What role does a fairy tale play in a person’s life? The meaning of fairy tales in human life

Every person has their own path from birth. Even twins often have very different destinies. Why does this happen? Of course, there can be no clear answer to this question. Some people think that everything depends on the planet under whose banner you were born, others on the day or even hour of birth, and others have never thought about it at all.

By and large, fate is a kind of scenario by which we live. It begins to form at the age of 6-7 years. This is the age at which we begin to become more familiar and aware of fairy tales. Behavior and actions fairy-tale heroes can affect our lives. Doesn't sound entirely plausible? For a moment, imagine yourself as a little child. You are about to come into this world. It is completely new and unknown to you. You are so small, and he is so huge. You may not know much yet, but you know the fairy tales that your mom, dad, or grandma read to you every evening. Delving into a fairy tale, you choose for yourself best roles, with the help of which you will later create the scenario of your life - this is how a fairy tale influences fate. The scenario may be different, but there are mechanisms for its formation. These are mainly external factors, plus the child’s decisions on an emotional level. External factors can be in the person of parents or teachers, as well as reinforced by cartoons and fairy tales. Some repeat the fate of their parents, others go their own way. Basically life's journey
is created by the unconscious actions of parents: intonation while reading a fairy tale, emphasis on certain events, statements, attitude towards certain characters. Sometimes parents, in this way, help their children build their own destiny. But in any case, this choice occurs in childhood, filled with fairy tales, fairy-tale characters, their actions and characters.

What role does a fairy tale play in a child’s life? Here it is worth mentioning the psychological tools of the influence of fairy tales on the development of a child:

Identification mechanism;

Teaching moral standards of behavior;

Solving a child’s personal problems is an example of their non-uniqueness;

Gaining new experience from a fairy tale;

Elimination of psycho-emotional stress;

Solving age problems with the help of a fairy tale.

The role of fairy tales in human life is of great importance. Favorite fairy tale can set
the course of our lives, when we compare ourselves with the hero and repeat his actions in life. Growing up, we close ourselves off from childhood and already in adult life We perform the same actions and deeds as our favorite fairy-tale character. Often we do not realize that a fairy tale is a model for building our lives, and it is it that lays our destiny. We identify ourselves with our favorite heroes. If you remember what fairy tales were read to you as a child, you should know that they come with both positive programs and vice versa. It is important that you can choose what to read to your children. Do best choice: read about kindness, success and mutual assistance. Be sure to highlight the positive characters. Then you will program your baby for a happy and successful life.

I invite you to fairy tale therapy for parents “Visiting a Fairy Tale”! During the training you will learn what a fairy tale is and how it can influence the course of your entire life. Every story contains an encrypted code that helps us fight fears, find our dreams, learn to overcome difficult life circumstances and find answers to important questions. You can apply for the event using this link:

Yulia Borodinova
Fairy tale and its role in life little man

In preschool age, children rapidly develop their imagination, which clearly reveals itself in play and in the perception of works of art. Especially for children preschool age like it fairy tales. Fairy tale occupies such a strong place in child's life what some researchers call preschool age "age fairy tales» .

Fairy tale- this is oral-poetic story, which to one degree or another contains fantastic fiction. Russian folk a fairy tale is. First of all, a work of art; lively, exciting, bright, colorful, blurring the line between reality and play, which is extremely appealing to children and corresponds to their psychological characteristics.

Language fairy tales simple and therefore accessible. The plot is transparent, but mysterious, and thereby contributes to the development of children's imagination. A fabulous the images are close in nature to the images of children’s imagination. Besides, no child likes instructions, and the fairy tale does not teach directly. She "allows himself" hint at how best to act in a given situation. Fairy tales are good because that they do not contain long and tedious discussions. The variety and intensity of action create constant and unflagging interest in children. Fairy tale contributes to the formation of moral concepts in children, because almost all children identify themselves with positive heroes, A fairy tale every time he shows that it is better to be good than bad, that we must strive to do good to people.

