression and were sent to the guillotine. Isn’t this what our country has experienced too? Civil war, repression, resettlement of peoples, dispossession, deportation of the intellectual elite. Terror is violence with the ultimate goal of intimidation. In the fight against terrorism, culture reveals one of its most important essences - education. The educational task of culture is to show people that they cannot be intimidated. But there is not only a forceful way to solve the problem. There is one unique example in the history of European culture; during the occupation of Denmark, Hitler issued a decree obliging all residents of Jewish nationality to wear yellow emblems in the shape of the Star of David on their clothes. The day after the decree was issued, all residents of this small European country took to the streets with these signs, thereby showing the futility of the Nazi terrorist plans. Another unique example: the talented writer Knut Hamsun appeared on the streets of occupied Oslo with a fascist cross on his chest. And what did the population of this amazing country do? To express their rejection of fascism and their condemnation of Hamsun’s position, the Norwegians sent the writer’s books by mail to his home address. This is an amazing position of an amazing people!

It is possible to understand what terrorism is only in comparison with the tranquility of peaceful life. The threat of violence and the use of this violence in one’s own interests is the essence modern terrorism. The ideology of the primacy of the individual over the social, and this is the essence of terror, could not help but turn into a disaster. Terrorists justify their actions using distorted symbols of legitimacy, the myth of their rightness, and create legends about their invulnerability and imminent victory. It is important for us to explain to people that everything that terrorists say is a blatant lie. Terror has no justification.

Terrorists often claim the legality of their actions, call themselves soldiers, use military terminology in the names of their organizations, like to talk about political rights, hold trials, and impose death sentences. The task of our socio-cultural institutions is to reveal the full cynicism of such actions and statements. A soldier, a warrior, is not the one who kills, but the one who protects, the one who sacrifices his life, saving the life of another. The mission of culture is to glorify this soldier’s feat, to instill respect for the hero and at the same time to expose and show all the baseness and treachery of terrorists. This is especially important to emphasize on the eve of the glorious anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. Russian culture in its content is precisely the system that makes a person think about where the truth is and where the lie is.

The life and survival of a person depends on many circumstances. There are emergencies and situations that are difficult to predict. But among them there are also those that are created by man himself and that destroy people, such as atomic energy, which can be creative and destructive. And drugs can be life-saving for certain medical purposes, but they can be a factor of aggression, a destructive means, like nuclear weapons, suppressing personality, mind, will, soul, morality. In our country, this problem is extremely acute due to the political, socio-economic conditions of the development of our society. The spiritual and moral basis of culture is important, namely culture is the saving core for a person in any, the most difficult or most joyful situation. We have said more than once that it is the preservation and development of culture that should determine the national idea of ​​our country. For only culture and education will ensure progress, i.e. what we dream about is smart politics, an effective economy, the spiritual and moral health of society. Culture is the basis of the country’s national security, because through culture all the best moral commandments of generations, the great ideas of Russian enlightenment, charity, mercy, spiritual nobility, conscientiousness, respect for one’s national traditions are transmitted, native land, father's house, to a person.

Our university, at its core, is not only an educational institution, a custodian of traditional culture, but also a humanistic center that promotes the development and dissemination of the best examples of culture in Russia and abroad. It is noteworthy that students from 72 regions of Russia and 32 countries of the world are currently studying at our university. Russians, Tatars, Chechens and Ukrainians, Bashkirs and Yakuts, Chinese and Hungarians, Jews and Arabs, students, graduate students of many nationalities live peacefully in the hostel, study in the same classrooms, read the same books, play sports. They are busy with a common cause - creativity, sports, communication, charitable activities, volunteer movement. It is culture that has become our main foundation on which a culture of peace, tolerance, and non-violence grow. Annual republican student competition scientific works“Culture of Peace and Nonviolence” is dedicated to this problem. Our students win gold medals and high awards on topics such as “Prevention of terrorism and religious extremism”, “Culture against drug addiction” and many others.

According to Russian President V.V. Putin, the relevance of finding collective solutions to combat terrorism is increasing every day. And it is obvious that international terrorism cannot be eradicated separately and only by force.



