Why the name undergrowth has become a household name. The meaning of the name is Mitrofan

To overcome laziness, you should read the comedy “The Minor” or brief description from our material.

A significant contribution to the history of Russian literature of the mid-18th century. contributed by literary critic D.I. Fonvizin. In his early work, the author was engaged in writing and translating fables. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor, Fonvizin writes works with a pronounced satirical tone. Among the many literary movements, the author gives preference to classicism. In his comedies, Fonvizin raises important socio-political issues, accompanying them with irony and sarcasm.

The image of Mitrofan in Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”

A new stage in creative life writer D.I. Fonvizin became comedy work "Undergrown". It was customary to call noble youths who were not admitted to public service due to incomplete education as minors. Before becoming an officer, it was necessary to pass an exam, but in reality this became just a formality. Therefore, the bulk of the army consisted of spoiled and stupid officers. It is precisely such lazy and ignorant young people, who waste their years uselessly, that the author puts on public display.

  • The play was presented to society in 1782 and received tremendous success. The comedy has a socio-political character. The main issues raised in the work– this is lack of education and upbringing, conflict between the older and younger generations, marital relations, unfair treatment with serfs. The author builds various situations of interaction between nobles and serfs, in which he ridicules inhumane and immoral actions of society in every possible way.
Image from Fonvizin
  • For his characters, the author selects names that immediately give an idea of ​​the person, dividing them into negative and positive characters. Fonvizin emphasizes their images using different conversational styles, contrasting them with each other. Negative heroes are representatives of the nobility - Prostakovs, Skotinin, Mitrofan. Positive heroes who are representatives new era enlightenment, have more pleasant names - Sophia, Pravdin, Milon and Starodum.
  • Comedy action takes place in a wealthy noble family, in which the main character is the uneducated, boorish mama's son Mitrofan. A young man spoiled by attention is the embodiment of selfishness, rudeness and arrogance. The image of Mitrofan completely conveys the degradation of Russia's young heritage.

Description and characteristics of Mitrofan in the comedy “Minor”

It is no coincidence that Fonvizin chooses the name Mitrofan for the main character. The meaning of his name “similar” emphasizes his imitation of his mother.

  • A tall, mature young man in beautiful clothes and a stupid expression appears before the reader. Behind his appearance lies an empty, ignorant soul.
  • Fifteen-year-old Mitrofan is surrounded by a carefree life. He is not inclined to study and does not set important goals for himself. The study of science does not arouse interest in a young man.
  • All he cares about is a delicious dinner and useless leisure time. Mitrofan sees his happy pastime in the opportunity to fool around or chase pigeons.
  • Thanks to the family's wealth, the young man is educated at home. However, science comes to him with great difficulty. Mitrofan’s mother does not require education from her son and allows him to create the appearance of learning, in order to fulfill the state order: “... my friend, at least for the sake of appearance, learn, so that it reaches his ears how hard you work!”
  • Not attaching importance to the process of enlightenment, the uneducated Prostakova surrounds her son with useless, ignorant teachers. Her greedy nature skimps on expensive education.
  • With the help of their names, Fonvizin emphasizes the originality of teaching. Mathematical subjects are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin.
  • Grammar is taught by former seminarian Kuteikin. French language Vralman teaches - later it turns out that he recently worked as a coachman.

Vralman is the most cunning person among teachers. Seeing the family's disinterest, he carries out the learning process in bad faith, pursuing only material interests. Seeing Mitrofan's stupidity, Vralman shows reasonableness and never argues or bullies the young man in a conversation. In his statements, the teacher emphasizes originality and mediocrity of the student.

