Planning in the second junior group according to T.S. Komarova with elements I


Planned results educational activities: know how depict round colored objects, draw short strokes and lines, hold a pencil correctly, see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing, draw straight horizontal lines in a continuous movement

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

Topic: “My funny, ringing ball...”

Topic: "It's Raining"

Topic: "Multi-colored carpet of leaves"

Topic: “Pedestrian crossing”

Arouse interest in drawing toys

Develop the ability to depict round colored objects (ball)

Learn to close a line into a ring, divide the circle into two parts and paint, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure

Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints.

Develop eye and coordination in the “eye-hand” system

Teach children to convey impressions of life around them in drawings

Draw short strokes and lines, hold the pencil correctly, see the image of the phenomenon in the drawing

Develop a desire to draw

Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas

Learn to hold a brush correctly

Teach children to use paints and consolidate the ability to draw straight horizontal lines in a continuous movement. Form an idea of ​​a pedestrian crossing. To impart to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian.

Vocabulary work

bright, toy, roll out

drop, water threads, short, long

flying, falling, autumn carpet,

traffic light, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing

Material and equipment

square shaped sheets of paper different sizes; cardboard circles; gouache paints, brushes, jars of water; napkins

pencils blue, ½ landscape paper size

autumn tree leaves, ½ landscape paper, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water; napkins

traffic light layout, “Pedestrian crossing” sign, sheets of black paper, brushes, white paint, hare and zebra toys

Methodological literature

ISO 1 page 18 I.A. Lykova “Visual activity in kindergarten»

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.46

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.52

Internet resources

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


create a composition of 2-3 elements of different shapes in the drawing, paint using the method of rhythmic “dipping” with gouache paints

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

Subject: « Apple with a leaf and a worm"

Topic: “The Mouse and the Turnip”

Topic: “Leaves are falling and falling in our garden”

Topic: “Look - bagels, rolls...”

Teach children to create a composition of 2-3 elements of different shapes in a drawing. Practice the technique of drawing with gouache paints.

Show options for the relative placement of elements and clarify knowledge

spatial prepositions (in, on, above, under)

Develop a sense of color, shape and composition

Learn to create a simple composition based on the plot of a familiar fairy tale.

Develop a sense of form and composition.

Learn to draw autumn leaves using rhythmic “dipping” technique

Continue to introduce warm colors of the spectrum

Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena, the desire to convey your impressions in drawings

Learn to draw rings

Practice painting techniques with gouache paints

Develop eye and eye-hand coordination

To arouse children's interest in drawing bagels and bagels

Vocabulary work

Hidden, smack, rosy,

filling barrel

Sowed, guilty, crochet, calling

Leaf fall, bouquet, autumn

Bagels, rolls

Material and equipment

sheets of paper, gouache paints (red, green, brown), brushes, a jar of water, napkins

white sheets, strips of dark green paper, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins, oilcloths

sheets of blue paper, gouache, autumn leaves

sheets of light blue paper, yellow gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, cardboard rings for examining the shape, jars of water, cloth napkins for drying lint

Methodological literature

ISO 1 page 28 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

ISO 1 p.40 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

ISO 1 p.44 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

ISO -1, p.84 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: print with the palm of your hand, draw round objects, paint over objects, decorate rectangular objects, alternating circles and lines

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week introduction to the natural world

2nd week

3rd week subject and social environment

4th week subject and social environment

Theme: "Swan"

Topic: "Beautiful balloons»

Topic: “Draw something rectangular in shape”

Topic: “Road and traffic light”

Continue to introduce children to palm typing techniques

Learn to add details to an image using a brush

Develop image

Continue teaching children to draw round objects

Learn to hold a pencil correctly and use pencils of different colors when drawing. Develop an interest in drawing.

Learn to independently think about the content of a drawing

Learn to select pencils for drawing the right shades

Practice drawing and painting rectangular objects

Develop a sense of color and imagination

Develop the ability to paint over objects with pencils, drawing lines in one direction

Continue to strengthen the ability to hold a pencil or brush correctly

Cultivate an interest in drawing

Vocabulary work

Wings, beak, waterfowl

Ball, round


Road, traffic light

Material and equipment

White gouache, colored paper, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins

Colored pencils (entire box), landscape paper

Colored pencils, white sheets

album sheet with a picture of a traffic light, gouache, brush, colored pencils

Methodological literature

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.41 KHER 6

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.60

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.91

Internet resources


Type of activity

Topic and tasks

5th week subject and

Topic: “Rug for rabbits”

Teach children to decorate a rectangular object, alternating circles and lines (using a brush and watercolors);

Consistently use paints of two colors; independently come up with a pattern and place it over the entire surface of the object. Cultivate compassion and kindness

Vocabulary work

Beautiful, elegant, colorful, affectionate, bainki

Material and equipment

A rectangular rug cut from light-colored colored paper, watercolor paints, a brush, a jar of water

Methodological literature

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.20 KHER 6

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: name and differentiate household appliances, learned to draw using a poking technique with hard brushes, became familiar with the technique of working with a signet

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week subject and social environment

2nd week introduction to the natural world

3rd week subject and social environment

4th week introduction to the natural world

Topic: “From the past to the future or in the footsteps of Smeshariki”

Theme: “Snow-White Winter”

Topic: “Decorate the Christmas tree”

Topic: “Serpentine is dancing”

Learn to name and distinguish household appliances

Form ideas about household appliances. Cultivate a caring attitude with household appliances.

Activate vocabulary

Develop creativity, imagination, speaking.

Learn to draw poking techniques with hard brushes; While drawing, create age-appropriate, realistic images.