Head of the Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

One of the main causes of terrorism is cultural conflict. At the heart of every national culture is the experience of survival, adequate to the problems that society faces.

Despite their differences, national cultures have much in common, since each of them develops thanks to information activities that have a common nature.

Mastering the fundamentals of information culture, which is formed in the process of information activity, is the main condition for mutual understanding and integration of cultures while preserving their national identity.

Research has shown that in the modern world, the dynamics of information processes and the rate of information production significantly exceed the rate of its development using traditional methods. As a result, in the presence of huge information databases, “civilized” countries quite often attract the intellectual potential of “second-class” countries to solve their own problems, which leads to additional social tension.

The development of the fundamentals of information culture and technologies for its development will significantly reduce the severity of this problem. This is confirmed by experiments that made it possible to identify the types of problems being solved and the features of information activities that ensure their successful solution.

Mastering the technologies of information activity in stationary conditions makes it possible to reduce the time required for the formation of an information culture many times over and give participants in information relations confidence in their own perspective, regardless of information overload or lack of targeted information.

Increasing information culture makes it possible to reduce internal and external social tension, since active and effective information activity of society creates ample opportunities for its own development, and is also the main condition for the qualified development of measures to prevent social conflicts or their quick and effective resolution.

Information technologies can be directly used in various fields:

in the system general education;

in the system vocational training, retraining and advanced training of specialists working in conditions of information overload;

when solving various types of problems related to the processing of large amounts of information by humans.

In counter-terrorism activities, these technologies can be used as a tool for assessing conflict (pre-conflict) situations and developing targeted measures of information influence on conflicting parties.

Proposals for parliamentary hearings
“Culture against terrorism - legislative support for the mobilization of the cultural potential of society to fight terrorism”

On behalf of the Chairman of the People's Assembly

Republic of Dagestan M.G. Aliyeva - Advisor to the Chairman
M. Sh. Muslimova

We are confident that the implementation of the ideas set out in the parliamentary hearings “Culture against terrorism - legislative support for the mobilization of the cultural potential of society to fight terrorism” will allow not only our country, but also the entire international community to successfully overcome this threat to humanity. The ongoing crisis of morality and law, the crisis of spirituality can be successfully overcome through the means of culture itself as a phenomenon of the spiritual consciousness of humanity.

Culture cannot offer a one-time effective way to combat terrorism. The result of the activity is possible subject to long-term, many-year, constant work in this direction - this is the first axiom of the concept. The second strategically important idea: only this approach in the fight against terrorism will help to truly and completely deprive terrorism of its soil, since here the personal potential of society is used, a different type of personality is formed, based on the ideas of tolerance and dialogue of cultures, unconditionality of universal human values, on a developed sense of personal responsibility.

The growth of terrorism has a direct connection with the spiritual crisis of society, the removal of the state from the task of supporting and developing culture, and the refusal to actively recognize the priority of this comprehensive direction in the life of the country. Imperative modern world- a radical reorientation of states towards the priorities of cultural policy for the formation and education of a tolerant and stable personality, rooted in culture on the ideas of humanism, harmony, and peace.

It is necessary to develop a system of measures aimed at legislative stimulation of investment in the development of culture and art, and to support businesses investing in culture.

A legislative solution to the issues of privatization and repurposing of cultural objects is required, promoting their preservation and based on state support. In this direction, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for active cooperation government agencies with civil society institutions in order to solve these problems. State and municipal bodies, cultural institutions should establish close cooperation in the joint use, protection and restoration of objects that are historical and cultural monuments.

The stated concept, supplemented by the results of parliamentary hearings, in essence can and should represent a program of state policy in the field of ideology, based on the achievements of domestic and world culture, especially the classics fiction. Full state support for its development will make it possible to effectively use the potential of culture as a transmitter of secular and spiritual values.

Using the potential of culture in countering terrorism presupposes the active maintenance by cultural figures of the traditions of peacekeeping and public diplomacy, customs and traditions of peaceful neighborliness and mutual understanding, taking an active part in resolving and preventing social, interethnic, inter- and intra-confessional conflicts in the regions.

