Where did Irina Otieva go? What the great singer looks like now. Irina Otieva always dated the wrong men and sang the “wrong” music

The lives of stars are always in the public eye. But over time, information about their turbulent personal life disappears from the pages of various media. What's the matter? It’s just that the fame fades away, or rather, the star moves away from his previous sprees and begins to lead a measured life with a changed type of activity. A similar thing recently happened to Natalya Vetlitskaya. So, in lately It is rare to see on TV or read about the once popular jazz singer Irina Otieva. What pushed her to a solitary lifestyle and what she is doing now interests her fans. Has Irina really changed her role? Or maybe they just forgot about it?

The singer's childhood and youth

Irina Otieva was born in late autumn in the late 50s. Its homeland is the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. But she has Armenian roots - both of the singer’s parents are of Armenian nationality. Their family surname is Otiyan, but the future singer changed it, giving it a Russified form. My parents had nothing to do with music; both worked as doctors. Therefore, relatives could not properly evaluate their daughter’s vocal abilities, but they did not interfere with further achievement of the goal.

Irina loved to sing and dance from an early age. Her musical abilities nevertheless prompted her parents to bring their daughter to a music school, which she graduated from in parallel with general education. The girl learned to read music by practicing playing the piano. From the age of 10, Irina successfully participated in various music competitions and concerts. She sang in different VIAs, where she was invited, and with youth I knew that I would connect my life only with music and the stage.

When Irina was 17 years old, the girl went to the capital for a jazz song festival and returned home as a winner. The unexpected, but hard-won success did not turn the young singer’s head; she accepted the invitation to work in Yuri Chugunov’s team. Only then did the parents believe in their daughter’s talent and known future.

After graduating from school, Irina was admitted to the Gnessin Music College in the pop department in vocal class without any problems. As a student, she improved her vocals in a jazz studio, worked in the orchestra of Joseph Kobzon and in the jazz group of Igor Bril. She did not sit still, but was always energetic and proactive when it came to the creative process. Initiative, strong-willed character and unique masculinity led her to achieve her intended goal - this helps her achieve her plans to this day.


After graduating from the Gnessin School, Otieva was invited to the legendary jazz orchestra under the direction of Lundstrem, where all aspiring singers dreamed of joining. Irina became a soloist in a jazz ensemble, where she worked for 5 years. Her repertoire included popular compositions: “Moscow Windows”, “One Hundred Hours of Happiness” and many other interesting works.

Tours throughout the country and abroad brought her well-deserved success and fame. She rightfully won first places in many international, All-Russian and All-Union competitions. It was at competitions that Irina first began performing jazz compositions in Russian. The singer earned her fame with great effort and natural abilities, which gave her a voice range of 3.5 octaves out of 8 available in nature. Not everyone has such a unique voice - often modern pop singers have 2 octaves. Only those whom nature has endowed with large ranges are considered brilliant vocalists.

It is known that the Soviet government always treated jazz with distrust, since it considered it a manifestation Western culture- and this is in no way acceptable for Soviet man. Therefore, the creativity of the singer and her team caused dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Culture and the State Concert. The singer was ignored by journalists, television and the press, was not allowed to participate in international competitions, and was not invited to the radio. It would seem that such an attitude towards a woman should have broken the aspiring singer, but not Irina Otieva. The woman accepted the public challenge and became new strength seek recognition.

Since 1985, Otieva has been working at Mosconcert, collecting her music group and it begins new round in his creativity. She tours the world and takes part in international competitions, where she receives the highest awards with dignity. Irina herself writes the music and lyrics for the songs performed in her group. Having graduated from the Gnessin School, the singer simultaneously won the highest award at the Russian competition “Step to Parnassus”.

The singer has performed songs in many popular films. As an actress, she stars in thrillers and musicals. Some films are being made about her work foreign countries. Creative career, as a singer and composer, has developed quite successfully at the moment.

By winning many international competitions and participating in festivals, Irina Otieva increased the glory of Russia, and not only achieved recognition of the people. The government rightfully appreciated her merits and in the late 90s she was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of Russia.”

At the beginning of this century, the singer was awarded the Order of the Revival of the Fatherland and the title of nobility, which her family had owned even before the coup, was returned. At first creative life she has released more than 20 albums, won 10 prestigious awards, and performed hundreds of solo concerts in our country and abroad. Irina Otieva celebrated the 20th anniversary of her work with the release of a new album, “Twenty Years in Love,” which was instantly devoured by admirers of her talent. Since 2006, the singer became a vocal teacher at the Gnessin Academy at the pop-jazz department that opened there.