  • Characteristics of Mitrofan identical to numerous noble youth of that time. During four years of study, nothing useful is stored in it. The primary reason for this was the passivity of the young man. By showing desire, he could gain at least some basic knowledge. The young man’s reasoning is so primitive that he confidently classifies the word “door” as an adjective, justifying his choice with absurd arguments.
  • Being under the patronage of Prostakova, Mitrofan does not care or disturb anything. He does not feel any responsibility to the state. The young man is confident in his prosperous future and sees himself in the role of a successful landowner. He tries to follow all his mother’s instructions and derives his own benefit from every action. In cases where Prostakova does not follow the lead of her son’s selfish desires, Mitrofan manipulates her consciousness through unreasonable threats.
  • Everything a son can feel for his mother- this is gratitude for her attention. Prostakova loves her son with animal love, which does more harm than good. He indulges his human instincts in every possible way. She is not able to instill in her son worthy human qualities, since she herself does not possess them. By making all decisions for him and fulfilling his whims, the mother becomes main reason degradation of the son.
  • Seeing Prostakova’s cruel and rude treatment of the serfs, the son adopts her model of behavior and behaves in an insolent manner. Despite her favorable maternal attitude, Mitrofan does not have love and understanding for her, openly showing disdain.
  • At the moment when Prostakova is shattered by unrealized expectations and looks for support in her son, he coolly distances himself from her. And this after Mitrofan hid behind her skirt in all difficult situations.
  • The young man’s father, following his wife’s lead, is far from reality and expresses admiration for Mitrofan: “... this is a smart child, this is a reasonable child, a funny man, an entertainer; sometimes I am beside myself with him and with joy I truly don’t believe that he is my son...”
  • Mitrofan, feeling the dominance of his mother, treats his father with disrespect. Having seen in one of his dreams how his mother beats his father, Mitrofan begins to feel sympathy not for the beaten father, but for the exhausted mother: “... So I felt sorry for... you, mother: you are so tired, beating your father...”. Mitrofan's open flattery is visible in these words. Realizing that his mother is stronger and more powerful than his father, he takes her side.

Parents blindly do not recognize their son’s growing up, calling him a child, Mitrofanushka, and constantly cooing with him. Excessive attention leads to spoiled and pampered young men.

  • Exaggerating his importance, Mitrofan allows himself a boorish and cruel attitude towards others. The nurse, who raised him from birth, constantly listens to rude statements and threats addressed to him.
  • Teachers, dissatisfied with the process of teaching the young man, are also forced to endure unpleasant things: “...Give me the board, garrison rat! Ask what to write...”
  • Mitrofan does not want to study, but he is attracted by the thought of marriage. The young man’s statement: “I don’t want to study, I want to get married” has become popular and is often said these days. On the issue of marriage, Mitrofan once again relies on his mother and helps her implement cunning plans.
  • Bride, which Prostakova selects for her son, the much smarter young man immediately notices his short-sightedness of mind. Sophia says that you shouldn’t expect more than what Mitrofan has at the age of 16.
  • Mitrofan and his mother pursue their own self-interest in all situations. Despite their lack of education, the Prostakovs have the intelligence to see the benefit in everything. They quickly adapt to new events and replay the situation.
  • Mitrofan is ready to kiss the hands of a stranger, feeling his power and wealth. As soon as the family finds out that Sophia has become an heir, they immediately change their attitude towards the girl. They begin to show feigned love and worry about her happiness. For the sake of the well-being of her son, the mother is ready to fight with her brother Skotinin with her own hands.

Prostakova and Skotinin

In a comedy there is a clash between two different worlds- the ignorant and the enlightened. The nobles were brought up differently and have opposing ideas about morality. When his intentions to marry Sophia for material gain fail miserably, Mitrofan, with his tail between his legs, curries favor with his mother.

Faced with a strong opponent, the young man shows cowardice, curbs his ardor and bows his head. Thanks to the efforts of Starodum, personifying author's position, Mitrofan is finally exposed for his uselessness to society and is sent to serve. This is the only chance for positive changes in the life of a young man.

At the end of the comedy, Prostakova’s right to manage her property is taken away, and her ungrateful son immediately abandons her. The lady gets what she deserves for her greed and ignorance. The cruel nobles, who are responsible for the lives of hundreds of nobles, must receive what they deserve.

Mitrofan can be called a victim of his parents' upbringing. Excessive arrogance and superiority led the entire family to complete failure. Using Mitrofan as an example, the author shows how the laziness of young people deprives them of the opportunity for self-realization.

Video: Summary of the famous comedy “Minor”

In this material you will find information about the meaning male name Mitrofan, his origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Full name - Mitrofan

Synonyms of the name - Mitrofaniy, Mitrya

Origin - Latin, "having a glorious mother"

Zodiac - Cancer

Planet - Moon

Color - Green

Animal - Fur seal

Plant - Violet

Stone - Coral

The name from Latin is interpreted as “having a glorious mother.” It is believed that Divine grace will descend on a child who is baptized by him. In Constantinople, Saint Mitrofan was the first patriarch. He healed people and lived a long righteous life.