Educational policy and reform in this area should be carried out taking into account the achievements of traditionally established ways of functioning of science, culture and education, while at the same time flexible adoption of new effective approaches and technologies in this area.

The dominant role in the upbringing and education of the historical experience of spirituality and morality accumulated by Russian literature makes it possible to form not only a national, but also a full-fledged personal identity. The spiritual component of the fight against terrorism lies in the gradual change in people's consciousness. Peace, universal human values, ideas of non-violence and harmony, wealth and complementarity of cultures, conviction in the dissemination and upholding of these values ​​are educational values ​​that oppose the ideology of terrorism. Strengthening the humanitarian principle in the educational environment presupposes broadly targeted simultaneous actions in this area:

Ensuring equal opportunities for education, access to knowledge and cultural values;

Introduction of a course of Russian literature into the educational programs of non-humanitarian secondary and higher educational institutions;

Implementation of teaching social sciences, especially history, in educational institutions in such a way that in the process of assimilating them the emphasis is placed not only on the totality of facts, but also on moral worldview values ​​as criteria for progress;

Promotion, dissemination of research and achievements of domestic and foreign scientific thought in the field of philosophy, morality, pedagogy and other spheres of human consciousness, both through institutes of science and education, and through various media;

Introduction to the secondary school course of the discipline “Literature of the Peoples of Russia”;

Formation and implementation of a language policy that provides conditions for the development and functioning of native languages ​​and strengthening the role of the Russian language as a coordinator and organizer of the cultural space of Eurasia, a mediator in its relations with world civilization. Such a language policy is designed to simultaneously improve the culture of speech, since the gift of speech is the ability to speak not only with the language, but with the whole essence of one’s “I”; word activity is a form of manifestation of social activity;

Promoting the dialogue of cultures through a network of educational, educational and communication systems in the context of a multi-ethnic community of the country’s population, and more broadly, an interconnected and holistic world in order to achieve national and interethnic harmony and overcome the costs of spontaneous interaction of cultures, organic integration of Eastern and Western values;

Expansion of the network of children's centers aesthetic development, out-of-school employment, legislative reinforcement at the federal, regional and municipal levels of the impossibility of privatizing premises allocated for children's creativity, education and upbringing in order to create and expand a culture-forming environment;

Development of programs in order to organize constructive interaction between various religious faiths and wide coverage of the activities of faiths aimed at achieving interethnic and interreligious harmony and tolerance;

Creation and support of children's and youth public organizations that implement cultural, educational and educational goals;

Development and implementation of international, federal, regional programs that promote the exchange of cultural values;

Implementation of long-term programs “Culture for Children” and “Culture for Youth”, which involve a variety of forms of introduction to culture different nations: competitions, meetings, festivals, exhibitions, etc., as well as wide participation of schoolchildren and students in intercultural exchange, on trips to study the life experience and interests of peers;

Development of tourism to establish closer contacts, including in the field of intercultural communications, mutual enrichment, and establishment of friendly relations;

Creating interregional parliamentary councils and using the capabilities of the youth parliament to carry out cultural exchange and counteract the challenges of the time through cultural means: terrorism, separatism, nationalism, interfaith confrontation;

Legislative definition of the mechanism of state assistance to the development of creative trade unions, the interaction of cultural figures with the people, contributing to the activation of the activities of creative unions, carrying out activities within the framework of the tasks of forming an aesthetically multilingual personality, cultivating interest in the cultures of different peoples;

Carrying out the activities of various media, taking into account the priority of educational and educational functions, the formation of the ideology of humanism, basic life values, the culture of personal self-knowledge in the context of the cultural tradition of humanity;

Development of the library network, promotion of reading culture, availability of highly artistic book products as a necessary condition for the moral improvement of society;

Development of a clear state policy in the field of book publishing, ensuring financing, publication and accessibility of works of both Russian literature and the literature of the peoples of Russia; provision of measures to ensure the publication of artistic significant works according to the decisions of expert councils, including authoritative and recognized masters artistic word and the public.