Personal life

Having a bright appearance and a frantic temperament, the singer always had many fans among men, but the woman’s life turned out to be such that she never got married. She began to have stormy relationships with men, and had long-term affairs, but it never turned into anything serious. Maybe the reason is that in her youth Irina fell in love with a guy, but did not receive reciprocity and this provoked distrust of all men.

She was not deprived of the attention of the stronger sex - the only thing she asked God to give her was a child. And she begged, although her age was already at the limit - he awarded Otieva with a lovely daughter, to whom her mother gave unusual name- Zlata. The baby's father is a married man who did not dare to leave his family. Irina did not tell anyone who he was and raised her daughter alone, since she broke up with her lover as soon as she announced to him that she was pregnant. To her mother's delight, the girl grew up smart and beautiful. Currently, Zlata is studying at the university, getting a profession - she is a future journalist.

The singer’s personal life did not stop with the birth of her child. She still has many fans, but the woman chooses much younger men as partners. According to the singer, she is “charged” by them, becomes younger and does not feel her true age at all. Maybe the reason is that her teaching activity extends to young people and she is much more interested in them than with people of her own age. When parting with her next lover, she does not regret anything and often does not remain on friendly terms with them. Irina’s only regret is that she has one daughter; she wanted to have two or even three children.

Irina considers herself a weak woman, but this only applies to the presence of bad habits - the singer cannot give up smoking. As for alcoholic drinks, a woman drinks vodka with tomato juice or soda, since an allergy develops to other alcohol. Irina has a strong intuition and instinct of self-preservation, and has a penchant for mysticism. Irina knows in advance what could happen to her, who decided to betray her, incredible stories happen to her that can be classified as mystical. She is not a public person; she can rarely be seen at parties, in various TV shows or social parties.

Irina Otieva was very popular in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia in the 80-90s. Many people fell in love with her work thanks to the melodrama “You Never Dreamed of It,” where Irina sang the song “I’m floating away, and time carries me from edge to edge.” However, Otieva is no longer a pop singer, but still a jazz singer. Some are sure that she owes her voice to her roots.

Otieva or Otiyan?

Irina Adolfovna Otieva is a native of the Georgian SSR. She was born in 1958 in the capital of the republic, Tbilisi. It was there that Irina spent her childhood and youth. From there in the 70s she left to conquer Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School. Irina's parents were Armenians by nationality. If you translate the artist’s surname into Armenian, you get “Otiyan”. “Otieva” is already a Russified version, the authorship of which belongs to the singer herself. The fact that the Otiyans lived in Georgia is actually not something out of the ordinary. Representatives of this nationality settled on the territory of this country, and in Tbilisi itself in particular, back in ancient times. That is why many local Armenian clans date back hundreds of years. The family of Irina Otieva was no exception.

Ancient family of Amatuni

The singer is one of the descendants of the Armenian princely family of Amatuni, information about which dates back to the 4th century. The founders of this family lived in the territory between the salt lakes Van (modern Türkiye) and Urmia (modern Iran). One of the representatives of Amatuni, Vakhan, was a famous commander and commander of the king of Great Armenia, Trdat III. It is noteworthy that it was under this ruler, or more precisely in 301, that Christianity became the state religion. Members of the Amatuni dynasty are also mentioned as vassals of other eminent families of Artsruni and Mkhargrdzeli. According to the charter of the Georgian king Irakli II dated 1784, the princely origin of the Amatuni surname was confirmed by kinship with the ancestor who had this title. In the 19th century, the Amatunis were included in the genealogical book of the Tiflis province.

Later she began to tour not only in the Fatherland, but also abroad. She participated in various competitions, including international ones. She performed jazz in Russian for the first time. Irina charmed everyone with her magical voice of 3.5 octaves, and there are only 8 octaves. Most of today's pop singers have a voice of 2 octaves. To become famous, she worked day and night, never gave up, and only moved forward.

Personal life

Irina is a spectacular woman, she could conquer any man with one look. Cavaliers always hovered around her like snakes. She had affairs, but was never married. Sometimes I dated men for a long time, but their relationship did not develop into a happy family. Rumor has it that a long time ago she loved a man who betrayed her. And since then, on a subconscious level, she does not trust men.

Most of all in her life she dreamed of a child. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time and, finally, a miracle happened. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and named her Zlata. The girl's father was a married man and did not want to leave his wife for Irina.

