White beam black ear test. Scenario of the city competition "Loyal Friend" based on the work of A. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

Department of Education of the Bratsk City Administration

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Secondary school No. 31 named after. A.P. Zhdanova"

municipality Bratsk

Scenario of the city competition

"Loyal Friend"

based on the book by G.N. Troepolsky

"White Bim Black Ear"

Prepared and conducted:

Head of the Humanitarian Ministry,

Russian language teacher

and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

them. A.P. Zhdanova

Shilina O.V.

Bratsk, 2015

"Loyal Friend" based on the book by G.N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear".

Goals and objectives:

1. Creating conditions for the manifestation of the intellectual and creative potential of students, involving them in searching for the necessary information.

2. Formation of cognitive activity, development of students’ needs for

increasing one's intellectual level, forming a collective

reader's opinion, developing the ability to deeply analyze what is read and

defend your opinion with reason.

4. Formation of connections between student groups of city schools, organization of mutual communication, development of students’ needs to improve their intellectual level.

5. Develop a person who can be compassionate; moral qualities: kindness,

responsibility for your loved ones, conscience, mercy.

Progress of the event.

Slide 1

    Opening remarks. Good afternoon Dear guys, colleagues! Jury!

Most of you celebrated your birthday. And I won’t ask why: it’s clear and so! Birthday cake with candles, surprises, gifts. Imagine, writers also have birthdays.
Slide 2

On November 29, 1905, in the village of Novo-Spasskoye, Voronezh region, the Russian writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky was born, a very famous book"White Bim Black Ear" The most the best gift for the writer it will be that today we remember him and his wonderful book"White Bim Black Ear."
In his book, the writer addresses you guys!
The Writer's Word.

Slide 3

Reader - friend, I’m turning to you! Forgive me for sometimes writing one or two satirical pictures in a lyrically optimistic story about a dog. Don’t accuse someone of violating the laws of creativity, because every writer has his own “laws.” Don’t blame me, dear, for mixing genres, because life itself is a mixture: good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, laughter and grief, truth and lies live side by side, and so close to each other that sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish one from the other. The main thing is that I am for writing about everything, and not about the same thing. The latter is harmful. Just think! If you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and, in the end, will not notice them; if you write only about the seriously beautiful, then people will stop laughing at the ugly. However, I only write about the dog...
Who didn't dream of a dog as a child? A cheerful, loving, affectionate creature with devoted eyes. Loving selflessly and selflessly. Capable of sharing both joy and sorrow. Of course, the dream of a dog is a dream of a friend whose love for us is much greater than the care that is required of us.

Slide 4

Today we have gathered here to hold the “Loyal Friend” competition based on the book “White Bim Black Ear” by this wonderful author.

You will be offered 4 competition tasks:

Task No. 1 « Fiction reading excerpt" from the book

Task No. 2 "Biography of the Writer"

Task No. 3 “White Bim Black Ear” - tasks based on the book

Task No. 4 "Dog Quiz"

Let me introduce our jury:

Chairman of the jury: Bezkrovnaya Yulia Vladimirovna – deputy. director for scientific and medical research of the Bratsk Central Regional Development Center;

Jury members:

1. Saprykina Elena Anatolyevna - teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Secondary School No. 5"

2. Tetyushkina Elena Evgenievna – deputy. Director for HR MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

3. Ivanova Larisa Leonidovna - teacher - organizer of MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

4. Olga Aleksandrovna Baranova - teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

5. Nemtseva Galina Alekseevna – teacher of Russian language and literature – veteran of MBOU “Secondary School No. 31”

An expert will sit in each team to monitor the work of the group, count the points for each competition and transfer them to the jury to sum up the overall result.

Let's start our competition.


The writer defined the purpose of his work as follows: “In my book, the only goal is to talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, and devotion.

Human life is a great miracle. And for it to be useful, you need to do something good every day.

You can’t live only for your own pleasure, you need to protect nature, take care of your loved ones and they will answer you in kind.”

Slide 5

Task No. 1 Literary reading of a passage (no more than 3 minutes).

The jury evaluates your reading using a 5-point system and records their points in the protocol.

Reading passages (summarizing task 1)

Leading: This book is about fidelity, devotion, selflessness, and high feelings. Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat - only because not all of them and not so often have loyalty and devotion. So among us there are modest people, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul and an honest heart. They decorate life with simplicity and trust.

Such a person was Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky, and we’ll talk about him now, having completed task No. 2.

Slide 6-7

Task No. 2

Give an answer how these words and numbers are related to the writer’s biography

1 . 110 years (November 29 will mark the 110th anniversary of Troepolsky’s birth)

2.Village priest (father of the writer)

3.6 (how many children were in the writer’s family)

4. Breeding, millet (was a breeder, bred 8 varieties of millet)

5. Grigory Romanovich Shirma (the writer’s school teacher who instilled in him a love of literature)

6.25 years (gave agronomy)

7. Teacher (worked as a teacher)

8. 1938 “Grandfather” (Troepolsky’s first work)

9. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky - friend and assistant of the writer

10. “White Bim Black Ear” -a touching lyrical story about the fate of a dog losing its beloved owner, about the attitude of people towards “lesser brothers”, which, like an X-ray, illuminates souls, revealing in some the baseness and petty meanness, and in others - nobility, the ability to compassion and love.

11. 1975 (awarded a state prize)

12. 52 languages ​​of the world (Troepolsky’s books are translated)

14. Voronezh (the writer lived and was buried)

Slide 8-9

We check the correct answers + experts give points. Well done, 2 competitions are already behind us. Let's continue.


The story "White Bim, Black Ear" was published in 1971.

"White Bim Black Ear" is"a word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children" , so wrote Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky.

So, main character stories - Bim. Now we will talk about his fate, his friends and enemies, and what mark he left on earth.

Task No. 3 (there will be several tasks, all of them are in envelopes and signed)

Slide 10 Task 3A “Solve the crossword puzzle”


1. “There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness..”


2. Brass token-plate with the inscription: “His name is Bim. He is waiting for his owner. Knows his home well. Lives in an apartment alone. Don't hurt him people"

3.The name of the girl whom Bim found at the station.

4. The cause of Bim’s owner’s illness.

5. New nickname Bima in the village.

6. Neighbor of the owner Bim.

7. What bird did Bim catch when he was left alone in the forest?

8. What was the name of Bim’s owner?

9. Who did Bim end up with in the iron van?

Slide 11 We check the correct answers, and experts assign the points they receive.

Leading: In life it is not always easy to distinguish between good and evil, but in the story of Bim, good and evil are not mixed, but are recognized at first sight. At one pole - kindness, trust, at the other - inhumanity, cruelty, evil next to lies. The attitude towards the fate of a lonely dog ​​divided people into two camps: Evil and good.

Slide 12 Task 3B

Fill out the table “Friends and Enemies of Bim”

Bim's friends - These are those kind and sympathetic people who helped Bim in some way on his difficult path to his dear friend. They feel sorry for Bim and see that the dog is in trouble. They talk to him as if he were a person, pour out their souls to him.

caring people

Bim's enemies - These are the people who do not love animals, they are incapable of mercy and compassion, they are cruel and indifferent to the misfortune of others, they live only by their own interests and needs.
The author does not give names to Bim's ill-wishers. They don't deserve it, people.
lost their humanity. Bim's enemies only have nicknames.