There is no doubt about the need to create the World Spiritual Forum you propose as a spiritual body coordinating cultural policy at the international level. This center, indeed, will be the first attempt to create qualitatively different mechanisms for the self-organization of human society, creating a real counterbalance to consumer civilization.

All these measures are capable of creating a mechanism for assimilating one’s national culture and the culture of other peoples as equal and complementary branches of world culture. Upbringing and education in the culture-forming sphere, in conditions of openness of consciousness to humanitarian values, forms a tolerant, communicative personality. Culture as a space of human communication acts not only as a means of prevention, but also as a means of overcoming conflict-generating consciousness and the consequences of conflicts. Therefore, work within the framework of this topic assumes the importance of dialogue forms of cultural interaction: discussions, speeches, meetings, etc.

Cultural policy, implemented on the proposed approaches, is capable, by influencing the deep spiritual principles of the individual, updating them, to form a type of personality, a type of consciousness that does not accept the ideology of terrorism that opposes it. In addition, with this approach, national policies are organically implemented, uniting peoples in the values ​​of peace, harmony, and mutual understanding.


Chairman of the Committee

Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

on culture, sports, tourism and media

Firova R.B.

Dear Chairman!

Dear colleagues!

Actions that can be united under the formula “Culture against terrorism” have been and are being held in the North Caucasus for many years. This is the feasible contribution of figures of art, literature and science to the resolution of the crisis that unexpectedly hit our region along with the fall of the Union. But the contribution is feasible, not all that great - because culture itself is pushed to the periphery of our life. Entire professional teams talented writers, artists, scientists, painters eke out a living, as they say, from bread to water.

The central government methodically shifts the concern for genuine culture, especially national culture, onto the weak shoulders of virtually devastated regions. This is not the place to compose odes to bygone times, but it is worth remembering: the construction of the country of Soviets began with the proclamation of the equality of languages, cultures and rights of all peoples, which was secured by the definition of national administrative territories, as well as the concern for the development of languages, literatures, cultures of the peoples of the country in rank of public policy. It is the awareness of all citizens of their equality and their equal involvement in the affairs of the state that ensures internal stability in the country, and, on the contrary, the lack of such awareness causes discomfort, discontent and instability in it. If we are to be completely consistent in the market principles that are so fashionable in our time, then we must admit that stability must also, without cynicism, be provided for its costs, and these costs are not for the security forces, but for national culture, functioning and development of national languages. In our country, programs aimed at strengthening the position of the languages, literatures and cultures of the peoples of the Russian Federation are gradually being phased out: the languages ​​and literature of indigenous peoples are being squeezed out of educational programs, edition works of art in these languages ​​is becoming increasingly problematic, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is gradually bringing television and radio broadcasts in indigenous languages ​​to news releases, cynically giving distressed regions the painful right for them to buy their own broadcasting channels “at least for 24 hours.” To this we can add the ridiculous fees for the publication of truly artistic works, created solely out of love for art, since there is no question of decent material remuneration for creativity.

It is difficult to recognize such a policy as aimed at strengthening Russian statehood and the national unity of the country. Consciously or unconsciously, its creators sow discontent and discord in society, which in the long term is much more costly than spending on education and culture. It seems that we, all together, in pursuit of a penny momentary gain, are rushing at full speed past the possibility of unity and agreement, which are desired today, and tomorrow, and always.

There is every reason to believe that there will be no true basis for unity in the country until we understand that any infringement of the interests of the peoples of the Russian Federation is nothing more than violence, which invariably causes a response. Under these conditions, culture is unable not only to resist such an evil as terrorism, but also to perform its less complex functions. The state is faced with an alternative: either to have a constant reason for powerful manifestations of discontent in society, or to pay sufficient attention to the problems of culture and education, incl. in national regions.

In informal conversations one hears about cases of misuse of funds allocated to the regions. But is this a reason to refuse funding? Instead of letting the fiscal authorities sort it out and punish a few officials, aren’t entire peoples, languages ​​and cultures being punished?

We believe that to solve the problem, both more strict application of the law and joint efforts of the Center and the regions are necessary. In particular, we have the right to expect from the federal authorities more attention to the phenomenon of the country's national and religious diversity.