This boy is greatly influenced by his mother. Independence is a trait that is not inherent in him. It’s not for nothing that many of us immediately think of Fonvizinsky’s “Minor” when he hears this name.

Mitrofan is an attentive boy, ready to help. Spirituality, kindness and peacefulness are qualities that are characteristic of a guy. These are the only features the young man tries to hide. He has a well-developed intuition, it often helps the guy out and protects him from life’s steep turns.

Despite his modesty, Mitrofan wants to be at the center of the company. His mind is rich in ideas, distinguished by their unusualness and novelty. A young man will not believe every word and take everything at face value - every fact must be proven.

The guy knows how to handle money and creates a cozy and comfortable environment around himself. But he should balance his lusts with real possibilities.

Mitrofan has a strong desire to start something new and unusual. And although he works hard, he lacks the willpower to complete the work he has started. And excessive self-confidence and the ability to lie often hinder a young man. Having daydreamed, the guy is capable of taking unjustified risks, which will not help at all, but will only ruin the situation.

Love named Mitrofan

The good-natured boy immediately attracts the attention of the fair half of humanity. He not only likes it, but it is vital. The guy cannot imagine himself without love. While still at school, he begins to pay close attention to girls. But not at his classmates, but at older girls. And even such beauties who don’t look at him at all. Already at this age, Mitrofan understands that the female half gives preference to successful and rich men. Therefore, he sets himself the goal of becoming a financially independent guy.

Having learned to earn good money, the young man becomes a real heartthrob. He easily wins the hearts and feelings of unapproachable beauties and often changes them. His intuition and intelligence help him make the moments of separation painless for both. He subsequently becomes a true friend and advisor to many of his former lovers.

Sexuality of the name Mitrofan

In intimate terms, he is tireless. And after breaking up with him, many women are ready to experience sex with him again. But the man correctly gets rid of their claims.

Marriage and family named Mitrofan

His wife should be spectacular, sexy, beautiful, young. He will create ideal conditions for her: comfortable living, maintaining her figure and purchasing expensive clothes. The spouse will visit beauty salons and expensive boutiques. But the house should be clean, cozy, smell delicious, and a romantic dinner should always be ready in the living room. Mitrofan will not mind if his wife meets him in the Eva costume.

His home is hospitable, friends and relatives are loved there. A man takes an active part in parties, helps his wife in the kitchen, and surprises everyone with his culinary delights.

At the birth of children, Mitrofan becomes more serious and decisive. He wants to become a role model. But his kindness knows no bounds and dad cannot refuse the boys anything. Unfortunately, the man continues to be attracted to young women. And if his wife finds out about his infidelity, he will shower her with gifts and so on until next time.

Business and career

Mitrofan confidently begins to master his chosen profession. No difficulties or surprises will stop him if he decides to achieve success in this field. Because of his rich imagination, creative professions are suitable for him. Here a man realizes his potential, and at the same time receives a worthy reward. It may become famous musician, philosopher, astronomer. The respect of his colleagues is very important to him; he will not do vile things, but he will not tolerate scoundrels in his environment.

The meaning of the name Mitrofan in character

As a child, he is a calm and reasonable child. He studies normally, doesn’t have conflicts at school, and listens to his parents. The guys respect him and try to be friends with him. In response, Mitrofan reciprocates. The boy can give his last, he will always help or advise. For him, his friends' problems are perceived as personal. But it’s better not to deceive him, he doesn’t forgive lies, and won’t give anyone a second chance.

A teenager has a sick pride, you should not forget about this when communicating with him. Even a small word can offend him, and then the friendship is over. There will be no major showdowns or scandals - communication will simply stop, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to return his goodwill.

Teenager Mitrofan

The young man has a wonderful imagination. His real life hiding from strangers. Dreams become reality, in his imagined image he will definitely appear as a hero. In reality, among his like-minded people, Mitrofan is ready to become the life of the party; he has a well-developed sense of humor. He always wants this.