Indifferent people -

these are people who meet on life path Bim, but do not take proper part in his fate.

Slide 13 Correct answers: We check the correct answers, and experts assign the points they receive.


Indifferent people are also added to Bim's enemies.An indifferent person hopes that everything will work out without him. He always has a logical explanation for his inaction. In the end,he didn't do anything... like that. Indifference is always disguised. It deceives. And he himself believes in his own deception.
Indifferent people are half-humans..., subhumans, and in essence, they are scary people because they lack all senses except hunger, cold and comfort. Indifference methodically kills all life in a person, all feelings, destroys love, kills faith in people and deprives them of hope.
Indifferent people do not have access to the colors of life. They are not able to worry and are not able to rejoice. They are not capable of love. And that’s why no one likes them either. They are doomed to loneliness. If people are indifferent to each other, there will be no society, there will be no families, friendship, love.Beware of indifference! Indifference and indifference can kill .

Slide 14 Task 3B After consulting as a team, answer the question“What “trace” did G.N.’s book leave on your soul? Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"? The jury members will listen to you and give you points.

They speak their minds.

Leading: I was deeply touched by the tragic ending of this story. After all, being a kind, sympathetic, honest person in relationships is a rewarding task. And even animals appreciate and understand this...

Slide 15 Video “Poems about a red mongrel” by E. Asadov

It is impossible to read these works without tears! Poor Bim, poor mongrel, but they really wanted to find the owner! But they died because of human meanness! PEOPLE, LOVE ANIMALS!

We must believe in goodness. After all, there are many more good people than evil and indifferent people.

Slide 16 Presenter:

I hear the shot go away

Above the forest expanse...

And it seems to me that he is barking

White Bim...White Bim.

And looks trustingly

In human eyes

It's like he doesn't remember at all

No wanderings, no evil.

On a clear day and in the evening

Under any bad weather

Runs out to meet

White Bim...White Bim.

Give the offender change

And don't perish in the dark

And the soul of the blind

Teach Kindness!

Slide 17

Task 4 “Quiz about dogs in literature, music, cinema, painting.” For each correct answer, you receive a point; if you do not answer, the next team answers this question. The jury gives points.

    One of the largest dogs. Oh, and the dog is beautiful - personable, impressive, respectable. His character is balanced, like that of a well-bred citizen. Excellently trainable. He is strong - not every person can boast of such strength, so do not try to use force on him: you need to convince him with persuasion and affection. (Dog)slide 18

    There is no other dog that swims so well and loves water so much. The dog is beautiful, with long wavy hair, with a kind and easy-going disposition. It is difficult to make her angry; she rarely barks. (Newfoundland, or diver)slide 19

    This dog is very beautiful. The fur coat is its main decoration; perhaps no dog can boast of such a thing. The muzzle is pointed, similar to the muzzle of a greyhound, the ears are pointed and raised. The color is usually a combination of 3 or 2 colors: white, brown, sometimes black. (Collie)slide 20

    What a majestic dog! Everything about it is amazing! And the size, and the surprisingly reasonable, downright human expression of the “face”. The head is large, massive, the fur is such that you can’t reach the body. These dogs often saved people, setting an example of mercy. A monument to one of them was erected in the mountains in Switzerland. (St. Bernard).Slide 21

    What is the name of the science of dogs (Cynology)slide 22

    What is more important for a dog? (sniff)

    The President's Favorite Dog Russian Federation? (Labrador Connie), and in general he has three dogs: the Bulgarian shepherd Buffy, the Japanese Akita Inu dog Yume in the remake of “Dream”slide 23

    Breed Artemon from A. Tolstoy’s work “Pinocchio” (Poodle)slide 24

    The main character (dog breed) in the movie “Come to me, Mukhtar!” (Shepherd)slide 25

    In which work is there a dog named Sokolko (“The Tale of dead princess"A. Pushkin)

    This wonderful dog could not only guard the house, but also dig up potatoes with his hind paws, and wash dishes with his tongue. But he had no luck with hunting. What was his name? (Sharik. E. Uspensky. “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat”).

    What is the main difference between the vision of dogs and humans? (The dog has black and white vision)

    What was the name of the dog whose sad death was told in his story by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev? (Mumu)

    In which work by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, the main character, Professor F.F. Preobrazhensky, used an operation to transform a dog into a human? ("Heart of a Dog")

    What was Kashtanka's name in Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story when she ended up in the circus? (Aunt)

    The name of which breed is translated from English as “bull dog”? (Bulldog)slide 26

    What was the name of the three-headed dog who guarded the entrance to Hades - the kingdom of the dead among the ancient Greeks? (Cerberus)slide 27

    What breed of dog has a purple tongue? (Chow Chow)slide 28

    What is the name of Mickey Mouse's dog? (Pluto)

    What breed was Chekhov's Kashtanka? (A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel)

    What breed was the dog in Gavriila Nikolaevich Troepolsky’s story “White Bim Black Ear”? (Scottish Setter)slide 29

    What was a dog called in ancient Rus'? (Guardhouse)

    What was the name of the dog that first flew into space? (Laika, 1958)slide 30

    Which dog appears on the screen very often? central television? (Filya, transmission " Good night kids")

    What is the name of the breed of the world's smallest dogs? (Chihuahua, weight no more than 2.5 kg)slide 31

    Which dog became famous with a nickname consisting of 4 words? (White Bim Black Ear, story by G. Troepolsky)

    What is the name of the reproduction of the painting on which you will write an essay?(“Goalkeeper” S. Grigoriev)slide 32

    How would you name this reproduction? Will it coincide with the author's?Slide 33

(“Friends” E. Shirokov)

    What is the name of the reproduction of the painting in which only the dog is happy about the poor student who has come home? (F.P. Reshetnikov “Again deuce”)slide 34

    What is the name of the song in which she is sung about her disappearance, but her happy return with her offspring (R. Gazmanov “Lucy”)slide 35

    Listen to the music and name the song (“The dog is missing” or “Hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind...”)slide 36

    What was the name of the dog from the movie “The Adventure of Electronics?” (Rassie)slide 37

    To whom was this monument erected?(to front-line dogs, they saved 700 thousand lives)slide 38

    Where and how did Bim receive treatment after leaving the village?(In the forest, with herbs).

    What is the name of the movie from the video you watched? Who is the scriptwriter of this film?(“White Bim Black Ear” Stanislav Iosifovich Rostotsky)slide 39-40-41

    What is the name of the movie dedicated to Japanese dog, who came to the station for 9 years and waited for his owner (“Hachiko”) slide 42

    Name a work by L. Andreev about a dog whom you met in the summer while preparing to study in the 7th grade? ("Nipper")

    At what age did Bim come to Ivan Ivanovich? (1 month)

    When did Bim cry for the first time in his life?(Neighbor Stepanovna gave Bim a blank piece of paper, which smelled like the owner’s hands).

Speed ​​questions

    What is the name of the dog's house? (booth)

    What is the name of the "dormitory" for dogs? (kennel, nursery, aviary)

    What was the name of the dog who helped pull a large vegetable out of the ground? (Bug, fairy tale “Turnip”)

    How many times did Ivan Ivanovich shoot in the forest when he buried Bim? And why?