Published at the suggestion of the public expert council

under the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Culture

Project start date - April 2006

Reproduction of any portal materials is permitted


round table

Youth FOR world culture,

AGAINST terrorism.

Class teacher: Kosumova Z.Z.


    explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
    improve knowledge about terrorism;
    basics of safety in emergency situations;
    to shape the social consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.

    determine why terrorism has become an everyday phenomenon in Russian reality;

    promote in children a tolerant attitude towards each other and develop the ability to live in peace with other people;

    develop students' independent judgments.

Method: D round table discussion

Progress of the event

1. Opening remarks class teacher Kosumova Z.Z.

If they say the word “Motherland”,

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river there is a birch tree - a shy one

And a chamomile hillock,

And others will probably remember

Your native village yard.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Good afternoon, friends. Today we have gathered in this room to hold a round table on the topic: "Youth for a culture of peace, against terrorism."

During the round table we will discuss the most important issues today regarding the prevention of extremism and terrorism among young people:

    Ideology of extremism and terrorism in modern society;

    Modern approaches and methods in the fight against extremism, terrorism and pseudo-religious movements.

Unprecedented terrorist attacks at the beginning of the 21st century are a challenge to all humanity. The whole world expresses its indignation and indignation and condemns the atrocities. The need to consolidate the entire world community in taking measures to prevent terrorism becomes clear. Along with the use of anti-terrorist actions, large-scale, humanistic and explanatory work is important today, because, as practice shows, hatred cannot be overcome by hatred. The first step towards consensus is dialogue, discussion, debate at a round table of all representatives of the globe.

And therefore, today we are faced with important issues related to terrorism.


1. What is terrorism?

2. What are the causes and history of terrorism?

4. What punishment follows for committing terrorism in the Criminal Code?

Code of the Russian Federation?

5. Is there terrorism in Islam?

6.What are the current statistics on terrorism?

7 . Why do young people join terrorist organizations?

8. How to fight terrorism? What is legislative framework to combat extremism and terrorism?

9. How to deal with those returning from ISIS

10. Are extremists and terrorists representatives of only certain religions?

11. How to behave in such a situation?

From the field of history


Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking).

The concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”, appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is what the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the French Revolution, the word “Terrorism” became synonymous with criminal. Until very recently, the concept of “terrorism” already meant a spectrum of different shades of violence.

In 1881, the Tsar was killed by Narodnaya Volya using a homemade bomb.

Alexander II. In 1911, the chairman of the Council of Ministers was killed by an secret police agent.P.A. Stolypin. In the period from 1902 to 1907, terrorists in Russia carried out about 5 thousand terrorist attacks. Their victims were ministers, State Duma deputies, gendarmes, police officers and prosecutors..


In the USSR, terrorism was a very rare phenomenon before the escalation of national conflicts. The only sensational case was an explosion in a Moscow metro car in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals with such actions.

Our country seriously faced terrorism during “perestroika”. Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were carried out on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in the then USSR, as a result of bloody clashes, more than 1,500 people died, more than 10 thousand citizens were injured, and 600 thousand became refugees. Between 1990 and 1993, approximately one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. Question: for what?


Since 1992, in Russia widespread There was such a thing as contract killings of unwanted persons. Journalists, State Duma deputies, entrepreneurs, bankers, city mayors, businessmen have become and are becoming their victims...

What is happening is mind-boggling, but here’s the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of regular contract killings and shootouts on city streets.

What is the essence of terrorism?

Participant: from the field of political science.

Dictionaries define the concept of “terrorism” as violent actions by criminals with the aim of undermining the existing government, complicating international relations, political and economic extortion from states. It is the systematic use or threat of violence against civilians as blackmail of existing authorities in order to achieve certain political, social or economic goals.

Types of modern terrorism:




-Three sides of the terrorist action conflict:

    Those who commit a terrorist attack (terrorists)

    Direct victims of the action

    Those who want to be intimidated into behaving in a certain way


Terrorist activities include the following:

    Organization, planning, preparation and implementation of a terrorist action.

    Incitement to a terrorist act, violence against individuals or organizations, destruction of material objects for terrorist purposes.