Successful people and stars:

Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov - artist

Mitrofan Pyatnitsky - director and founder of the choir

Mitrofan Zverev - scientist

Mitrofan Khandrikov - astronomer

Ideal compatibility: Agata, Vasilisa, Christina, Glafira

Unsuccessful compatibility: Albina, Capitolina

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Revealed by the mother” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: It so happened that thanks to the work of Denis Fonfizin and in particular his play “Minor”, ​​the name of his main character - Mitrofanushka - at one time was almost a household name. Of course, this manifested itself in different ways in different strata of society, but today the name Mitrofan has practically fallen out of use and looks like it is completely outdated. Most likely, a person with this name will feel quite uncomfortable in society, and Mitrofan’s pride can become quite painful. In some cases, this leads to the development of an inferiority complex, while in others it inclines a person to search for ways to assert himself in society. If Mitrofan knows how to treat his name with humor, then it can be accepted by society quite favorably. So, today in near-bohemian companies all sorts of funny and outdated names are becoming fashionable, such as Mitrofan, Feofan and the like, which, if skillfully presented, can distinguish a person favorably from the owners of familiar and therefore faceless names. In addition, many Mitrofans prefer to change their name to a more neutral one, like, say, Mitya, although this does not completely save them from self-esteem.

In general, Mitrofan is usually quite good-natured, hardworking and also has a wonderful imagination. Sensitive pride and a certain passion inherent in the energy of his name make him live more of an inner life, hidden from the eyes of others. It will not be surprising if dreams replace reality for him. It is quite possible that Mitrofan will remain somewhat reserved in public, but in a close circle, where no one questions his merits, he may well become the life of the party. Especially if his character is not alien to a sense of humor.

From these positions, Mitrofan could well realize his talents in any creative profession, but for full success he still needs to somewhat smooth out his pride and gain self-confidence.

Secrets of communication: When talking with Mitrofan, do not forget that you are dealing with a painfully proud person. Even if he is not prone to conflicts and will not challenge you to a duel if you somehow offend him, all the same, you are unlikely to ever regain Mitrofan’s favor.

The name's trace in history:

Mitrofan Pyatnitsky

The famous Pyatnitsky choir is considered one of the most prestigious in Russia and is known all over the world, but today few people know about the man who founded this choir. Meanwhile life path Mitrofan Pyatnitsky (1864–1927) can be called truly worthy: not strewn with roses, he was marked by the incomprehensible willpower, perseverance and talent of this extraordinary person.

A musician, performer and collector of folk songs, Pyatnitsky grew up in the family of a clerk and studied at a theological school, but he always considered music to be the main work of his life. For twenty-four years he worked as a simple clerk in one of the Moscow hospitals, while taking singing lessons. Then, also in parallel with his work, he began performing at concerts, singing folk songs. In total, during his life, Mitrofan Pyatnitsky recorded about four hundred Russian folk songs, priceless for everyone who cares about our past, and also collected a large collection of costumes and folk instruments.

Only the last ten years of his life did Pyatnitsky receive well-deserved recognition; his choir grew into a large and professional performing group, and the name became known throughout Russia. However, fame as such never attracted him; the most important thing that he persistently strived for was the opportunity to devote all his time and energy to creativity without reserve. And fame, although it did not come to Mitrofan Pyatnitsky immediately, helped him in in full make this dream come true.


MITROFANUSHKA is the hero of D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (minor), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, his mother’s darling and the favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not Fonvizin’s discovery. Russian literature of the late 18th century. knew and portrayed such undergrowth, living freely in rich parents' homes and at the age of sixteen, barely able to read and write. This traditional figure noble life(especially provincial) Fonvizin endowed with the generic features of the Prostakov-Skotinin “nest”.

In his parents’ house, M. is the main “funny man” and “entertainer”, the inventor and witness of all the stories like the one he saw in his dream: how his mother beat his father. It is well known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the difficult task of beating her father. M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. is saving himself from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, begging the “child” to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to get married, M. immediately hides behind Eremeevna - “an old hrychovna,” in his words - ready to lay down his life, but “not to give it away to the “child.” M.'s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother's manner of treating household members and servants: "freak" and "weeper" - the husband, "dog's daughter" and "nasty mug" - Eremeevna, "beast" - the girl Palashka.