Artistic perception is an active process for preschool children, awakening their moral qualities, and, above all, humanity. The perception of art is always associated with empathy. In children of senior preschool age, empathy is direct character: they imagine themselves with their favorite heroes of works, penetrate into inner world, copy their character. They get used to the image so much that with the help of their imagination they become participants in events (the children try on the fate of a bunny expelled from his hut by a fox to their own and, empathizing, think approximately So: “What would I do if someone kicked me out of the house?”).

The fairy tale plays a big role V aesthetic development children of preschool age, without which nobility of soul, sensitivity to other people's grief and suffering is unthinkable. Thanks to fairy tale, children learn the world not only with their minds, but also with their hearts, and not only learn, but also respond to events and phenomena of the world around them, express their attitude towards good and evil. Happy ending fairy tales fosters optimism and confidence in overcoming any difficulties. Tale followed by retelling promotes the development of thinking and enrichment of the child’s language.

According to V. G. Belinsky, in children from the very early years the sense of beauty must be cultivated as one of the primary elements. Under the influence fairy tales children's sensitivity to everything beautiful in life and nature. After all, basically all actions fairy tales take place against the backdrop of nature. IN fairy tale there are no large paintings of nature, but children see "open field", "white birch tree", "ant-grass", "quick river", "steep bank" and much more. Fairy tale can draw different paintings nature:

The beauty of the summer garden, where the wonderful apple tree: “apples are hanging on it, golden leaves are rustling...” (Khavroshechka);

Picture winter evening on the river where a wolf sits with a hole in the hole tail: “Clear, clear in the sky, freeze, freeze the wolf’s tail...” (Sister fox and gray wolf).

Exciting action related fairy tales, pictures of nature are perceived by children emotionally, and, perhaps, for the first time children begin to understand how beautiful the world around them is.

Children love magical fairy tales and tales about animals. Cat, rooster, hare, fox, wolf, bear, as the animals most familiar to children, from lives turned into a fairy tale. Everything is fantastic in fairy tale closely related to reality, and does not take children away from it, but, on the contrary, serves to reveal life truth . With its content fairy tales Give children knowledge about nature.

Children learn about the image animal life, about their habits, about what features are inherent in this or that animal. After all, many interesting features the behavior of animals, the growth of plants, the essence of some phenomena of inanimate nature, are inaccessible for observation and this is where fairy tale. Children of older preschool age can talk about the features of life animals in natural conditions, how they arrange their homes, take care of their young, and get food. You can also explain the significance of the animal in nature. The results of studies of preschool children show that primary ideas about many animals and the characteristics of their behavior are formed precisely under the influence fairy tales. The impressions of childhood are the most vivid and lasting, they leave a deep imprint on every person's life. The famous zoologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences A. G. Bayanikov recalls what was read to him in childhood fairy tale about a boy, whom the fairy helped to find and see the nests of all the birds, taking a promise from him not to touch them, largely determined his attitude towards nature and choice life path.

Fairy tale occupies a special place in life of a preschooler. Fabulous the images are vividly emotionally colored and live in the minds of children for a long time. A fairy tale teaches children to dream, emphasize the main, individual in the image, generalize the essential features, enhances mental activity. Fairy fiction is always pedagogical. It is used as a means of raising the best human qualities . Fairy tale enriches the inner world of children, they are drawn to her.

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“The importance of fairy tales in human life”

In every fairy tale we read, you can find, like a complete list human problems, as well as ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problems of personal moments in a person’s life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the mid-twentieth century that with the help of fairy tales it is even possible to program a child’s future.

Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, the deeper meaning of the embedded plan in the fairy tale opens up to us. And the shorter the fairy tale, the greater the volume of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children.

As an example, I propose to analyze the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Everyone, you remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. Of course, he has a great sense of adventure. According to characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, agile, lively, has a good character and a boundless desire to learn something interesting and unknown. Temperament type - rather sanguine.

On his way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - even the most negative hero from a fairy tale I was able to convince him to let him go. Over time, already confident in himself as a mature personality, the traveler loses his vigilance, his self-confidence and insolence suppresses such psychological processes as attentiveness and observation - and, with the help of deception, he is eaten by the Fox.

This fairy tale plot is found in fairy tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants.

What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what can a child be taught by telling it:

1) Do not lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who insults you: call your friends for help, show cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero had not cheated: “Come on, I’ll sing you a song!” Or, just run away - that’s what Kolobok did every time, singing a song.