    Organizing an illegal armed group, a criminal community (criminal organization), an organized group to commit a terrorist act, as well as participation in such an act.

    Recruiting, arming, training and using terrorists;

    Financing or otherwise assisting a known terrorist organization or terrorist group.

- What are the current terrorism statistics?

Participant: from the field of statistics.

- A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its organs, and the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

Seizure of a bus with hostages

December 1, 1988 in Mineralnye Vody, 4 bandits demanded a large sum of money in foreign currency and an airplane to fly abroad. Otherwise, they threatened to burn everyone: the terrorists placed three 3-liter cans of gasoline under each seat. The story of the kidnapping of children thundered throughout the country. In hot pursuit, 2 films were shot: the documentary “Hostages from the 4th “G”” and the feature film “The Enraged Bus”

-Destruction of the World Trade Center

September 11, 2001 , on the 28th anniversary of the CIA-trainedmilitary coup in Chile, and the 11th anniversary of Bush Sr.'s "New World Order" speech, terrorists hijacked four planes. According to the official version, nineteen Arabs hijacked 4 planes; crashed two of them into the towers of the World Shopping center, which caused a fire inside, and crashed into the Pentagon on the third plane. According to the official version, as a result of the fire, the steel supporting beams melted, which caused the collapse of the towers.


-Terrorist attack in Moscow in 2002

October 23, 2002 at 21.05 in the center of Moscow (in theater center on Dubrovka) more50 armed terroristscaptured the hall where a popular musical was playing"Nord-Ost".The terrorists demanded an end to the war in Chechnya, threatening to shoot the hostages and blow up the hall.October 26 at 5.32after a special operation unique in world history, more than500 hostages were released. Destroyed50 terrorists– 32 men and 18 women.117 hostagesdied.

-Terrorist attack at Tushino airfield

05 July 2003 A terrorist attack was committed in Moscow:at the entrance to Tushinsky airfield , where he was passing at that timerock festival "Wings" two bombs were detonated. The explosions were carried outtwo suicide bombers . According to official data13 people were killed and 59 were injured . Large casualties were avoided only because the guards, suspecting these women,didn't let them into the crowd festival participants.

-Terrorist attack near the National Hotel

December 9, 2003 As a result of an explosion near the National Hotel in the center of Moscow, according to updated data, five people were killed and 13 were injured. The terrorist attack near the National Hotel was carried out byone suicide bomber .

- Hostage taking in Beslan

The saddest incident in Russia occurred on September 1, 2004 in the city of Beslan, which is located on the territory of the Ossetian Republic. On this day, militants took students from a local school hostage. The conflict could not be resolved peacefully - as a result, 186 children died, as well as 148 adults. The place where the children were buried is called the “City of Angels”


One of the latest chronological terrorist acts directed against Russia is the crash of the A321 airliner flying from Egypt to St. Petersburg on October 31, 2015. According to investigators, the cause of the disaster was caused by representatives of the Islamic State terrorist group.All 224 people on board (including 25 children and 7 crew members) were killed.

The youngest passenger, the girl Darina, became a small symbol of this big tragedy.

In memory of the events of that day, September 3 became the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism in Russia.


The causes of extremism and terrorism include the following:

This large wealth stratification of the population leads to the fact that society ceases to function as an integral organism, united by common goals, ideas, and values.

This is an increase in social tension.

This is a decrease in the ideological component in the educational process, which led to the loss of moral values.

This is lack of spirituality, lack of clear ideas about the history and prospects for the development of the country, loss of a sense of belonging and responsibility for the fate of the homeland.

Let's look at what are the main prerequisites for the involvement of young people in the web of totalitarian organizations.

1. Coming from so-called “dysfunctional” families;

2. Psychological crises of the teenage transition period;

3. Feelings of fear and uncertainty in the face of difficulties modern life;

4. Uncertainty about the future;

5. Complexity and resulting problems in communicating with others.

Terrorism cannot be defeated, but it can and must be fought. Moreover, everyone can wage this fight, regardless of nationality, level of income, gender, age. And school students can also make their contribution by following the rules of information and Internet security, being vigilant, paying attention to suspicious things, people, and events.