If the intrigue of the comedy revolves around the marriage of M. to Sophia, desired by the Prostakovs, then the plot is focused on the theme of the upbringing and teaching of an underage teenager. This is a traditional theme for educational literature. M.'s teachers were selected in accordance with the time standard and the parents' level of understanding of their task. Here Fonvizin emphasizes details that speak of the quality of choice characteristic of the simpleton family: M. is taught French by the German Vralman, exact sciences are taught by retired sergeant Tsyfirkin, who “speaks a little of arithmetic,” and grammar by the “educated” seminarian Kuteikin, who was fired from “all teaching” by permission of the consistory. Hence, in the famous exam scene, M. is an outstanding invention of Mitrofan’s ingenuity about the noun and adjective door, hence the intriguing fairy-tale ideas about the story recounted by the cowgirl Khavronya. In general, the result was summed up by Mrs. Prostakova, who is convinced that “people live and have lived without science.”

Fonvizin's hero is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is affected by the disease of dishonesty, spreading to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is dishonest in his attitude towards his mother, through whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic clothes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky classified M. as a breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes,” characterizing this type with inexorable “reproduction.”

Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word “minor” (formerly neutral) became a common noun for a quitter, a loafer and a lazy person.

Lit.: Vyazemsky P. Von-Vizin. St. Petersburg, 1848; Klyuchevsky V. “Nedorosl” Fonvizin

//Klyuchevsky V. Historical portraits. M., 1990; Rassadin St. Fonvizin. M., 1980.


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


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    Ignorant, ignoramus, ignorant, half-educated Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mitrofanushka noun, number of synonyms: 5 mitrofan (3) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    MITROFANUSHKA, and husband. (colloquial). An over-aged ignoramus [named after the hero of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”]. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    The main character of the comedy “The Minor” (1783) by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1745-1792) is a spoiled son of a landowner, lazy and ignorant. A common noun for young people of this type. Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. M.: “Lokid... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    M. 1. Literary character. 2. Used as a symbol of a stupid, half-educated young man from a wealthy family; undergrowth. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Minor comedy by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. This play is his most famous work and the most repertoire play of the 18th century on the Russian stage in subsequent centuries. Fonvizin worked on the comedy for about three years. The premiere took place in 1782 ... Wikipedia

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    AND; m. and f. Iron. About a poorly educated, lazy teenager who does not want to study. ● After the name of the hero of the comedy Fonvizin Nedorosl (1782) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Mitrofanushka- And; m. and f.; iron. About a poorly educated, lazy teenager who does not want to study. After the name of the hero of Fonvizin’s comedy Nedorosl (1782) ... Dictionary of many expressions

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  • Minor. Brigadier, Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich. The book includes the most famous works playwright, publicist, translator and creator of Russian everyday comedy D. I. Fonvizin. The heroes of the comedy "Minor" are representatives of different social…

Mitrofanushka is a worthy fruit of Prostakova’s upbringing. Undeveloped either mentally or morally, at the age of sixteen he does not go beyond the most immediate experiences, and his interests are directed towards food and dovecotes. He is completely under the care of his mother and, not accustomed to thinking for himself, he, while things go on as usual, does not at all feel the need for independent weighing and thinking.

He knows that his mother will take care of him and do better than he did himself.

Therefore, he unquestioningly, without hesitation, obeys

To her in everything, even in such a matter as taking Sophia away and marrying her. Such obedience is mistakenly taken by Prostakova for filial love. But when trouble struck, when his mother lost her power and at the same time the opportunity to take care of him, he, like a frightened animal, left to his own devices and unable to act with his mind, hopelessly and stupidly waves his hand and says: “For me, wherever they tell you to.” .

From that moment on, as a protector and leader, his mother no longer exists for him, and he has no other feeling for her. Therefore, when Prostakova, in despair from the misfortune that has broken out, rushes to hug him with a cry: “You are the only one left with me, my dear friend, Mitrofanushka!” - there is absolutely no response to the impulse in his soul mother's love, and he rudely cuts her off: “Go away, mother!”... “That’s evil worthy fruits!” – Fonvizin moralizingly remarks through the lips of Starodum.