Develop form-building movements

Cultivate accuracy when working with visual materials

Continue to introduce children to the technique of working with a signet, show how to obtain a print

Develop integrity of perception

Train your finger muscles

Teach children to freely draw lines of various configurations

Unleash your drawing hand

Improve the technique of painting with paints Develop a sense of color and shape

Vocabulary work

Household, candle, refrigerator, TV

Snow-white winter, hard brush, shiny, fluffy, white snow

Not scary, frost, decorate, New Year's, signet

Serpentine, curls, curled, curls, spirals, loops

Material and equipment

Smeshariki, a map with drawn houses of Smeshariki, household appliances, drawings with drawn diagrams of a candle and a flashlight for each child, yellow and red felt-tip pens. Tape recorder. Music.

Snowy meadow, Christmas tree, house, bunny, sheets of paper, white paint, brushes, jars for water.

Landscape sheet, gouache; a bowl with thin foam rubber, signets in the form of circles, diamonds, stars, etc., cut from potatoes

White sheets of paper of different formats and sizes; gouache paints, felt-tip pens; brushes, palettes, cups (jars) of water; paper and cloth napkins; serpentine of different colors

Methodological literature

Internet resources

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.24 KHER 6

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.26 KHER 6

ISO 1 page 72 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: they know how to draw in an unconventional way, make pokes with a hard semi-dry brush inside the contour, highlighting the elements of Dymkovo painting

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week subject and social environment

2nd week introduction to the natural world

3rd week introduction to the natural world

4th week introduction to the natural world


Topic: “Grains for the birds”

Topic: “Hare in the snow”

Topic: “Let’s decorate the Dymkovo duck”

Expand children's artistic capabilities

Develop the ability to draw in an unconventional way

Strengthen knowledge of color Educate humane treatment to the birds, to make you want to help them

Teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush inside the outline

Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movements of a hare along the text

Give an idea of ​​the life of a hare in the forest in winter

Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy and the features of the pattern

Learn to highlight the elements of Dymkovo painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper; draw circles using devices (pokes)

Cause joy from the resulting result; from the brightness and beauty of Dymkovo painting.

Vocabulary work

Feeder, sparrow, grains

Fluffy, soft

Masters, Dymkovskaya Sloboda, Berezhok

Material and equipment

Sheets of paper with a picture of a feeder for each child; yellow gouache, cotton swabs for each child. Millet, disposable plates for each child

Landscape sheet with a contour image of a hare on a blue background, white gouache, hard brush, jar of water

Presentation “Dymkovo Toy”; Dymkovo duck; paints, brushes, pokes (cotton swabs), napkins, glasses of water, sheets of paper with the outline of a duck, multi-colored circles, cubes of different colors.

Methodological literature

Internet resources

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.75

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: learned to draw dots with fingers, draw a pattern, know symbols Olympic Games, remember the words “army”, “flag”

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

Theme: "Kid"

Topic: “Let’s wash handkerchiefs and towels”

Topic: “Towards the Olympics”

Topic: “Russian flag”

Continue teaching children to draw dots with their fingers, placing them close to each other

Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem

Develop fine motor skills of hands

Teach children to describe the appearance of animals

Strengthen children's ability to draw patterns and decorate towels

To develop the ability to paint with a brush on a rectangular shape

To arouse interest in creating a composition - laundry is dried on a line. Cultivate neatness

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the symbols of the Olympic Games

Develop attention, memory, sensory perception, eye

Develop imagination

Cultivate strong-willed qualities - patience, the ability to complete work

Teach children to draw rectangular objects

Paint them carefully

Activate the words “army”, “flag” in speech

Vocabulary work

Graze, get lost, tail, horns, fur

Got dirty, wrapped up, washed

Olympic, compete, athlete

Navy, flag, Russia, army

Material and equipment

A landscape sheet with a silhouette of a kid drawn on a green background, gouache, a bowl of water, a rag

Rectangular sheets of white paper, a brush, gouache paints, napkins, a string with clothespins, doll clothes, dolls, a toy bathtub for washing, towels for studying shapes, oilcloths, jars of water

Sample drawing, ½ landscape sheet for each child with already drawn dotted dots rings, brushes, rags, jars of water, gouache

Landscape sheet, pencil, colored pencils

Methodological literature

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.28 KHER 6

ISO 1 p.102 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Internet resources

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.34 KHER 6

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: are able to paint over three-dimensional objects, draw a person schematically with colored pencils, print with potato stamps, paint over with paints and a brush, convey changes in the image

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

5th week

Topic: “Beads from pasta”

Topic: “My mother”

Theme: "Cup"

Topic: “Birdhouse”

Teach children to carefully paint over three-dimensional objects

Develop fine motor skills and sense of rhythm

Strengthen the ability to analyze and understand the content of a poem

Teach children to correctly name family members and talk about them

Learn to draw schematically with colored pencils a person consisting of a circle, a triangle and lines

Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors

Introduce children to the technique of printing prints using potato stamps using different colors of paints

Develop speech and thinking

Practice using prepositions in speech on, under, over, in

Learn to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a rectangular roof and a circle

Correctly convey the size of the parts of an object.

Reinforce painting techniques, rules for working with paints and brushes. Develop a sense of composition, creative thinking, and imagination.