One of the most common types of extremism is religious extremism. In the last decade, this term has been used more and more widely; it refers to aggression emanating from religion. However, this term is conceptually controversial.

Religion, by its very nature, cannot be aggressive; not a single true religion calls for violence or justifies terrorist attacks. Extremists and terrorists only hide behind religious slogans. But in reality, political goals are being pursued. Extremists seek to seize power and create an atmosphere of fear and powerlessness.


How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack?

Basic rules of behavior in the face of the threat of terrorist attacks.

Terrorists choose known and visible targets to attack, such as major cities, international airports, major international event venues, international resorts, etc. A prerequisite for carrying out an attack is the ability to avoid the close attention of law enforcement agencies - for example, searches before and after the terrorist attack. Be careful when in such places.

Participant: -Make it a rule to always check where the backup exits from the premises are located. Think in advance about how you will leave the building if an emergency occurs. Never try to escape from a burning building using an elevator. Firstly, the elevator mechanism may be damaged. Secondly, usually scared people run to the elevators. Elevators are not designed to carry so many passengers - so precious minutes needed for rescue can be lost.

In the waiting rooms of airports, train stations, etc. try to stay away from fragile and heavy structures. In the event of an explosion, they may fall or scatter into small pieces, which will act as fragments; as a rule, they can be the cause of secondary damage factors and most injuries.


Be especially careful when traveling. Pay attention to suspicious details and little things - it is better to report them to employees law enforcement agencies. Never accept packages, items or parcels from strangers and never leave your luggage unattended.

Word from the class teacher:

Thus, based on the results of our discussion, we can conclude that terrorism is a global phenomenon with a long history. The scale of terrorism and its interstate nature make it absolutely necessary to establish an international system to counter it, coordinate the efforts of various states on a long-term basis and at the highest level, and create international organizations to combat it. Now we will conduct a short survey among the round table participants.

Questions for surveys on the prevention of terrorism and extremism.


In your understanding, tolerance is:


Tolerance towards manifestations of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, different religions, beliefs and actions of people;


Hostility, conflict with other nations, peoples;


The desire of one people to conquer the lands of another people;


In your opinion, extremism is:


Commitment to extreme views and measures;


The right of diplomatic representatives to obey the laws of their own state only;


Discrepancy from generally accepted norms;


In your opinion, terrorism is:


Intimidation of one's political opponents, expressed in physical violence, up to and including destruction;


An open and frank statement about one’s actions and actions;


The unlawful right of the use of armed force by one state against the sovereignty of another;


What is your attitude towards representatives of other races and nationalities?




I feel hostility;




Would you like to know more about different countries, peoples of the world, their culture and traditions?






I find it difficult to answer;


Do you strive to establish trusting and close relationships with representatives of other nationalities?






I establish trusting and close relationships with everyone, regardless of nationality.

    Dear guys, everything we talked about today cannot leave us indifferent. We have once again become convinced that extremism is cruelty based on hatred and malice, and sometimes stupidity, subordinated to blind faith. We have prepared instructions for the round table participants. Remember: God protects those who are careful.

Participants of the round table are given reminders

"Choose the right path."

1. Do not enter into dialogue with preachers who approach you on the street;

2. If you are offered a leaflet, brochure, or religious magazine, thank and politely refuse;

3. Do not try to defend your religious beliefs when meeting with believers or preachers of any religious organization;

4. Before you decide to attend a meeting of any religious organization, consult with your parents, relatives, or just close people;

5. The choice to believe or not to believe is yours alone; before you make a decision, think about whether it’s worth it? A thoughtful and correct decision will save you not only your mental health, maybe even your life.

Resolution at the end of the round table:

At the end of the round table, the participants adopt a resolution in which:
- condemn extremism and terrorism as the greatest threat to all humanity;
- express their readiness to carry out constant work to provide all possible assistance to public authorities in creating effectively current system countering extremism and terrorism,
- call on all students of MBOU “Secondary School No. 1. Chechen-Aul" not to succumb to the provocations of extremists seeking to split and contrast the various peoples and religious communities of Russia.