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  14. One of the central figures of the brilliant comedy “The Minor,” written by D. I. Fonvizin, is Taras Skotinin. He is of noble origin, but the image itself does not correspond to what a true nobleman should be. The author gave this hero a telling surname, his only interest in life was pigs, he was breeding them and loved them more than people. Skotinin – […]...
  15. After reading D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” I would like to express the impressions that were caused by the images negative heroes. The central negative image of the comedy is the image of the landowner Prostakova, who is depicted not as a representative of the noble class, but as an imperious uneducated woman, very greedy, striving to get what does not belong to her. Prostakova changes masks depending on who she is with [...]
  16. The play “Nelorosl” was written by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. One of the main characters of this comedy is Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. In the character of Mitrofanushka, the playwright showed the unfortunate consequences of a bad upbringing. The young man was very lazy, he only loved to eat, sit back and chase pigeons, because he had no purpose in life. Mitrofan did not want to study, and the teacher was hired only because [...]
  17. The comedy “Minor” is rightfully considered the pinnacle of Fonvizin’s creativity. Minor - teenager, minor. The work was written in 1781, and in 1782 it was first staged on the big stage. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin began working on a comedy upon his arrival in Russia from France. In the image of one of the main characters of the work, Mitrofan, the author wanted to show the rudeness, ignorance and degradation of the nobility in […]...
  18. Skotinin. Taras Skotinin, Prostakova’s brother, is a typical representative of small feudal landowners. Having grown up in a family that was extremely hostile to enlightenment, he is distinguished by ignorance and mental retardation, although he is naturally smart. Having heard about the taking into custody of the Prostakovs’ estate, he says: “Yes, that’s how they’ll get to me. Yes, and any Skotinin can fall under guardianship. I'll get out of here [...]
  19. Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times. D.I. Fonvizin “The Minor” The most pressing topic in the noble families of the 19th century was the topic of education and upbringing. Fonvizin was the first to touch upon this problem in his comedy “The Minor.” The author describes the state of the Russian landowner's estate. We recognize Mrs. Prostakova, her husband and son Mitrofan. There is a “matriarchy” in this family. Prostakova, [...]
  20. D. I. Fonvizin-satirist “General Court Grammar.” Rules of classicism in dramaturgy: “three unities”, speaking names, a clear division of heroes into positive and negative. “Minor” (staged in 1782). A socio-political comedy in which the author depicts the vices of his contemporary society. Comedy plot. Heroes. Mrs. Prostakova. Her power over serfs and household members is unlimited; She loves her son very much, but to raise him [...]
  21. The comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “Minor” is rich minor characters, which are portrayed by the author in different ways, but the single line in which all these heroes are illuminated is the exposure of vices with the help of satire. Prostakova's brother Taras Skotinin is a typical representative of small-scale serf-owners. He grew up in a family in which education was extremely hostile, so he distinctive features steel mental retardation [...]
  22. The landowner Prostakova, the mistress of the house, is stupid, arrogant, evil and inhumane, there is only one apparent positive trait- tenderness towards my son. She is completely uneducated and ignorant. She chooses a half-educated seminarian, a former coachman and a retired soldier as a teacher for her son. Of course, they cannot teach Mitrofan anything. But Prostakova doesn’t think about it. She has […]
  23. Mitrofan Prostakov is one of the main characters of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” He is a spoiled, ill-mannered and uneducated young nobleman who treated everyone with great disrespect. He was always surrounded by the care of his mother, who spoiled him. Mitrofanushka adopted the worst character traits from his loved ones: laziness, rudeness in dealing with all people, greed, selfishness. At the end of this work [...]
  24. The comedy by D.I. Fonvizin was written in the 18th century, at a time when there was a lot of injustice and lies in the state and in people's lives. The first and main problem in comedy is bad, incorrect upbringing. Let's pay attention to the name: “Minor”. It’s not for nothing that in modern Russian the word nedorosl means dropout. In the comedy itself, the mother […]...