    St. Bernard with the nickname - like the surname of the famous German composer and pianist. (Beethoven)

    A wonderful search dog who served in the police and had the rank of commissar. (Rex)

    The heroine of I.A. Krylov’s fable barked at an elephant. (Pug)

    Dog doctor (veterinarian)

    Which dogs (there are two) have become known throughout the world since 1960? (Belka and Strelka)

    Name the poems and fables that you have read about dogs and who wrote them (S. Yesenin “Song of a Dog”, “Give Jim a Paw for Good Luck”, E. Asadov “Poems about a Red Mongrel”, “I Love a Dog for its Loyal Disposition” ...",“About Dogs” by N. Rubtsov, “Bulldog and Taxi” by D. Kharms, “Dog’s sorrows” B. Zakhoder, Krylov “Elephant and Moska”)

    Are there any monuments to dogs in the world? Name them?Slide 43-44

(Voronezh “Monument to Bim”, Monument of Devotion in Togliatti, Monument to the dog cosmonaut Laika in Moscow, “Dogs in Love in Krasnodar”, monument to bomber dogs in Volgograd, Monument to the dog Bobka in Kostroma, Monument to Pavlov’s dog in St. Petersburg”, etc. )

Jury summing up (points are counted)

Summing up, I would like to note that none of the participants remained indifferent.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” made an indelible impression on you, young readers. This story is not only about a dog named Bim, but also about good and evil people, indifferent and compassionate people.

The writer Troepolsky had a favorite dog; he often talked to her and read his manuscripts to her. Our “smaller brothers” are responsive to affection and human kindness. We probably need friendship with them so that we become wiser, more sympathetic, and kinder to all living things.

Slide 45

Let's look into each other's eyes
Remember each other.
Separation awaits us all,
We all have to die.
Let's be kinder
To pity and love each other.
The rescuer will warm us all.
And darkness will not be able to destroy.
We don't know how death will turn out,
How long will we grow old?
And in Eternity it may be necessary
We can look into each other's eyes.
And, having met in a new body,
Wouldn't it be a shame then?
What we haven't looked at here often
Looking into each other's eyes with love.

Awards for the winners. Certificates.

Troepolsky wrote the story “White Bim Black Ear” in 1971. The author dedicated the work to A. T. Tvardovsky. Central theme The story is the theme of mercy. Using the example of the story about the dog Bim, the author shows that a person in any situation must remain human, show kindness, and take care of our little brothers.

Main characters

Bim– a dog “from the Scottish Setter breed with a long pedigree. He was of an atypical color: white with tan markings, one black ear and one black leg.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov- master of Bim, hunter, participant of the Great Patriotic War; retired journalist.

Tolik- a boy who took care of Bim.

Other heroes

Stepanovna- a neighbor who looked after Bim.

Dasha- the girl who helped Bim.

Khrisan Andreich- Bim's temporary owner in the village.

Gray man- the man who took the sign off Bim’s collar and beat the dog.

Aunt- a neighbor who disliked Bim.

Chapters 1–2

Bim was born from purebred setter parents, but had an atypical color. The owners wanted to drown Bim, but Ivan Ivanovich took the puppy to him. The man became very attached to the animal and soon began to take it with him hunting. “By the age of two, Bim became an excellent hunting dog.”

Chapter 3

The third summer has passed. A “shrill and fat” aunt wrote a complaint against Bim: supposedly the dog was dangerous. The chairman of the house brought the paper, but when he saw the dog, he realized that Bim was kind and obedient.

Chapters 4–5

During the hunt, Ivan Ivanovich tried to limit himself to one or two woodcocks per hunt, and then only so that Bim would not “die like a hunting dog.”

Ivan Ivanovich once took Bim on a wolf hunt. After this incident, the dog always showed his owner during the hunt that he had smelled the scent of a wolf.

Chapter 6

Ivan Ivanovich suffered from pain more and more often; he was bothered by an old wound - a shrapnel near his heart. One day he became very ill. Ivan Ivanovich was taken to the hospital. The man asked his neighbor Stepanovna to look after the dog.

Bim ran after the owner. The dog followed the trail to the ambulance building and began scratching at the door: it smelled like his owner. However, Bim was driven away.

The next morning the dog went out searching again. Bim sniffed the people and examined them. Passers-by noticed the dog and called the police. However, the girl Dasha stood up for Bim. She took the dog home. Stepanovna told the girl that Ivan Ivanovich was sent by plane to Moscow to have an operation.

Chapter 7

In the morning, Dasha brought Bim a collar with a plate on which was written: “His name is Bim. Lives in an apartment. Don't offend him, people."

The neighbor let Bim out for a walk alone. The dog wandered into the park, the boys noticed him, and they brought the dog some food. One of the boys, Tolik, hand-fed Bim. “Some guy” with a cane—“gray”—came up to the guys and asked whose dog it was. Having learned that the dog was a nobody's, the man took it with him and brought it home. He took off Bim’s collar, as he collected all kinds of “dog badges” (medals, leashes, collars). At night, out of loneliness, the dog began to howl. Angry, the “gray” one beat the dog with a stick. Bim attacked the man and jumped out of the apartment through the door opened by the offender’s wife.

Chapter 8

"Days passed by days." Bim already knew the city well. Somehow the dog smelled Dasha, which led him to the station. The girl was leaving. The dog ran after the train for a long time, and then, sadly, fell between the rails.

A woman approached the almost dying Bim and gave him water to drink. Bim trudged along railway, his paw got pinched. At that moment the train was approaching. Fortunately, the driver managed to stop and freed the dog. Bim returned home.

Chapter 9

Tolik found out where Bim lived and now walked the limping dog every day. An advertisement appeared in the newspaper that a setter with a black ear was walking around the city and biting passers-by. Having learned about this, Tolik showed the dog to the veterinarian. The doctor concluded that “the dog is not mad, but sick.”

Chapter 10

Gradually, Bim began to recover, but only in late autumn was he able to stand on four legs. The neighbor started letting the dog out alone again.

One day Bim was picked up by a driver who was taking him and Ivan Ivanovich hunting. The driver sold the dog to a friend for 15 rubles. The new owner, Khrisan Andreich, named the dog “Chernoukh” and took it with him to the village.

Chapter 11

In the village, everything was unusual for Bim: small houses, pets and birds. The dog quickly “got used to the courtyard, to its population, and was not surprised at the well-fed life.”

Chapter 12

Khrisan Andreich took Bim with him to graze the sheep. The dog now has the duty of “turning unauthorized sheep towards the herd and keeping an eye on them.”

One day an acquaintance, Klim, came to Khrisan Andreich and began asking him to sell Bim. However, the owner refused: he had previously advertised in the newspaper that “A dog has stuck,” and received the answer: “Please don’t advertise. Let him live until his term."

Khrisan Andreich allowed us to simply take the dog hunting. The next day, Klim and Bim went into the forest. Not accustomed to large prey, the dog missed the hare. Klim became very angry and hit Bim with his boot. The dog fell. Klim abandoned the dog in the forest.

Bim, who had lost consciousness from the blow, soon woke up and, barely walking, found medicinal herbs.