Cultivate aesthetic taste

Vocabulary work

Glorious, women's holiday, beads, multi-colored

Long, tall, yellow

Compote, water, juice, milk, kefir

Cheeks, palace, entrance

Material and equipment

Straight pasta, gouache, foam swab, jar of water, oilcloth lining or saucer, lace or string

Landscape sheet on which a hut is drawn, gouache, brush, jar of water

Potato signets in the form of small triangles, circles, squares; bowls filled with thin foam rubber soaked in gouache (two colors); cup template cut from paper

Sippy cups, watercolor paints, brushes, album sheets according to the number of children, birdhouse model, bird dummy

Methodological literature

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.37 KHER 6

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.32 KHER 6

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.21 KHER 6

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten” p.95


Type of activity

Topic and tasks

5th week

Topic: “Buds and leaves”

Teach children to convey changes in the image: draw a branch with buds and stick leaves on top of the buds. To form an idea of ​​seasonal (spring) changes in nature. Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination. Cultivate interest in nature and reflection of impressions in visual arts

Vocabulary work

Buds, tubercle, hatched

Material and equipment

Sheets of white paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paper forms for gluing - leaves green various shapes, glue, glue brushes, paper and cloth napkins

Methodological literature

ISO 1 p.126 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities: they know how to draw flowers using the “dipping” method, draw a rounded object, create an expressive image, paint with a pattern based on Filimonov’s motifs

Kind of figure n awns

Topic and tasks

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

Topic: “Flower in a pot”

Topic: “Aquarium with fish”

Topic: “In a certain kingdom”

Topic: “Painted toys”

Continue teaching children to draw flowers using the “dipping” method.

Draw lines with a brush in various combinations

Continue to introduce children to watercolors

Learn to draw a round object and carefully paint over it

Cultivate compassion and kindness

Teach children to create an expressive image of a kolobok. Practice drawing round objects

Develop imagination, the ability to use paint, hold a brush correctly, rinse the brush before adding another paint, and after finishing work.

Develop children's creative abilities

Develop the ability to see the beauty of products applied creativity. Form aesthetic taste

Continue to teach children to paint with patterns based on Filimonov motifs

Continue to improve the technique of performing the Filimonov pattern

Foster a love of folk crafts

Vocabulary work

Long, narrow, take care, draft

Aquarium, splashing, glass

Chest, round, cheerful

Filimonovskaya village, magically painted, chained

Material and equipment

Landscape sheet, watercolor paints, brush, jar of water

A landscape sheet on which fish are drawn with wax crayons, watercolor paints, a brush, a jar of water.

A chest, an envelope with a letter, an image of a kolobok, windows of different colors with shutters, characters from the fairy tale kolobok, gouache, paper napkins, a glass of water

Three or four Filimonov toys, decorated with simple patterns, album sheets, gouache paints of 2-3 colors, brushes, water, napkins. CD with folk music

Methodological literature

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.39 KHER 6

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.30 KHER 6

ISO 1 p.90 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

ISO 1 p.140 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Long-term planning Artistic creativity (drawing)

Planned results of educational activities: are able to depict flags of different shapes, have acquired basic knowledge about the dangers of playing with fire, draw with wax crayons, paints, and colored pencils

Type of activity

Topic and tasks

1st week environment

2nd week environment

3rd week

4th week

Topic: “I am holding a flag in my hand”

Topic: “Cat House”

Topic: “Green bushes”

Theme: "Summer Sky"

Practice drawing children on rectangular and square objects

Clarify your idea of ​​color and geometric shapes Oh

Arouse interest in the image of flags of different shapes (rectangular, square, semicircular), practice playing with them. Develop a sense of shape and color

To form in children basic knowledge about the dangers of pranks with fire

To foster an understanding of the need to behave correctly in the event of danger and to provide all possible assistance to those in trouble

Act out the plot of the poem and display it in a drawing

Improve children's skills in combining various techniques (painting with a brush and fingers)

Arouse interest in drawing

Cultivate neatness

Teach children to draw a sun with wax crayons, consisting of a circle and short lines; tint paper
Develop imagination

Cultivate emotional feelings

Vocabulary work

Lit, parade

Burnt out, extinguished, candle, match

Thick trunk bush, bush

It heats up more the sun is shining rays.

Material and equipment

Illustrations "Boy with a flag", a flag, gouache paints, brushes, cups, rags, tinted sheets of A-4 paper, drawn flags with errors and a sample of a drawn flag

Cards with rules, candle, match, lighter, ball, doll, pyramid, drawing of a house, gouache

Landscape sheet, gouache, brush

Landscape sheet, wax crayons, watercolor paints, brush, jar of water

Methodological literature

ISO 1 p.136 I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

Internet resources

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.42 KHER 6

D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 3-4 years old” p.46 KHER 6

Elena Khalevina
Long-term plan for visual activities for the younger group. Part 2

Long-term planning for visual activities for the younger group for January.

View activity and name of the lesson.

Objectives of the lesson.

Relationship with other species activities.

Where to find it.

33 Modeling from salt dough “I bake, bake, bake...”. Modeling treats for toys: rolling, flattening into a disk and hemisphere, pinching the edges. Development of a sense of form and fine motor skills. Free experimentation with the dough.

Performing a song “Little hands, dance once”. Lykova

34 Application "Bagels-bagels". Gluing ready-made forms - rings of different sizes - in accordance with the plan ( "stringing" bunch of bagels). Applying glue around the circumference. Developing accuracy, confidence, and independence. Did. game "Colored rings".

Games with. Lykova

35 Drawing “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white” Learn to convey a picture of winter in a drawing; practice drawing trees; continue to learn how to use paint and a brush, and wash the brush. Watching the falling snow.

Reading poems about snow. Volchkova p. 189.

36 Application "Christmas Boot". Continue to evoke pleasant memories associated with the Christmas holiday in children, cultivate responsiveness and kindness; consolidate gluing techniques; learn to make a pattern out of snowflakes. Conversation about the holiday of Christmas. Volchkova

37 Drawing “The bun rolled along the path”. Drawing based on the plot of a fairy tale "Kolobok". Creating an image of a kolobok based on a circle or oval, winding paths based on a wavy line with loops. Myself. use of such expressive means, like line, shape, color. Reading p. n. With. "Kolobok", conversation according to its content. Lykova

38 Application “Let’s dress the dolls for a walk”. Learn to compose a pattern in a certain sequence, correctly alternating shapes in size, and develop a sense of rhythm. Looking at winter clothes: patterns on clothes. Volchkova

39 Drawing “And there was a snowman standing in our yard in the morning.”. Exercise children in drawing round objects, teach them to convey in a drawing the structure of an object consisting of several parts; consolidate the skills of painting a round shape with continuous lines from top to bottom and from left to right. Reading a fairy tale "Snowman - Postman" and watching a cartoon. Volchkova

40 Modeling "We're dancing with snowballs". Consolidate knowledge about the shape of different objects; practice sculpting round objects by rolling out plasticine in a circular motion. Dance moves with snowballs.