Zlata is a wonderful daughter, she was always smart and well-mannered, Irina put her whole soul into the child. The girl did not follow in her mother’s footsteps; she entered the Faculty of Journalism, which she is very happy about.

Life today

Fans are interested in how Irina Otieva lives now. Irina has been a pensioner for three years now. She hasn’t changed her habits since she retired; she still lives in grand style. He works as a teacher in Gnesinka, takes part in tours, although he does not travel abroad as often as before.

From time to time she comes to the show as an expert or jury. One day she came to a TV program and no one recognized her. She has changed in appearance, but not in better side. The cheekbones on her face began to stand out and she lost weight. The skin is sagging on the neck, chest and face. And the makeup only added age to her. Everyone was sure that Otieva was overcome by a terrible illness.

It turned out that she was not sick with anything, but was simply undergoing a weight loss course. But who does she want to make a fool of? We all know that when you suddenly lose excess weight, your skin becomes loose and sagging.

Irina always had a piquant, seductive figure. This is what distinguished her from the pretty models. Losing weight did not suit her, she began to look worse, even her age is now difficult to determine.

It's probably better to lose weight gradually. Eat right and go to gym. And if you can’t buy a fitness membership, you can fully exercise at home.

The singer smokes a lot, which is why her skin has a yellowish tint. Smoking is not the most favorable for your appearance. Wrinkles also appear from an addiction. In addition, she likes alcohol, but not everyone does. Prefers to drink Bloody Mary or vodka and soda. Her body does not accept other alcohol, and an allergy begins.

Irina maintains contact with her large Armenian family. IN summer period She and her family go to a country house and even grow vegetables.

The singer cannot boast of having friends, she simply does not have them. He doesn’t attend social events and doesn’t want to see people’s envious and flattering glances.

Irina also began to actively participate in political programs. She became a member of the Yabloko party, but did not achieve any political victories. She has participated in only a few different campaign programs.

But nevertheless, Otieva is praised by millions. Her voice and jazz music are a wonderful combination in one outstanding person. It doesn't matter how often she performs in public. The main thing is the songs that she gives to her fans. She is appreciated and loved for her amazing talent.

The main thing is that the woman is happy and is satisfied with a measured, quiet life in retirement.

2017! where and how the famous jazz singer Irina Otieva lives now is of interest to all her fans and not only.

Having retired three years ago and sadly celebrating this event, Irina did not stop living her life, which had already taken shape. She still teaches at Gnesinka and continues to tour, although not with the same activity.

She is invited to sing at corporate events and in various concerts. New life The singer may seem dull, but in her own words, this is enough for her. After all, it is no longer possible to lead a touring life with such activity as in youth.

Sometimes she is invited to different shows, but not as a singer, but as an expert or guest. At one of them, no one recognized the famous singer. She looked very bad: haggard and thinner, with loose skin and disgusting makeup.

This program blew up the entire Internet; fans decided that Otieva was seriously ill. It’s good that these assumptions were not confirmed, but the fact that she is undergoing a weight loss course is 100% believed. Only with a sharp weight loss and ignoring physical exercises does the following picture occur: the skin sags, and facial features “blur”.

Irina has always been a lady of average weight and looked beautiful and familiar to the viewer. Having sharply lost weight, she began to look not like a slender, well-groomed middle-aged woman, but turned into a tired lady of indeterminate age. Just when going on a diet, don’t forget about physical exercise so that the skin is tightened and not flabby - this is advice for those who want to lose weight. But the singer got what she got.

Irina lives a simple life, maintains close contact with her numerous Armenian relatives, and in the summer she goes to the dacha with her household, where she loves to dig in the beds and, by the way, grows a good harvest. She rarely goes to social events because she is bored there.

According to the singer herself, she is not friends with anyone from show business, and she simply doesn’t want to drink “according to protocol” - in this evil type of activity it is almost impossible to find real friends due to constant tours or elementary envy of the successful.

However, Otieva has not ceased to be the idol of millions of people. Her voice and manner of performance will forever remain in people's hearts as an example of jazz creativity.

And it doesn’t matter whether she performs at concerts, sings in various programs and on the radio, true fans of creativity will never cease to admire her voice.

Irina Otieva chose a thorny path to success, starting to perform the “wrong” Soviet Union jazz. She was not invited to competitions, festivals ignored her, and the press was forbidden to publish about her. At that time, Irina survived, continued to sing jazz and became one of the best.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in 1958 in the capital of the Georgian USSR, Tbilisi, into a family of doctors. The singer’s paternal surname is Otiyan, and she is Armenian by nationality. On his father's side, his roots go back to the ancient princely dynasty of Amatuni.