Chapter 13

The dog spent five days in the forest until he felt better and returned to the city. Following the trail, Bim found Tolik's house. The boy was glad to have the dog, but his parents categorically did not want to leave the dog at home. At night, Tolik’s father took Bim to the forest and abandoned him there.

Chapter 14

Bim returned to the city and again came to Tolik’s house. The boy's father tried to catch the dog again, but he managed to escape.

Chapter 15

Bim trudged to Ivan Ivanovich's house. However, when she saw the dog, that same noisy woman called the “quarantine station”. Bim was caught, put in an iron van and taken to a dog pound. Waking up in an “iron prison”, the dog began to scratch the door. “He chewed shreds of tin with his teeth and scratched again, already lying down. Called. I asked." By morning the dog became quiet.

Chapter 16

That morning Ivan Ivanovich also returned. The man already at the station began asking if anyone had seen Bim. Ivan Ivanovich went to the quarantine station. The man barely managed to persuade the watchman to open the van doors.

“Bim was lying with his nose to the door. Lips and gums are torn on the torn edges of the tin. He scratched himself in last door for a long, long time. Scratched until my last breath. And how little he asked. Freedom and trust - nothing more.”

Chapter 17

In the spring, Ivan Ivanovich took a new puppy for himself and Tolika. It was a “pedigreed, typical-colored English setter,” who was also named Bim. “But he will never forget his old friend.”


In the story “White Bim Black Ear,” the author talks about the fate of a dog that remains faithful to its owner to the last. Depicting the suffering of an animal, its homesickness, the author seems to compare the kind, loyal dog and all those people who met him: many of them positive qualities inferior to Bim.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” has been translated into more than 20 languages. We recommend that you do not stop at the retelling of “White Bim Black Ear”, but read the work in its entirety in order to experience all the events described in the story along with the characters.

Test on the story

Test your memorization summary test:

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 1388.