Playing with snowballs while walking. Volchkova

Long-term planning for visual activities for the younger group for February.

41 Drawing by design "In some kingdom". Drawing based on fairy tales. Independent choice of theme, images fairy-tale heroes and means of artistic and figurative expression. Development of imagination. Coloring pictures in coloring books with image fairy-tale characters and attributes of fairy tales. Lykova

42 Application with drawing elements "Beyond the Blue Seas". Creating images of fairy-tale attributes - the blue sea and high mountains. Mastering the breaking technique appliqués: tearing paper into pieces and strips, crumpling, gluing in accordance with the plan. Conversation about fairy tales.

Looking at illustrations in children's books. Lykova

43 Story modeling "Bye-bye, go to sleep". Modeling images of sleeping creatures. Modeling toys or animals in the style diapers: body – ovoid (egg, head – ball. Design of compositions in small boxes. Games with dolls.

Looking at photos babies in modern magazines.

44 Drawing “Vitamins grow in our garden”. Learn to convey the image of fruit trees, paint over the outline with foam rubber; brush dipping method depict leaves; teach by typing depict fruit. Looking at illustrations with image fruits and fruit trees.


45 Story modeling "Robin Bobin Barabek". Creating a comic composition based on literary work. Modeling individual images according to plan and laying them out on a common basis. Conversation about different types food.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Lykova

46 Drawing “Bear cubs can do everything - that’s why they get healthier”. Teach children to take an interest in their health, grow strong and agile; learn to draw straight lines in different directions, thereby drawing a gymnastic wall. Morning exercises and physical education classes. Volchkova

47 Drawing "Big wash" Drawing square and rectangular objects; creating a composition based on a linear drawing (linen to dry on line). Examination of square and rectangular objects.

Math games. Lykova

48 Application "Moidodyr". Making fun compositions: gluing ready-made figures onto a colored background, drawing on them "dirty" spots, finishing touches "containers" for swimming. Drawing napkins and towels, setting up an exhibition of drawings "Big wash". Lykova

Long-term planning for visual activities for the younger group for March.

49 Application "Bouquet of Flowers". Creating beautiful compositions: choosing and gluing a vase (from textured paper) and making a bouquet of paper flowers. Development of a sense of color and shape. Reading the story by D. Gabe "Mother".

Entertainment for beloved mothers. Lykova

50 Drawing "Flower for Mommy". Preparing paintings as gifts for mothers for the holiday. Mastering the technique of drawing tulips in a vase. Independent choice of paint color, brush size and paper format. Looking at tulips and other spring flowers.

Memorizing poems about mom. Lykova

51 Drawing "Portrait of a Family". Cultivate a kind attitude towards dad and mom; learn to convey these images in drawing using accessible means of expression; consolidate ideas about round and oval shapes. S/r game "Family".

Looking at family photos. Volchkova

52 Drawing with cut appliqué “Icicles are crybabies”. Creation images in the shape of an elongated triangle. Combination fine arts: cut applique, drawing with paints and pencils. Cultivating interest in drawing. Observing icicles on a walk and from the window of a kindergarten. Lykova

53 Modeling "Merry tumbler". Modeling of figures consisting of parts of the same shape, but of different sizes. Developing a sense of form and proportion. Dividing plasticine into parts using stacks. Comparison of tumbler and matryoshka.

Games with tumblers. Lykova

54 Application with drawing elements "tumbler is dancing". Image tumblers in motion (in an inclined position). A combination of materials and methods of creating an image. Development of a sense of form and rhythm. Examination of the shape of a tumbler toy.

Modeling a tumbler out of snow. Lykova

55 Application "The sun is walking in the sky". Drawing up an image of the sun from a large circle and 7-10 rays (stripes, triangles, trapezoids, circles, curls - according to the children’s choice). Development of a sense of form and rhythm. Looking at illustrations with image sunshine in various children's books.

56 Drawing “Sunny, sunshine, scatter the rings!” Independent choice of materials and means artistic expression to create an image of a folklore sun. Watching the sun while walking.

Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "Sun". Lykova

    The book contains a system of educational visual arts activities for children aged 2-3 years (65 notes with methodological recommendations). All classes are interconnected, meaningful and aimed at implementing the basic tasks of the artistic and creative development of children, formulated in the preface. The “Appendix” provides materials for conducting aesthetically pleasing entertainment with children in the classroom and in everyday life. Educational and methodological manual included in the author's program of artistic education, education and development of children preschool age“Colored palms” (the full structure of the program is presented on the color tab in the “Appendix”).

    The book contains a system of educational activities in modeling, appliqué and drawing in middle group kindergarten (64 notes with methodological recommendations). All classes are interconnected, meaningful and aimed at achieving the goals of artistic and creative development of children formulated in the preface. At the same time, they are original and exciting for both children and the teacher.
    The educational and methodological manual is included in the author’s program of artistic education, training and development of preschool children “Colored Palms” (the full structure of the program is presented on the color tab in the “Appendix”).
    The book is addressed to educators preschool institutions, art studio teachers, tutors, senior educators and heads of state educational institutions, students teacher training colleges and universities, as well as parents interested in issues of artistic education and development of preschool children.

    This manual contains a system of developing visual arts activities in senior group kindergarten: priority tasks for academic year, system planning and 96 variable notes (scenarios) with specific methodological recommendations.