Natalya, Irina’s older sister, followed in her parents’ footsteps and also entered medical school. The same was expected from the youngest, but the biography of the future star turned out differently. For a long time, parents did not pay attention to their daughter’s talent and her desire for the stage. However, in addition to the classical school, they were allowed to attend a music school. It was there that it became clear that the child had a surprisingly rare voice range of 3.5 octaves. After graduation music school Irina began performing with different groups in Tbilisi - and thus began the path to success.


Her first success is considered to be a victory at the Moscow Jazz Music Festival, when Irina was only 17. Otieva was accepted into the pop department at Gnesinka without exams - by that time she had just received a certificate. Irina often said that she attaches great importance to education and theoretical knowledge, which is why she received a second higher education degree teacher education. In fact, Otieva was the first certified singer on the Soviet stage.

Irina transformed the surname Otiyan to Otieva, which is more familiar to Russian ears. After graduating from college, she was accepted by a jazz orchestra led by Oleg Lundstrem. In 1984, the masterpiece joint composition “Music is My Love” was recorded, which is still covered by modern stars.

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Despite the fact that at that time it was customary to treat jazz with caution, the singer received a large number of musical prizes and awards as part of the orchestra. The Ministry of Culture banned Otieva from entering international competitions, invite you to radio and television.

Despite the machinations, in 1982 she managed to receive an award for performing a Soviet song on All-Russian competition, then - in Berlin “8 hits in the studio”. In 1983, Irina took first place in another important competition of pop artists, which was held in Sweden. In 1985, Otieva decided to create her own group “Stimul-Band” and became more recognizable and loved, recording albums one after another.

In the early 90s, she toured extensively in Europe and Asia: she was well received in Poland and Vietnam, Bulgaria and Cuba, Japan and Slovakia. Irina gave about 10 concerts in America, where jazz music was especially popular.

In 1995, a project was released to the Russian audience that became incredibly popular in the country for many years - “Old Songs about the Main Thing.” There, Irina, together with Larisa Dolina, performed the song “Good Girls,” after which she became famous not only in jazz circles, but also among the ordinary viewer.

In 1996, Irina released her last album, “20 Years in Love,” which she dedicated to her twentieth anniversary of creativity. She also gave them bold point in the tour schedule, stopping concerts. One of her latest creations is the final song for the popular film “You Never Dreamed of” - “The Last Poem”.

In the early 90s, Irina was compared to. They even said that the two stars quarreled due to rivalry. However, Otieva denied this, saying that she did not seek to become Alla Borisovna’s double. Pugacheva avoided answering questions about comparisons with a jazz star.

Personal life

Otieva is constantly surrounded by male attention, but she never officially got married. For a long time I lived in civil marriage with Alexey Danchenko, the group’s concert director. In 1996, the couple separated, maintaining working and friendly relations.

At that time, Irina was 32 - no family, no children, only songs and videos. The star practically began to rave about the child: she admits that once, in a moment of despair, she shouted at God. Irina appealed to the fact that “all evil spirits give birth, but normal people do not.” Apparently, the cry got through, and in 1996, Otieva’s daughter Zlata was born. It is unknown who the girl's father is. According to rumors, he was married at the time of his affair with Irina, and the singer broke off the relationship as soon as she realized that she was pregnant.

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Irina Otieva in her youth

After the birth of Zlata, the young mother does not stop having affairs. She has repeatedly stated in interviews that she prefers younger men, as they charge with energy. Moreover, we are talking about young Apollos - the youngest, according to the singer, was 20. Without a drop of embarrassment, Irina said that her favorite hobby was making love.

More than once Otieva said that she was a small and weak woman. The main weakness is bad habits: Irina smokes and drinks strong alcohol, preferring vodka with tomato juice. The singer has developed intuition and also has mystical abilities: Irina often encounters déjà vu and is able to understand the motivation for the actions of others.

Irina Otieva today

Little is known about Irina’s life today: she does not appear at public parties, and rarely speaks at corporate events. They said that Irina preferred a measured and calm life, realizing herself as a vocal teacher at the Academy. Gnesins.

In January 2020, Andrei Malakhov released a scandalous issue about Irina Otieva, who, according to the message of the program, lost her relevance, lost all connections and began to abuse alcohol. On the air of the show, Otieva opened up with the journalist in a one-on-one conversation, saying that all her former friends, including Larisa Dolina, had long forgotten about her existence.