Lessons of kindness (based on the story by G.N. Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”)
Rafilya Sabirzyanovna Arslanova, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Gymnasium No. 2 named after Baki Urmanche, Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan.
1. Educational: continue work on teaching analysis literary text, highlight the main problems raised by the author in the work.
2. Developmental: develop analytical thinking, creative imagination and artistic taste of students.
3. Educational: to cultivate a person who has moral qualities: kindness, responsibility for their loved ones, conscience, mercy, love for people, animals, to promote friendship and mutual understanding in the classroom, to encourage students to think about what is good and evil.
Planned results:
Meta-subject UUD: understand the theme, idea of ​​the work, analyze art material, select quotes from the text to confirm your own position, draw conclusions; work in a group, discuss problems collectively; master monologue and dialogic speech; find information using Internet resources; learn how to carry out design and research work
Regulatory UUD: accept and maintain the educational goal and task, make assumptions based on observations, formulate the problem (goal, objectives) of the lesson.
Cognitive UUD: compare, analyze, draw conclusions, establish patterns, put forward a hypothesis, build reasoning.
Communicative UUD: interact with the teacher, listen and hear the interlocutor, exercise speech self-control in the process of speech activity
Personal UUD: comprehend the importance of communication for transmitting and receiving information; develop a responsible attitude towards learning.
Technology of carrying out activities of teachers and students.
Tasks for students, the completion of which will lead to the achievement of planned results.
1.Motivation to educational activities.
Goals: checking the readiness of students, their attitude to work.
Personal: self-determination and
making life plans in
time perspective.
educational cooperation with the teacher
and peers. The teacher checks the students' readiness for the lesson.
- The ancient Greek thinker Socrates said that there are many people, but it is difficult to find a person among them.
-What do you think is the meaning of this statement?
And I would like to begin our meeting with the words of Gabriel Troepolsky:
“White Bim Black Ear” is “a word to little people who will later become adults, a word to adults who have not forgotten that they were once children
In my book, the only goal is to talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, devotion.”
Teacher: Today we have a lesson extracurricular reading. If after our lesson there is more kindness and mercy in your hearts, then we will consider that we did not spend our time with you in vain. We have to reflect on what we read, everyone has their own opinion and should express it. At the same time, we must not forget about respect: listen to another opinion, even if it does not coincide with yours. Today we will not only reflect and express our opinions
based on the work, but also present their mini-projects.
--- word to the student. 1 project - a word about the writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky was born in the village of Novospasovka, Voronezh province in 1905 in the family of a rural priest, in which there were six children. In the Troepolskys' house they loved
labor - they worked from an early age, they highly valued knowledge and books. His life encompassed an entire era: he was 12 years old when the revolution occurred in 1917; at the age of 15 he learned what it was civil war;
at the age of 36 he experienced the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. Gabriel Troepolsky had to study at four educational institutions. Already with secondary education, he enters the agricultural school. Then he worked as a teacher in the city of Voronezh. In the 66th year of his life, Troepolsky published a work that brought him world fame - the story “White Bim Black Ear,” which he dedicated to the memory of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. His book about Bima, which was read in Europe, Japan, and China, brought him worldwide fame. In 1975, the author was awarded the USSR State Prize for the book. A film was made based on the story in 1977. The story has been translated and published in many countries around the world. Troepolsky died in 1995. After the death of the writer in Voronezh, where he lived for many years, near the puppet theater, a monument to Bim was erected.
Mini-project 2 – how did Bim the dog appear in the writer’s life? A lonely man whose wife died took a one-month-old puppy and fed it. Bim was completely different from his breed of Scottish setters: “the body was white, but with a reddish tint, only one ear and one leg were black, the other ear was yellowish-red. With such a color, Bim could not be called a purebred dog, but for the owner this was no longer so important: Bim was already his friend, and friends should always be respected.” Now Ivan Ivanovich was not alone. “He didn’t notice how, alone, he gradually began to talk out loud with Bim.”
II. Formulating the topic of the lesson, setting a goal.
Repetition of covered material.
Goals: leading children to formulate the topic and set the objectives of the lesson. Drawing up a work plan.
Cognitive: independent
Formulation of a cognitive goal, problem.
Communication: planning
educational collaboration with teacher and peers
Regulatory: goal setting The teacher leads the children to formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson. Clarifies students' understanding of the lesson objectives. Students set goals, formulate (clarify) the topic of the lesson.
Teacher: Of all the domestic animals that man has domesticated, only one has become his true friend - the dog. This friendship between man and dog has its roots in the distant past. The dog knows how to love faithfully, adapts well to different conditions and learns lessons.
The man accepted the dog into his family, and the dog perceives this family as her pack, where the owner is the leader. The dog still serves man: as a hunting assistant, watchman, shepherd, bloodhound and guide for the blind, but most importantly, it has become his companion and friend.
---What statements and sayings have you prepared on the topic “A dog is a man’s friend”? 4 mini-projects you did at home - let's check it now:
Assignment: draw on the left side of a piece of paper the image that expresses the meaning of the word “cruelty.” Explain why you chose it. Write the words that you associate with this word. On the right, draw an image that expresses the meaning of the word “mercy.” Name and write those spiritual values ​​that oppose cruelty. (love for one's neighbor, compassion).
Teacher: Unfortunately, some people do not like animals and treat them cruelly. This serious problem, people show cruelty, forgetting or not knowing that there is such a beautiful word in the world - mercy.
The topic of our conversation is cruelty and mercy. Turning to the work of G.N. Troepolsky “White Bim and the Black Ear,” we will find out the meaning of these words, their place in the lives of the heroes and in our lives, and also formulate the moral attitude of people towards animals.
III. Learning new material.
Goals: acquiring new knowledge,
developing the ability to seek answers to
questions posed, summing up
children to make independent choices
way of acting with information.
Communication: collaboration
in searching and selecting information.
Cognitive: construction
logical chain of reasoning,
putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.
Regulatory: drawing up a plan and
sequences of actions. The teacher creates an emotional mood for working on the topic. Formulates a task to comprehend new material. Draws parallels with previously studied material. Organizes students to investigate a problem situation.
Students make a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means (algorithm, model).
5 mini-project – briefly retell the content of the story
“White Bim Black Ear” is a story about a dog who was very faithful to his owner. As a very young puppy, he was taken in by a former journalist, a lonely pensioner, Ivan Ivanovich. Deep love and true devotion bound them together. And everything would have been fine if one day Ivan Ivanovich had not been hospitalized with a heart attack. From that moment on, Bim began a very difficult life. In search of his owner, Bim ended up with evil people who kept him on a chain, and simply with hooligans. Bim healed wounds received from cruel people in the forest. After all his wanderings and searches for his good master, he is finally back in the city. The Harmful Aunt, who sees that a dog is constantly sitting in the yard and waiting for someone, calls a team that is engaged in catching stray dogs. She says that Bim is dangerous, can carry diseases and can even bite someone. The brigade arrives, but Bim is not given into the hands of the catchers, but they still take him and take him to the shelter. Ivan returns from Moscow
Ivanovich. He finds out what happened to Bim, finds out the address of the shelter and immediately goes to get his dog. But upon arriving at the shelter, he finds out that Bim was locked behind iron doors in the car. All night long Bim tried to open and gnaw off this unfortunate door, tearing apart the iron with his paws, wanting to break free to continue the search for his owner. The door was opened for Ivan Ivanovich, but Bim was already dead.
Teacher: Now there is no place on the globe where a dog does not live next to a person.
Scientists have identified three main reasons when our friends need help:
This is cruelty, callousness, irresponsibility of people who kicked out, threw out, and left a defenseless animal on the street.
The animal remains on the street because its owner dies, and relatives do not take this animal into their home.
Animals get lost or run away from careless owners.
----let's see how these reasons influence our main character.
IV. Consolidation of new material.
Goal: mastering the method of action with the acquired knowledge in practical activities.
Cognitive: choosing the most
effective solutions
tasks, the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct statements.
Communication: control,
correction, assessment of the partner’s actions.
Regulatory: method control
action and its result with a given standard. The teacher leads to a primary generalization and encourages students to express their opinions. Provides positive reaction children to the statements of classmates.
Students solve standard tasks by speaking the algorithm out loud.
I invite you to think. Analytical conversation on the work.
Let us turn to the hero of the story - Bim.
What captivated you most about Bim?
(With his loyalty, devotion and affection, when without a friend he could neither eat nor drink, but could only wait, love, hope. Having gone through evil and cruelty, he remained himself. The scene where Bim cried over Ivan Ivanovich’s letter is it was so human.
Why do you think Bim is a kind, faithful dog?
(Bim was brought up by a kind person and lived in the belief that kindness is the norm; it could not be otherwise. Bim firmly understood: doors exist so that everyone can enter. Ask and they will let you in. He is used to trusting people.)
Tell us about Ivan Ivanovich, the owner of Bim. What kind of person is this? –
(Ivan Ivanovich is a man of great soul, and it is not surprising that the dog Bim is kind, faithful, devoted. Such a person cannot be otherwise. Ivan Ivanovich loves nature, knows and understands it. Friendship with Bim gave him moments of happiness in his loneliness)
How does Ivan Ivanovich relate to Bim? Are they friends?
“You did great, Bim! We will live together, even without pedigree. You're a good dog. Everyone loves good dogs...”, writes the author in the story. They really felt good together both at home and in the meadow. Friends understood each other more and more, loved and lived as equals - man and dog.
How does he relate to nature?
(He bows to nature, because it gives a person the joy of being, heals wounds human soul. He wants every person to be able to receive these noble moments of communication with nature. He wants to address people with these words:
"O restless Man! Glory to you forever, thinking, suffering for the sake of the future! If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality.")
--- Pay attention to the words of the small lyrical digression, which can be completely attributed to Ivan Ivanovich: “There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness, to whom it is due and available. But for everyone - both happy and unhappy - he is now the adornment of life “That’s how among us humans there are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul.
Ivan Ivanovich is a “small” man with a huge soul.
--- Were Are the owner and the dog happy together?
They needed each other, and that's the main thing. Bim became a good hunting dog, trusting and honest, kind and loyal. But one day the owner was taken away by ambulance. At parting, Ivan Ivanovich said to Bim: “Wait, boy, wait.” Bim waited and looked for the owner.
---Bim breaks up with the owner and becomes scared. Look at
drawing. Did the author manage to convey Bim's condition?
I think so. Bim is sad, but there is hope in his eyes. He knows for sure: we have to wait!
---teacher reads a poem:
The leaves will soon fall from the trees, and Bim is still waiting... Snow is falling from a black cloud, and Bim is still waiting... For some reason, the friend does not come, but Bim is still waiting... Let the year pass, and the century pass, But Bim is still waiting...
search for the owner. What did Bim learn about people? What kind of people did he meet?
Good: Evil:
Ivan Ivanovich
Dasha, Stepanovna
Matryona, Micah
ambulance driver Aunt
Semyon Petrovich
Tolik's mother
Evil people are nameless: no name, no soul. Kind people feel sorry for Bim, they see that the dog
got into trouble. They talk to him, pour out their souls to him. They all love animals, sympathize with them, this is a trait of a good person.
---There are many good people, why did evil win?
On his way he meets many people, obstacles, tries to believe and trust people.
Teacher: “Night has come. Cold and frosty. Where did Bim get his strength after hearing a shot in the yard? He got to the door and started scratching at it. He gnawed shreds of tin with his teeth, and when his strength left him, he scratched again, already lying down. He called... asked... by morning it became quiet in the van...” Although the story ends tragically - Bim dies, but he short life reflected good on many destinies. Think about it
the meaning of Ivan Ivanovich’s words: “It’s not true. And there will definitely be spring. And there will be snowdrops... In Russia there are both winters and springs for sure.”
What is the essence of this philosophical reflection?
(Like winter and spring, alternating, sorrows and joys, smiles and tears pass through our lives. There will be more bright days if a person achieves harmony in the natural world.)
Teacher: The cruelty of people comes from indifference, and indifference is spiritual death; When the ability to sympathize with the suffering of others is lost, a person ceases to be human.
You probably also had problems and experiences when your smaller friends were treated “unmercifully.” Let’s try to evaluate our own actions, our own behavior.
For this purpose we use the “Analysis of Life Situations” technique.
- Are you satisfied with yourself and the way you live?
- Do you know the feeling of embarrassment and shame?
- Do you ever feel afraid for yourself and those around you?
- What do you especially value about yourself and your loved ones?
-Have you had to re-evaluate your own actions?
Tell me about it.
Teacher: A person begins from childhood. It is in childhood that the sowing of goodness and mercy occurs. But only years later it will be clear whether the seeds of goodness and mercy turned out to germinate or whether the weeds of evil and cruelty destroyed them. I believe that each of you will become a kind, sympathetic, merciful Person.
Troepolsky's story is a sad story about two setters, Bim, and his owner, Ivan Ivanovich, who love and care for each other. The story teaches us kindness and compassion for our smaller brothers. She talks about those who do not know how to understand, sympathize with the grief of a dog in trouble, makes us think about our actions, about the need for an attentive and caring attitude towards animals, who, just like us, know how to love, suffer, rejoice, grieve, experience a feeling of fear and melancholy. Remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!
What mark did Bim leave on your heart?
“... I watched the movie for the first time and haven’t read the book before. I really liked it. Bim is a nice, smart dog. After the film I really want a dog..."
“... I always felt sorry for Bim: when he was tied to a tree in a snowstorm, when his paw got stuck between the rails, especially when he died...”
“... Bim will forever remain in the hearts of readers. He is so loyal and dedicated. And how he loved his master!..”
“... Forgive us, Bim. We were in such a hurry, we wanted to find you, but we didn’t have time to help you. Thank you for your loyalty and devotion to your Human Friend. Thank you for being there! Forgive us, Bim!
Conclusion: Despite efforts good people, evil triumphs. The death of a dog is a reproach for everyone. Let people remember Bim, let them never push the dog away, let them never betray, offend, never refuse help, let them fight against evil.
7 mini-project – drawing I was offered to read Troepolsky’s book “White Bim Black Ear”. I was amazed by the content of the work and I wanted to capture Bim’s dog. They say that every dog ​​has its own destiny: happy and sad. It’s a shame that white Bim has such a sad fate; I found her to be devoted and faithful, whom I want to love and feel sorry for.
- There is a picture of a heart in front of you, write on them how people should treat animals and attach your wishes to the poster next to Bim. Final word teachers.
Man always remains man, the son of nature and its protector. “The autumn forest is inimitable. He is a temple for reflection. In the autumn sunny forest,” the author writes, “a person becomes cleaner.” But does everyone? A person who comes to mercilessly kill will not be able to feel this. Everyone who reads this book, according to the author, should look into himself and
ask: “Have I not yet lost my humanity? Can I, as before, call myself a faithful son of my mother nature?” When you remember all the little heroes of this work, the image of a touching, pure, faithful, defenseless creature, whose life ended tragically, appears in your imagination. He is opposed by the image of an evil, greedy, indifferent person, for some reason confident in his impunity.
6 mini-project
--- the story contains many wise words and thoughts that are important for any person.
Can you read those words from the text that you can take as a motto and go through life with it...
“... other people can sell honor, loyalty and heart. Good for the dog who doesn’t know this!”
“There are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. They are the ones who decorate life...”
I wanted to tell people: “Don’t pass by when in front of your eyes
Evil and indifference triumph.”
V. Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.
Goals: comparison of assigned tasks with achieved results, recording new knowledge, setting further goals.
UUD: Communicative: the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts.
Cognitive: reflection on methods and conditions of action, their control and evaluation;
Personal: establishing for students the importance of performance results to satisfy their needs and life interests. Students formulate the final result of their work in class. They name the main positions of the new material and how they learned them (what worked, what didn’t work and why). The teacher notes the degree of student involvement in the lesson.
- I would like to finish our lesson with lines from a poem by the poet E. Yevtushenko.
Take care of these lands, these waters, loving even a small epic. Take care of all animals within nature. Kill only the beasts within yourself.
I see that the story touched you, and therefore I advise you to read other works about animals.
----let the words of L. Tolstoy become the motto of your life.
“Compassion for nature is so closely connected with kindness of character that it is safe to say that one who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.”
I wish you to preserve in your hearts kindness and cordiality, sensitivity and attention, responsibility for “our little brothers.” Be good owners of your four-legged friends!
8 mini-project “Monuments to dogs”.
Reflection. Continue the sentence:
This lesson taught me...
This lesson got me thinking...
I wanted...
- I want to say that before I...
-I would really like to change the first thing...
-What I am absolutely sure of is...
-For me, the important thing in the conversation was...
- Would you recommend your friends and family to read this book? Why?
At home: 1.Give a written answer to one of the questions:
How did the story leave me feeling? What does G. Troepolsky’s book teach us?
2.Write a letter to Bim.
Gives comments on homework.