    The book contains a system of classes in modeling, appliqué and drawing in a kindergarten preparatory group (96 notes with methodological recommendations). All classes are interconnected, meaningful and aimed at achieving the goals of artistic and creative development of children formulated in the preface. At the same time, they are original and exciting for both children and the teacher.
    The educational and methodological manual is included in the author’s program of artistic education, training and development of preschool children “Colored Palms”.
    The book is addressed to preschool teachers, art studio teachers, tutors, senior educators and heads of state educational institutions, students of pedagogical colleges and universities, as well as parents interested in issues of artistic education and development of children.

Educational field "Artistic - aesthetic development»

Visual activities


"Introducing Pencil and Paper"

Introduce children to pencils. Learn to hold a pencil correctly and guide it across paper. Develop a desire to draw.


"Introduction to plasticine"

To give children an idea of ​​what can be sculpted from plasticine, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Develop a desire to sculpt.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.46

2 week


"It's Raining"

To develop the ability to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.45


"Big and small balls"

Teach children to choose large and small round objects and carefully stick pictures.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.47

3 week


“Let’s tie colored strings to the balls”

Develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom. Develop aesthetic perception.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.45


“My cheerful, ringing ball”

Develop the ability to roll out a ball using circular movements of the palms. Arouse interest in modeling. Develop fine motor skills.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.16.

4 week


"Beautiful stairs"

Develop the ability to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.45


“Balloons, obedient to the breeze”

Arouse interest in creating applicative pictures from 4-5 balloons, identical in shape and size, but different in color. Develop a sense of form and rhythm.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.20.


1 week


"A colorful carpet of leaves"

Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas. Learn to draw leaves by applying brush bristles to a jar.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.52


"Berry on a plate"

Develop the ability to sculpt a ball in different ways: circular movements of the palms to obtain a plate and fingers - for the berries. Develop eye, fine motor skills, sense of shape.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.28.

2 week


"Apple with leaf"

To develop the ability to create a composition of 2-3 elements of different shapes in a drawing. Practice drawing with gouache paints.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, 26.


“The turnip has grown big, very big”

To develop the ability to create an image of a turnip using the cut-out appliqué technique. Create a desire to work as a group so that you get a big, big turnip. Develop a sense of shape and fine motor skills.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.34.

3 week


"Colored balls"

Develop the ability to draw continuous lines in a circular motion without lifting the pencil from the paper; hold the pencil correctly.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.53


"Gift for a beloved kitten"

Form imaginative perception and imaginative ideas, develop imagination. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, a desire to do something good for them.

4 week


“The mouse is a bitch”

To develop the ability to sculpt a mouse based on a cone shape. Show ways to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of form and fine motor skills.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.36


"Berries and apples on a plate"

Strengthen children's knowledge about the shape of objects. To develop children's ability to distinguish objects by size.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.57


1 week


"Crazy Balloons"

Develop the ability to draw round objects and hold a pencil correctly. Develop an interest in drawing.



Strengthen the technique of rolling out plasticine with straight movements of your palms, and roll the resulting sausage in different ways. Develop the ability to examine works, highlight similarities and differences.

2 week


"Colorful Wheels"

To develop the ability to draw round objects with a continuous, continuous movement of the brush. Strengthen the ability to wash a brush. Develop color perception. Strengthen knowledge of colors.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.61


"Colorful lights in the houses"

Develop the ability to paste round images, clarify the name of the form. Learn to alternate circles by color. Practice careful gluing. Reinforce knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green).

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.60

3 week


"Draw something round"

Exercise children in drawing round objects. Strengthen the ability to use paints, hold a brush correctly, and wash it. Learn to enjoy your drawings, name the objects and phenomena depicted.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.63


"Mushrooms on a Stump"

Develop mushroom sculpting skills in a constructive way of 2-3 parts (leg, cap, clearing). Show techniques for modeling a mushroom cap: rolling out a ball and flattening it into a gingerbread shape. Develop abilities for shaping and composition. Cultivate curiosity and accuracy.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.44.

4 week


"The leaves are falling, falling"

To develop the ability to draw autumn leaves using rhythmic “dipping”. Continue to introduce warm colors of the spectrum. Create conditions for artistic experimentation. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena. The desire to convey your impressions in a drawing.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.42


"Mushroom clearing"

To develop the ability to depict mushrooms using the appliqué technique: to create images that are contrasting in size from ready-made elements. Develop a sense of form, size, composition. Foster curiosity and interest in nature.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.46.


1 week


"Snowballs big and small"

Strengthen children's ability to draw round objects. Learn proper painting techniques.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.66


"Pyramid of Rings"

Continue teaching children to roll lumps of plasticine between their palms in a circular motion; flatten the ball between your palms; compose an object from several parts, superimposing one on another. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately.

2 week


"Trees on our site"

To develop the ability to create an image of a tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of straight vertical and inclined lines, place images across the entire sheet of paper. Draw large, on the entire sheet.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.68


"Magic Snowflakes"

Develop the ability to glue strips of paper in the shape of a snowflake based on a finished circle. Encourage to complement the applicative image decorative elements(strokes, spots. Strokes), drawn with paints or felt-tip pens. Develop visual and figurative thinking and imagination. Cultivate an interest in nature.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.66.



“Acquaintance with Dymkovo toys. Drawing patterns"

Introduce ss to folk Dymkovo toys. Inspire the joy of looking at a bright, elegant painted toy. Draw children's attention to the patterns decorating toys.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.71


"New Year's toys"

To develop the ability to model various Christmas tree decorations from plasticine. Show a variety of toy shapes: round, cone-shaped, spiral. Develop a sense of form, proportions, eye, consistency in the work of both hands. Create a desire to decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.68

4 week



To develop the ability to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing; draw objects. consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal). Continue learning how to use paints and brushes.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.70

"Holiday Tree"

Develop the ability to draw a festive Christmas tree. Continue to master shape and color as means of figurative expression. Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.72.