2) Do not trust the first person you meet. In life you meet different people, both friendly and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because bad people do not always directly and openly make it clear: “I will eat you!” Most, in relation to you, can act like the cunning Fox, lulling your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; Therefore, you should be very careful here to guess people's intentions.

3) Choose the right path in life. You should talk about this with your child at the very end. After all, Kolobok was baked for a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on it, and our naughty hero ruined the lives of both himself and them. Each person has his own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose a profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having done right choice profession - a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and also receive pleasure from his professional activities. Self-assertion.

As a result:

Don't rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, scratch it anyway. Grandmother had enough flour for Kolobok...

Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandma turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest!

Don't forget about your childhood. Why main character fairy tales so recklessly decided on adventures? Probably because he felt rather sad lying on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold your child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once wanted to feel “adult and independent” as a child, saying, at your mother’s request to help: “I myself!”

Don't try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, find time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not enough for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development.

Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, skim through it quickly. In modern interpretations you can find, for example: “... and tore him into a thousand small pieces.” This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this fairy tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child may form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable.

Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the “external”, an “internal” side (the main educational meaning of the fairy tale). Talk about this with your child, choosing the moment subtly and carefully. Purely for educational purposes, raising the child to what the right thing to do in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently done something wrong, then choose an appropriate fairy tale according to this situation, highlighting the instructive and educational moment.

Social teacher: Serebryakova Yu.A

A large number of images of fairy tales developed in ancient times, in the very era when man’s first ideas and concepts about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that everyone magical fiction originates from the depths of centuries. Many images of fairy tales developed in the relatively recent past. Every new era a fairy tale had certain fantastic material that was passed down by generations from old people, preserving and developing previous oral and poetic traditions.

The Russian people created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is no strict classification of them yet.

Fairy tales - specific works of art folk art. Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fairy tale plot.

Fairy tales as individual phenomena of art can be compared only according to significant historical, folklore, ideological and figurative characteristics.

The people understood that they do not achieve justice by miracles, that real action is necessary, but the question is - what kind? Fairy tales do not answer this question. Storytellers wanted to support the very desire of the people for justice with magical storytelling. The successful outcome of fairy tales is undoubtedly utopian in nature. He testified to the time when the people were painfully searching for a way out of tragic social conditions.

The fairy tale also established its own poetic forms, a certain composition, and style. The aesthetics of beauty and the pathos of social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale.

There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the heroes and only through them the characters. The static nature of the characters portrayed is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is always brave, a treacherous wife is constantly engaged in insidious plans. The hero appears in a fairy tale with certain virtues. He remains like this until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of fairy tales. These are not halftones, these are deep, dense colors, emphatically defined and sharp. The fairy tale talks about a dark night, a white light, a red sun, a blue sea, white swans, a black raven, and green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, have bright colors, distinct shapes, and the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero seemed to be burning with heat, he took out, as the fairy tale says, his sharp sword, and pulled a tight bow.

A fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. It has its deepest roots in the psyche, in the perception, culture and language of the people.

The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. Like a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed to us.

Fairytale fiction had a real basis. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content of fantastic images and their forms. Once having arisen, fairy tale fiction developed in connection with the entire set of existing folk ideas and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in folk tales.

Having developed over centuries in close connection with the everyday life and entire life of the people, fairy-tale fiction is original and unique. This originality and uniqueness are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of its origin and the role that the fairy tale plays in people's life.

A fairy tale is a clever miracle created by the artistic genius of the people. M. Gorky wrote about the meaning of fairy tales in his life: “...Fairy tales opened up for me a gap into another life, where I existed and, dreaming about better life, some kind of free, fearless force was acting.” This force was the people themselves.