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Target: formation of a collective reader's opinion, development of the ability to deeply analyze what is read and defend one's opinion with reason.

Progress of the event

Leading: November 29, 2005 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky. He lived a long life, 90 years, and left a good mark on the earth. G.N. Troepolsky worked for more than 20 years as a rural teacher and agronomist in the Voronezh region. Since 1937, he began publishing his stories and essays in newspapers and magazines. His story “White Bim Black Ear” is most popular among readers. In 1975, the story was awarded the USSR State Prize and was filmed feature film. Today we are holding a reader’s conference on this story.

Our goal: in a collective discussion of the moral issues raised by the writer in this story, to come to certain conclusions. Our conversation is about good and evil, about loyalty and betrayal, about the indifference and heartlessness of people.

Taking part in the conference:

Literary critic – Berg Yana,
Film critic – Gribanova Katya,
Journalist – Gavrilov Alexey,
Dog handler - Vika Brezhnev.

In all his works G.N. Troepolsky passionately defends all life on earth, speaks of man’s enormous responsibility to nature, and teaches goodness.

G. Troepolsky addressed the readers of his book with the following words: “...Reader-friend! ...Just think! If you write only about good, then for evil it is a godsend, a brilliance; if you write only about happiness, then people will stop seeing the unhappy and, in the end, will not notice them.”

The floor is given to a literary scholar who will introduce us to a biographical information about the work of G.N. Troepolsky.

The presenter draws attention to the exhibition of books, notes that this story has been reprinted many times, and shows different editions.

Question: G.N. Troepolsky dedicated the story to his mentor. Say the name of this person. (The story is dedicated to the memory of A.T. Tvardovsky, who did a lot for the creative fate of G.N. Troepolsky, read the story in manuscript and approved it.)

A word from a literary scholar - information about Tvardovsky.

Leading:“White Bim Black Ear” is a touching lyrical story about the fate of a dog losing its beloved owner, about the attitude of people towards “lesser brothers”, which, like an X-ray, illuminates souls, revealing in some the baseness and petty meanness, and in others - nobility, the ability to sympathize and love.

Question: Bim is the main character of the story. What breed is Bim? (Setter is Gordon.)

Question: What is Bim's pedigree? Why is his color atypical for this breed? (He is an albino, he has white ear; This is a sign of degeneration of the breed).

Leading: Cynology is the science of dogs. The floor is given to the dog handler. (A short note about setters.)

Question: Every dog, like a person, has its own character. What is Bim's character? (He is trusting and honest, loyal, brave, an intelligent breed; he won’t bite anyone, even if he steps on their tail, scratches the door so that they open it; sincere.)

Question: Bim is a hunting dog, its owner Ivan Ivanovich trained him. How many words and commands did Bim know? (About 100: give me slippers, carry a bowl, sit on a chair, lie down, wait, look, etc.)