2 week


“Let’s decorate the house mitten”

Develop the ability to draw based on the fairy tale “The Mitten”, create a fairy-tale image. Develop imagination and creativity. Develop the ability to decorate an object.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.74.



Arouse the desire to create images of fairy-tale characters in sculpting. Strengthen the ability to sculpt round objects by rolling plasticine between your palms in a circular motion. Strengthen the ability to work accurately.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.55.


“Stick on whatever toy you want”

Develop children's imagination and creativity. Strengthen knowledge about shape and size. Practice the correct techniques for composing images from parts and gluing them.

T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 72.

4 week


“Look - bagels, rolls”

Arouse children's interest in drawing bagels and bagels. Develop the ability to draw rings. Contrasting in size, choose your own brush. Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.82.


"Tangerines and Oranges"

Strengthen children's ability to sculpt round objects by rolling plasticine in a circular motion between their palms. Develop the ability to sculpt objects of different sizes

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 74.


1 week

Drawing by Design

"In some kingdom"

Develop the ability to draw based on familiar fairy tales. Develop imagination. Cultivate aesthetic emotions.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.88.


"Sparrows and the cat"

Continue to develop the ability to reflect images of outdoor play in modeling. Develop creativity and imagination.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 80.

2 week


“We built a snowman on a walk”

Make children want to create images of funny snowmen in their drawings. Practice drawing round objects. Continue learning to convey in a drawing the structure of an object consisting of several parts.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 79.


"Pattern on a circle"

Develop the ability to place a pattern along the edge of a circle, correctly alternating shapes in size; make a pattern in a certain sequence. Strengthen the ability to apply glue to the entire form. Develop a sense of rhythm. Foster independence.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 81.

3 week


"Planes are flying"

Strengthen the ability to draw objects consisting of several parts; draw straight lines in different directions. Develop aesthetic perception.


"Planes are standing at the airport"

To develop the ability to sculpt an object consisting of two parts of the same shape, sculpted from elongated pieces of plasticine. Strengthen the ability to divide a lump on the eye into two equal parts, roll them out and flatten them between the palms.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 82.

4 week


"Trees in the Snow"

To develop the ability to convey a picture of winter in a drawing. Practice drawing trees. Develop the ability to place several trees on a leaf. Strengthen the ability to wash a brush. Develop aesthetic perception.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 83.


“Flowers as a gift to mother, grandmother”

Develop the ability to compose an image from details. Cultivate the desire to make a beautiful thing (gift). Develop aesthetic perception, form imaginative ideas.

Page 85


1 week

Drawing with applique elements

"Flowers for Mommy"

Make you want to draw a picture as a gift for your mother on March 8th. To develop the ability to draw flowers based on the idea of appearance plants. Practice drawing with gouache paints. Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate a caring attitude towards parents, a desire to please.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.106.


"Icicles - imaginaries"

To develop the ability to sculpt objects in the shape of a cone. Arouse interest in modeling icicles of different lengths and thicknesses. Encourage them to independently combine different techniques to enhance the expressiveness of images: flattening, twisting, stretching. Develop a sense of form. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena and conveying their impressions in visual activities.

I.A.Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.108.

2 week


"The sun is shining"

To develop the ability to convey the image of the sun in a drawing, to combine a round shape with straight and curved lines. Strengthen the ability to squeeze excess paint onto the edge of the jar. Develop children's independence and creativity.

S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 78.

Page 81.


"Crybaby Icicles"

Develop the ability to draw objects in the shape of a triangle, sharpening at least one corner. Arouse interest in a combination of visual techniques: cut-out appliqué, drawing with paints and pencils. Show the dependence of the size of the drawn icicle on the size of the brush. Develop a sense of color.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, p.110.

3 week


“Sunny, sunshine, scatter the rings”

Arouse interest in drawing a cheerful sun playing with rings. Show the similarities and differences between a circle and a ring. Practice painting with a brush. Develop a sense of color and shape.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 118.


"Big and small birds at the feeder"

Continue to develop in children the desire to convey images of birds in sculpting, correctly conveying the shape of body parts, heads, and tails. Reinforce sculpting techniques. Develop the ability to talk about what was blinded. Foster creativity, initiative, and independence.

Page 84.

4 week


"Beautiful flags on a string"

Develop the ability to draw rectangular objects with separate vertical and horizontal lines. Continue to practice drawing and coloring techniques with colored pencils.

Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten”,

Page 86.



Develop the ability to create a pattern of circles and squares on a square-shaped paper napkin, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to glue parts carefully.

Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten”,

Page 90.


1 week



To develop the ability to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle, a straight roof; correctly convey the relative size of the parts of an object. Reinforce painting techniques.

Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten”,

Page 95.


"Merry tumbler"

To develop the ability to sculpt toys consisting of parts of the same shape, but of different sizes. Develop a sense of shape and proportion. Foster curiosity and independence.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 112

2 week


"Buds and leaves"

Develop the ability to convey changes in an image: draw a branch with buds and stick leaves on top of the buds. Form an idea of ​​spring changes in nature. Show leaf shape options. Develop visual-figurative thinking. Imagination. Cultivate interest in nature and reflection of impressions in visual arts.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 124.

Application with drawing elements

"Tumbler is dancing"

To develop the ability to create the image of a toy in a characteristic movement. Arouse interest in “reviving” the applicative image. Search for visual and expressive means.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 114

3 week

Drawing by View


Develop the ability to draw bright, expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper by the teacher. Evoke an emotional response to beautiful natural objects. Improve your painting technique. Develop a sense of shape and color.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 130.



To develop children's interest in sculpting familiar objects consisting of several parts. Learn to divide a lump of plasticine into several parts. Strengthen the ability to firmly connect parts of an object, pressing them against each other.