A fairy tale plays a very important role in a child’s life. The fairy tale has a great influence on the spiritual, moral, labor, aesthetic, and mental education of children, norms of behavior in society and attitude towards life around them. With the help of fairy tales, accumulated knowledge and social experience are passed on from one generation to another; fairy tales reflect people's ideas about good and evil, about the beautiful and the ugly. Folk tales have always been accessible, interesting and understandable to children; their plot and the actions of fairy-tale characters make the child think, reason, they help him understand his own actions, and teach him life wisdom. A fairy tale in its various manifestations always strives to embody the ideal of human life, human actions and behavior. In the fairy tale there are calls for wisdom, for activity, for true humanity, for sincere feelings and good deeds. In addition, fairy tales broaden a person’s horizons, awaken interest in the life and creativity of peoples, and form humane treatment to nature and to all the inhabitants of our Earth. Fairy tales develop imagination, thinking, attention and memory. A fairy tale plays a very important role in the development of a child’s emotional qualities, and these, in turn, influence the formation of the child’s moral assessments. Childhood impressions will remain in the child’s mind for a very long time, and at the same time they influence the behavior and mood of an adult. Children do not forget those readings and discussions of fairy tales that they had with their mother or grandmother in the evening hours together.

Russians folk tales play a big role in the formation in children of an ear for music, a taste for poetry, love for nature, native land. They arose in time immemorial. Russian folk tales are the most popular and most beloved genre by children. Everything that happens in these fairy tales is fantastic and wonderful in its purpose: the heroes of these fairy tales, getting from one dangerous situation to another, save their friends, punish their enemies - they fight and fight to the death.

A fairy tale activates the imagination. Thanks to it, the child’s consciousness is not only enriched with new knowledge and ideas, the main thing arises - a new attitude towards people, events and phenomena.

A distinctive feature of many fairy tales is the element of transformation. It can take the form of the hero’s embodiment in another person, animal or object. It is important that in the process of such transformations the hero, remaining himself, acquires additional qualities: he can dive to the bottom of the sea, soar into the skies like a falcon, gray wolf scour the dense forest, etc. It is in fairy tales that a child masters the ability to “get used to the world of another person.” This will be very useful to him in later life.

Thanks to empathy and sympathy for another person, the ground is created for tolerance, acceptance, pity and love for him. This is how the fear of insecurity and loneliness is overcome.

The motif of the unity of man and nature plays a special role in fairy tales. Coming to us from time immemorial, the fairy tale reflects the sense of community with nature inherent in people of those ancient times. Therefore, nature in fairy tales often sympathizes with the heroes, protecting and comforting them (an evil witch drowned Alyonushka in a pond, no one noticed, only the flowers began to wither in the garden, the trees began to dry out, and the grasses began to fade). From this merging with nature, love and pity for all living things is born: plants, animals, people.

Reading fairy tales, playing fairy tales can be considered as a kind of therapy. As a result, the child not only receives new knowledge, but also becomes familiar with the culture different nations, but also develops his imagination, learns to overcome his insecurities.

Fairy tales are an excellent material for stimulating children's imagination and developing attention.

Most fairy tales express the eternal search for happiness. All the exploits of heroes, the miraculous transformations of heroes and the activity of magical assistants are only necessary conditions for achieving it. Only those who do not stop at any difficulties find happiness. The very construction of the fairy tale - an expressive opposition of good and evil, images that are understandable in its essence, the dynamics of events that are understandable to a child, the results of various characteristic actions, multiple repetitions - this makes the fairy tale interesting and incredibly exciting for children.

My teaching experience has shown that students love and know fairy tales. In my activities, I implement various artistic programs: “Folklore Theater”, “ Artistic word", "On the steps of theatrical creativity." The programs provide interdisciplinary connections with music, literature, folklore. I introduce my students to fairy tales processed by the famous fairy tale publishers A.N. Afanasyev, the great teacher K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, and also Soviet writer A.N. Tolstoy. I try to do it regularly different games, quizzes, dramatizations, impromptu theaters based on fairy tales ("Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Geese - Swans", etc.) The guys participate in theatrical productions fairy tales; write tales about nature, animals, musical instruments. Children love to participate in competitions and festivals at the district and regional level, in various All-Russian creative remote competitions, quizzes, olympiads. Just recently we took part in an online quiz " New Year's fairy tale"(Educational portal "Red Cat" Center for Further Education named after Ya.A. Komensky). 13 people (students of grades 2 - 6) took part in the remote event. All the children received diplomas as winners, taking 1st and 2nd places.