Question: The story can be divided into 3 parts, this is a trilogy. Give your name to the three parts of the story about Bim . (The author called it this way: 1 – “White Bim Black Ear”, 2 – “Black Ear in the Village”, 3 – “Bim and the Hunter”.)

Question: Who is to blame for Bim's sad fate? Give examples of how Bim gradually began to lose faith in a person. (Auntie, Snub-nosed, Gray, driver, Klim, Semyon Petrovich (Tolik’s father).

Question: Who sympathized and helped Bim? (Stepanovna, policeman, girl Dasha, boy Tolik, woman traveler Matryona, veterinarian, hunter and his son Alyosha.)

Question: Bim, communicating with people, studied them by their voice intonation and smells. He made many discoveries for himself, for example, he was surprised when he first saw a person crying. And when did he cry? (Stepanovna showed him a letter from Ivan Ivanovich.)

Question: What was Bim's life like in the village? (New owners, he was tending sheep, he was severely beaten by Klim.)

Question: How did Bim heal in the forest? How many days did he spend there? (5 days, dug up valerian root, caught a bird and ate it, mouse, garlic.)

Question: What episode in the story made a strong impression on you?

This story was filmed; the film of the same name was a great success among viewers. Who watched the film?

A word from the film critic.

View fragment.

Leading: Unfortunately, many participants in this story remained indifferent to Bim’s fate, or treated him cruelly. But everyone could have saved Bim. In life, a lot depends on each of us.

Let's look into each other's eyes
Remember each other.
Separation awaits us all,
We all have to die.
Let's be kinder
To pity and love each other.
The rescuer will warm us all.
And darkness will not be able to destroy.
We don't know how death will turn out,
How long will we grow old?
And in Eternity it may be necessary
We can look into each other's eyes.
And, having met in a new body,
Wouldn't it be a shame then?
What we haven't looked at here often
Looking into each other's eyes with love.

I think you will agree with me that the problem of stray dogs is acute these days, especially in large cities where there are many abandoned animals.

The floor is given to the journalist (pay attention to the article from the newspaper “Kuzbass” about stray dogs that live in mines).

Our life, with its bureaucratic problems of various certificates, sometimes provides plots for new films. Listen to the poem “Doggy fidelity” by I. Yavorovskaya.

It just happened: we need to go urgently,
And the ticket was taken and the cargo was packed.
But sometimes it can be super strong
The invisible thread of heart ties -
And what to do if this is even
Not a matchmaker, not a brother and not a neighbor at all,
A old friend, or rather, your dog,
With whom so many troubles have been experienced.
Ticket for her too!
Let's fly away together!
And it’s necessary: ​​suddenly there is no certificate...
“IL” takes off...And spins in place
Four-legged, pointy-eared friend.
There are no words to tell people about this:
For two years the dog meets every “IL”,
And waits and believes that one day it will be
The day he lived for
That, returning to him, his master
He will hug your neck with a gentle hand,
He will look with very kind eyes,
He will understand how difficult it is to cope with melancholy.
And seeing this dog’s devotion,
Another heart cannot bear it,
Other eyes cry silently,
I am unable to help the unfortunate dog.
He doesn't give up, he doesn't even come up,
He just waits and waits and waits.
And he won’t tell anyone in the world,
What pain burns a dog’s soul.

The writer Troepolsky had a favorite dog; he often talked to her and read his manuscripts to her. Our “smaller brothers” are responsive to affection and human kindness. We probably need friendship with them so that we become wiser, more sympathetic, and kinder to all living things.

Question: Who has dogs at home? Other animals?

Listen to students' stories about animals.

Summing up, I would like to note that none of the conference participants remained indifferent. The story “White Bim Black Ear” made an indelible impression on you, young readers. In their reviews of the work they read, each student noted that this story is not only about a dog named Bim, but also about good and evil people, indifferent and compassionate people.

This story, like an X-ray, illuminates the souls of people, revealing in some the baseness and meanness, and in others - nobility, the ability to compassion and love. All students, after reading this book, feel compassion for Bim, and this is clearly visible in your reviews.

Alexey Barabanov believes that... only a truly loving owner can understand a dog like that, and only a truly devoted dog can wait like that.

Krasilnikov Efim is sure that... this story is about a dog’s endless devotion. Bim loved Ivan Ivanovich, looked for him everywhere, found himself in difficult situations, but still went towards his goal. But a dog’s powers are not limitless, and Bim died without ever finding his owner.

Nikulin Denis noted that... Bim is a very smart dog who can distinguish a bad word from a good one. Ivan Ivanovich very often repeated the word “shard,” and Bim knew for sure that it was a bad, gloomy word.

As a conclusion, I would like to use a quote from the work of Mikhail Mukhsinov. Misha believes that this story is about friendship between a dog and a person. A dog is man's best friend.

The teacher establishes awareness of perception, primary generalization, and encourages the expression of one’s opinion. Ensures children have a positive reaction to their classmates’ creativity. Focuses attention on the final results of students' educational activities in the lesson.

Students solve standard tasks by speaking the algorithm out loud.

I invite you to think. Analytical emotional conversation on the work.

Let us turn to the hero of the story - Bim.

---What captivated you most about Bim?

(With his loyalty, devotion and affection, when without a friend he could neither eat nor drink, but could only wait, love, hope. Having gone through evil and cruelty, he remained himself. When I read the scene where Bim cried over Ivan’s letter Ivanovich, I forgot that it was a dog: it was so human.)

--- Why do you think Bim is a kind, faithful dog?

(Bim was raised by a kind person and lived in the happy confidence that kindness is the norm, it couldn’t be otherwise. Bim firmly understood: doors exist so that everyone can enter. Ask and they will let you in. He is used to trusting people.)

--- Tell us about Ivan Ivanovich, the owner of Bim. What kind of person is this? – slide 13.

(Ivan Ivanovich is a man of great soul, and it is not surprising that the dog Bim is kind, faithful, devoted. Such a person cannot be otherwise. Ivan Ivanovich loves nature, knows and understands it. Friendship with Bim gave him moments of happiness in his loneliness)

--- How does Ivan Ivanovich feel about Bim? Are they friends? – slide 14.

“You did great, Bim! We will live together, even without pedigree. You're a good dog. Everyone loves good dogs...”, writes the author in the story. They really felt good together both at home and in the meadow. Friends understood each other more and more, loved and lived as equals - man and dog.

----How does he relate to nature? - slide 15.

(He worships nature because it gives a person the joy of being, heals the wounds of the human soul. He wants every person to be able to get these noble moments of communication with nature. He wants to address people with these words :- slide 16.

"O restless Man! Glory to you forever, thinking, suffering for the sake of the future! If you want to rest your soul, go to the snowdrops in the forest in early spring, and you will see a beautiful dream of reality.")

--- Pay attention to the words of a small lyrical digression, which can be completely attributed to Ivan Ivanovich: “There is a flower standing on the ground, a tiny drop of blue sky, such a simple and frank harbinger of joy and happiness, to whom it is due and available. But for everyone - both happy and unhappy - he is now the decoration of life. That’s how among us, humans, there are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul.

Speaking about Ivan Ivanovich, it must be said that this “little” man with a huge soul is Ivan Ivanovich.

--- Were the owner and the dog happy together? – slides 17 – 18.