Komarova “Visual activities in kindergarten”, .

Page 92.

4 week


“Colorful handkerchiefs are drying”

Exercise children in drawing familiar square-shaped objects. Strengthen the ability to carefully paint images in one direction - from top to bottom, without going beyond the outline; Place images across the entire sheet of paper.

Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 93..


"The sun is walking in the sky"

Evoke a vivid emotional response to the folklore image of the sun in the application. To develop the ability to create an image of the sun in an application. Show options for rays: straight, wavy lines, curls, triangles, circles. Develop perception, visual and figurative thinking.

A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”, page 116.


1 week


“Picture about the holiday”

Continue to develop the ability to determine the content of your drawing based on the impressions received. Foster independence and the desire to draw what you like. Practice drawing with paints. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards beautiful images. Develop a desire to talk about your drawings.

Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, Page 100..


"Treat for Dolls"

Strengthen children’s ability to select from the impressions they receive what can be depicted in modeling. Reinforce the correct techniques for working with plasticine. Develop imagination.

2 week


"Dandelions in the Grass"

Induce in children a desire to convey in a drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow and the shape of flowers. Practice painting techniques with paints. Strengthen the ability to carefully rinse the brush and dry it on a cloth. Learn to enjoy your drawings. Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination.

Komarov “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 101.


"Chickens in the Meadow"

Continue to develop the ability to create a composition from several objects, freely arranging them on a sheet of paper; depict an object consisting of several parts. Continue to practice your neat gluing skills.

Komarov “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 103.

3 week


"Little books"

To develop the ability to draw quadrangular shapes with a continuous movement of the hand from left to right, from top to bottom, etc. To clarify the technique of painting by moving the hand from top to bottom or from right to left. Develop imagination.

Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten”, P. 90..


"Three Bears Bowls"

Develop the ability to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion. Learn to flatten and pull the edges of the bowl up. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately.

Komarov “Visual activities in kindergarten”, P. 96.

4 week



Continue to develop the ability to draw a pattern consisting of vertical and horizontal lines. Monitor the correct position of the arm and hand, achieving a continuous, continuous movement. Develop aesthetic perception.

Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 103



Continue to develop the ability to compose an image from several parts, following a certain sequence; position it correctly on the sheet. Strengthen knowledge of geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle)

Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten”, P. 104.

Planning in the 2nd junior group for appliqué and modeling according to T.S. Komarova with elements of I.A. Lykova

Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in the second junior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2009. – 96 p.

Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Junior group. – M.: “KARAPUZ – DIDACTICS”, 2008. – 144 p.

Lesson topic : Introduction to plasticine

Program content: Give children the idea that plasticine is soft and can be molded from it, small lumps can be pinched off from a large lump. Learn to place plasticine and molded parts only on the board, and use plasticine carefully.

Komarova T. S. Page 13


Lesson topic : My cheerful, ringing ball

Program content: Arouse children's interest in modeling as a type of activity that allows them to create three-dimensional images (like real ones that they can play with). Develop the ability to roll out a ball using circular movements of the palms, etc.

Lykova I. A. Page 18


Lesson topic : The turnip grew big - very big

Program content: The turnip has grown - big - very big

Learn how to create an image of a turnip using the cut-out appliqué technique. Create a desire to work as a group to make a big, very big turnip. Develop a sense of shape and fine motor skills.

Lykova I. A. Page 36


Lesson topic : Leaf fall

Program content: Creating an applicative composition from ready-made shapes (leaves) of different colors, developing a sense of orientation on a piece of paper.

Lykova I. A. Page 44



Lesson topic : Bagels for pussy

Program content: Continue to introduce the material, teach how to roll a stick into a ring (connect the ends, pressing them tightly against each other). Strengthen the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements and use the material carefully.

Komarova T. S. Page 17


Lesson topic : Mushrooms in the meadow

Program content: Creation collective composition from mushrooms in a constructive way from two to three parts (stem, cap, blade) Show techniques for modeling a mushroom cap: rolling out a ball and flattening it into a gingerbread or disk shape. Cultivate curiosity and accuracy.

Lykova I. A. Page 46


Lesson topic : Transport

Program content: Composing a composition of three elements of different sizes (two wheels, a car template) for gluing. Develop a sense of shape and color.

Lykova I. A. Page 122


Lesson topic : Cook - preparations for the winter

Program content:

Reinforce with children the names of vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes). Continue to teach gluing techniques within a certain shape (can) without going beyond the limits, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the entire palm.

Komarova T. S. Page 15



Lesson topic : Nuts for the squirrel

Program content: Repeat the names of wild animals with the children. Reinforce knowledge about the shape of different objects. Practice sculpting round objects by rolling plasticine in a circular motion.

Komarova T. S. Page 22


Lesson topic : Rattle for baby

Program content: Teach children to sculpt an object from two parts: a ball and a stick, connect the parts, pressing them tightly against each other. Practice rolling out plasticine with straight and circular movements of your palms.

Komarova T. S. Page 24


Lesson topic : Flower with leaf

Program content: Creating subject applicative pictures from 2-3 elements (a flower and two leaves). Creating a composition from ready-made (dissimilar) elements on the background and gluing the parts one by one.

Lykova I. A. Page 26


Lesson topic : Rain, rain!

Program content: Applicative image of a cloud: gluing ready-made forms onto the background, gluing torn pieces of paper as a second layer. Drawing rain with colored pencils.

Lykova I. A. Page 52


Lesson topic : Application on the strip. Balls and cubes

Program content: Introduce new form- square. Teach: compare a circle and a square; stick the shapes, alternating them. Clarify knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green)

T.S. Komarova p.62



Lesson topic : Tangerines and oranges

Program content: Strengthen the ability to sculpt round objects by rolling out plasticine with circular movements of the palms. Learn to convey different sizes of objects.