Ivan Ivanovich and Bim needed each other, and that’s the main thing. Bim became an excellent hunting dog, trusting and honest, kind, faithful, devoted. But one day the owner was taken away by ambulance. At parting, Ivan Ivanovich said to Bim:

Wait, boy, wait.

Bim waited and looked for the owner, turning into an unhappy, lonely and sad dog.

---Bim breaks up with the owner and becomes scared. Look at the picture. Did the author manage to convey Bim's condition? Slides 24-25.

I think so. Bim is sad, but there is hope in his eyes. He knows for sure: we have to wait!

The teacher reads a poem:

The leaves will soon fall from the trees, and Bim is still waiting...
Snow is falling from a black cloud, and Bim is still waiting...
For some reason my friend doesn’t come, but Bim is still waiting...
Let the year pass, and the century pass,
And Bim is still waiting...

---search for the owner. sweets 26-27.

---What did Bim learn about people? What kind of people did he meet? -slides 19-23

Evil people are nameless: no name, no soul. Kind people feel sorry for Bim; they see that the dog is in trouble.

They talk to him as if he were a person, pour out their souls to him. They all love animals, sympathize with them, this is a trait of a good person.

---There are many good people, why did evil win?

On his way he meets many people, obstacles, tries to believe and trust people.

---- Slide 28.

Teacher: “Night has come. Cold and frosty. Where did Bim get his strength after hearing a shot in the yard? He got to the door and started scratching at it. He gnawed shreds of tin with his teeth, and when his strength left him, he scratched again, already lying down. He called... asked... by morning it became quiet in the van...” Although the story ends tragically - Bim dies, his short life had a positive impact on many destinies. Think about the meaning of Ivan Ivanovich’s words:

“It’s not true. And there will definitely be spring. And there will be snowdrops... In Russia there are both winters and springs.”

---What is the essence of this philosophical reflection?

(Like winter and spring, alternating, sorrows and joys, smiles and tears pass in our lives. There will be more bright days if a person establishes harmony in the natural world.)

Teacher: The cruelty of people comes from their indifference, and indifference is spiritual death; when the ability to sympathize and sympathize with the suffering of others is lost, a person ceases to be human.

You probably also had problems, troubles in life that made you worry, treat your smaller friends “unmercifully.” Let's try to evaluate our own actions, our own behavior.

For this purpose we use the “Analysis of Life Situations” technique.

Are you satisfied with yourself and the way you live?

Do you know the feeling of embarrassment and shame?

Do you ever feel afraid for yourself and those around you?

What do you especially value about yourself and your loved ones?

Have you ever had to re-evaluate your own actions? Tell me about it.

Teacher: A person begins from childhood. It is in childhood that the sowing of goodness and mercy occurs. But only years later it will be clear whether the seeds of goodness and mercy turned out to germinate or whether the weeds of evil and cruelty destroyed them. I believe that each of us will become a kind, sympathetic, merciful person, and the task of each of us is to help the seeds of good sprout . – slide 29.

Troepolsky's story is a sad story about two people who love and care for each other - the setter Bim and his owner Ivan Ivanovich. Written by a wonderful writer, the story teaches us kindness and compassion for our smaller brothers. She talks about those who do not know how to understand, sympathize with the grief of a dog in trouble, makes us think about our actions, about the need for an attentive and caring attitude towards animals, who, just like us, know how to love, suffer, rejoice, grieve, experience a feeling of fear and melancholy.
Remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

--- What mark did Bim leave on your heart?

“... I watched the movie for the first time and haven’t read the book before. I really liked it. Bim is a nice, smart dog. After the film I really want a dog..."

“... I always felt sorry for Bim: when he was tied to a tree in a snowstorm, when his paw got stuck between the rails, especially when he died...”

“... Bim will forever remain in the hearts of readers. He is so loyal and dedicated. And how he loved his master!..”

“... Forgive us, Bim. We were in such a hurry, we wanted to find you, but we didn’t have time to help you. Thank you for your loyalty and devotion to your Human Friend. Thank you for being there!

Forgive us, Bim!..”

Conclusion: Despite the efforts of good people, evil triumphs. The death of a dog is a reproach for everyone. Let people remember Bim, let them never push the dog away, let them never betray, offend, never refuse help, let them fight against evil.

---word to student 7 mini-project – drawing by Vlada Snorikova.

During extracurricular activities, I do the “Gallery of the Year” project and present my drawings. One day S.M. suggested that I read Troepolsky’s book “White Bim Black Ear.” I was amazed by the content of the work and I wanted to capture Bim’s dog. They say that every dog ​​has its own destiny: happy and sad. It's a shame that white Bim has such a sad fate. This is how I got her: devoted and faithful, to whom I want to give a piece of my soul, whom I want to love and feel sorry for.

I hear the shot go away

Above the forest expanse...

And it seems to me that he is barking

White Bim...White Bim.

And looks trustingly

In human eyes

It's like he doesn't remember at all

No wanderings, no evil.

On a clear day and in the evening

Under any bad weather

Runs out to meet

White Bim... White Bim.

Give the offender change

And don't perish in the dark

And the soul of the blind

Teach Kindness!
--- Each of you has a heart, write on them how people should treat animals and attach your wishes to a poster with a picture of Bim.
Final words from the teacher.

Man always remains man, the son of nature and its protector.

“The autumn forest is inimitable. He is a temple for reflection. In the autumn sunny forest,” the author writes, “a person becomes cleaner.” But does everyone? A person who comes to mercilessly kill will not be able to feel this.

Everyone who has read this book, according to the author, should look into themselves and ask: “Have I still lost my humanity, can I, as before, call myself a faithful son of my mother nature?”

When you remember all the little heroes of this work, the image of a touching, pure, faithful, defenseless creature, whose life ended tragically, appears in your imagination. He is opposed by the image of an evil, greedy, indifferent person, for some reason confident in his impunity.

--- word to the student.

The dog was sitting on the side of the road,
Hungry, with a broken leg,
And she looked at people so pitifully,
But people avoided it.
The dog whined pitifully
And I expected help from passers-by,
And she howled from hunger and pain,
It was about forty degrees hot.
But people passed by
Just by looking at the puppy,
Others ran hastily
And without turning my head.
I passed by too
I was in a hurry to go to school
To save me from the heat, I put the dog under a bush,
Hoping to return after school,
I told her: “I’ll go from school and pick it up,
You, be patient a little,
And I will feed you and give you something to drink,
And I’ll heal my sore leg.”
That day I couldn’t sit in class,
Her eyes kept dreaming,
Praying, begging, like people in grief,
And a large tear rolled down from them.
When I approached the dog,
She was already dead
I looked at people in vain,
In vain I waited for help from the soulless.

But still, in our lives there are more kind, sympathetic, merciful people who care about their little brothers.

---word to students 6 mini-project - interactive exercise “Navigator”.

The story contains many wise words and thoughts that are important for any person. Can you read those words from the text that you can take as a motto and go through life with it...

“... other people can sell honor, loyalty and heart. Good for the dog who doesn’t know this!.”

“There are modest people with a pure heart, “inconspicuous” and “small”, but with a huge soul. They are the ones who decorate life...”

I wanted to tell people: “Don’t pass by when evil and indifference triumph before your eyes.”