Komarova T. S. Page 27


Lesson topic : Beautiful napkin

Program content: Teach children to create a pattern on square paper, placing large circles of the same color in the corners and in the middle, and small circles of a different color in the middle of the sides. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

Komarova T. S. Page 28


Lesson topic : New Year's toys

Program content: Modeling Christmas tree decorations from salt dough. Show a variety of toy shapes: round (apple, ball, tangerine) cone-shaped (pine cone, icicle, carrot). Create a desire to decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys.

Lykova I. A. Page 70


Lesson topic : Snowman

Program content: To consolidate children's knowledge of round shapes and the differences in size of objects. Learn to compose an image from parts, correctly positioned.

Practice careful gluing.

Komarova T. S. Page 29



Lesson topic : Snowman

Program content: Teach children to sculpt objects consisting of two balls; consolidate the ability to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional material; develop speech and thinking.

Koldina. No. 15.


Lesson topic : Three Bears Bowls

Program content: Teach children to flatten a ball of clay between their palms and make a depression in the middle of the flattened lump with their finger; develop speech and thinking.

Koldina. No. 11.


Lesson topic : Kolobok on the window

Program content: Creating the image of a kolobok: gluing the finished shape and finishing the details with a felt-tip pen. Develop compositional skills, sense of color and shape.

Lykova I. A. Page 86



Lesson topic : Duck-duck, ducks!

Program content: Introduce children to the sculptural method of modeling. Learn to pull from the entire piece of plasticine the amount of material needed to model the bird’s head and tail. Develop a sense of shape and proportion.

Lykova I. A. Page 130


Lesson topic : Stream and boat

Program content: Teach children to make an image of a boat from ready-made shapes (trapezoids and triangles of different sizes) and draw a stream according to the idea.

Develop the ability to freely place parts and carefully glue them. Develop a sense of form, color and composition.

Lykova I. A. Page 122


Lesson topic : Pyramid

Program content:

Teach children to depict an object consisting of several parts, to arrange the parts in a certain sequence in order of decreasing size.

Strengthen knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.

Komarova T. S. Page 25


Lesson topic : Large and small birds at the feeder

Program content: Continue to develop in children the desire to convey images of birds in sculpting, correctly conveying the shape of parts of the body, head, tail; consolidate sculpting techniques; develop the ability to talk about what was blinded; cultivate creativity, initiative, independence; develop imagination.

Komarova. No. 59.



Lesson topic : Bye-bye, go to sleep

Program content: Teach children to sculpt images of sleeping toys in the style of “Swaddles”: the body is a cylinder (column) or the head is a ball, etc. Show the possibility of creating compositions in small boxes-cradles. Develop a sense of form, composition, fine motor skills.

Lykova I. A. Page 94


Lesson topic : Beautiful flower

Program content: Teach children to compose an image in parts. Cultivate the desire to make a beautiful thing for a gift. Develop aesthetic perception.

Komarova T. S. Page 34


Lesson topic : Beautiful handkerchief

Program content: Learn to make a pattern on a square sheet of paper, arranging small squares and triangles in a certain order. Develop spatial concepts: in the middle, in the corners, below, etc. Clarify the name of the figures.

Develop a sense of color, composition, aesthetic perception. Cultivate initiative.

Komarova T. S. Page 38


Lesson topic : House

Program content: Learn to compose an image from several parts, following a certain sequence, and position it correctly on the sheet. Strengthen knowledge of shapes (square, rectangle, triangle).

Komarova T. S. Page 47


Lesson topic : Tumbler Teddy Bear

Program content: Exercise children in depicting objects consisting of round parts of different sizes; practice the ability to fasten parts of an object, pressing them tightly against each other.

Komarova. No. 70



Lesson topic : Festive treat for dolls

Program content: Learn to select from the impressions received what can be depicted in modeling. Practice the correct techniques for working with plasticine. Develop imagination.

Komarova T. S. Page 43


Lesson topic : Chicks in the nest

Program content: Arouse interest in creating the composition “Chicks in the Nest.” Teach children how to make a nest in a sculptural way: roll out a ball, flatten it into a disk, press it in, pinch it. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Lykova I. A. p.128


Lesson topic : Chickens in the meadow

Program content: Learn to compose a composition from several objects, freely arranging them on a sheet of paper; depict an object consisting of several parts. Continue

Practice accurate gluing skills.

Komarova T. S. Page 45


Lesson topic : Tumbler is dancing

Program content: Learn to create the image of a toy in a characteristic movement (“the tumbler is dancing”). Show the method of transmitting motion through changes in position (mixing parts to transfer tilt). Arouse interest in the “Revival” of the applicative image, the search for figurative and expressive means.

Lykova I. A. Page 116



Lesson topic : Three bears bowls

Program content: Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes using the technique of rolling plasticine in a circular motion, teach them to flatten and pull the edges up. Strengthen the ability to sculpt accurately.

Komarova T. S. Page 41


Lesson topic : Bridge

Program content: Arouse interest in modeling a bridge from 3-4 “logs” and creating a spring composition (stream, bridge, flowers). Learn to align plasticine parts (log posts) along the length, cut off the excess in stacks. Develop a sense of form and size (length, composition ability).

Lykova I. A. Page 124


Lesson topic : Buds and leaves

Program content: Mastering visual and expressive means to convey the transformation of an image: drawing a branch with buds and gluing leaves. Cultivate an interest in nature and displaying impressions in visual arts.

Lykova I. A. Page 126


Lesson topic : “Wears a dandelion yellow sundress...”

Program content: Arouse interest in creating an expressive image of a fluffy dandelion using the cut-out appliqué technique. Clarify children's understanding of the appearance of a dandelion and show the possibility of depicting yellow and white flowers. Develop a sense of color and shape, fine motor skills. To cultivate aesthetic emotions and artistic taste.

Lykova I. A. Page 144