  25. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - a famous playwright and one of the major figures of Russian culture of the 18th century, the author of the acutely social and satirical comedy "The Minor" was a representative of the advanced circles of the enlightened nobility, he opposed the autocratic tyranny of the Russian monarchy, the serf-owning nobles, rude and ignorant, who cruelly treated serfs who were in their complete power. This worldview brought Fonvizin into the ranks of satirical writers, [...]
  26. The ideals of a family are a family where everyone loves each other, where mutual understanding and respect reign, where each family member has the opportunity to develop as an individual. Let's look at family names and what they mean: Prostakovs - simple, they are simple people, not complex in character. Skotinin - this surname speaks of the meanness of people. It is better not to trust such people. Skotinin family: […]...
  27. In 17th century Russia, a minor was a nobleman who had not reached the age of majority and had not entered the public service. Mitrofan was raised by his mother, which is why he took on her character traits, becoming immoral and self-satisfied. Thus, the mother raised her son as she is. Prostakova is glad that her son is a minor, because you can still pamper him, [...]
  28. The comedy “The Minor” by D. I. Fonvizin is instructive in nature. It gives an idea of ​​what an ideal citizen should be, what human qualities he must possess. In this play, Starodum plays the role of the ideal citizen. This is a person who is characterized by such qualities as mercy, honesty, virtue, and responsiveness. There are no moments in the comedy that would characterize this hero with a negative […]...
  29. Mrs. Prostakova. This woman is very powerful, she is the head of the family: “Go and get him out if you don’t get any good.” She is rude and ill-mannered: “Get out, you beast. So you feel sorry for the sixth one, beast?” Prostakova is cruel to her subjects: “So believe also that I do not intend to indulge the slaves. Go, sir, and punish now...” She is also stupid […]...
  30. The comic in “The Minor” is not only the image of Prostakova scolding like a street vendor, touched by the sight of her gorging son. Comedy has a deeper meaning. It sarcastically ridicules rudeness that wants to appear amiable, as well as greed that hides behind generosity. Ignorance is also depicted here, which pretends to be educated. The author wanted to demonstrate to the reader how serfdom has a detrimental effect […]...
  31. Starodum. Starodum is an enlightened and progressive person. He was brought up in the spirit of Peter the Great's time; the thoughts, morals and activities of the people of that time are closer and more acceptable to him. By calling the hero Starodum, Fonvizin thereby emphasized his preference for the time of Peter the Great to his contemporary reality. Why is Starodum so dear to Fonvizin? In the comedy, Starodum talks more than he acts. His character, views and activities [...]
  32. Prostakova shamelessly robs the serfs, and her well-being rests on this. She has already taken away everything that the peasants had, and now there is nothing left to take away. The landowner is busy all day - from morning to evening she has to scold and fight. This is how the house is brought into order. The faithful nanny Eremeevna, who worked in the house for many years, was entitled to a “generous” salary - five […]...
  33. A striking example of classicism, literary direction XVIII century, is the comedy “The Minor”, ​​written by Dmitry Ivanovich Fonvizin. One of the features of the play was the “talking” surnames: Prostakova, Skotinin, Starodum, Pravdin. The name of another hero - Mitrofanushka - is also telling, its meaning is “like his mother.” In the title of the play, the author brings up an important question of his time - about true and false […]...
  34. The name Mitrofan translates as like a mother, like a mother. He was sixteen years old, he should have already entered the service at the age of fifteen, but Mrs. Prostokova did not want to be separated from her son. He had no goal in life, he did not think about the future or his studies, and all day long Mitrofanushka chased pigeons. He was not [...]
  35. Construction and artistic style comedies. The rich ideological and thematic content of the comedy “Minor” is embodied in a masterfully developed artistic form. Fonvizin managed to create a coherent plan for the comedy, skillfully interweaving pictures of everyday life with revealing the views of the characters. With great care and breadth, Fonvizin described not only the main characters, but also secondary ones, like Eremeevna, teachers and even the tailor Trishka, revealing […]...
  36. Prostakova’s husband is silent, he does not allow himself to open his mouth without his wife’s permission, but he still did not escape his fate and, according to his wife, is “a fool beyond counting.” We see in him a weak-willed man who is completely controlled by his wife. Mitrofanushka also does not like to talk much, but, unlike his father, he is allowed to say whatever he wants. […]...
  37. In “Nedorosl” D.I. Fonvizin depicted the vices of society inherent in its modernity. The key figure in the comedy is the landowner Prostakova. This woman's nature is rough and unbridled. In the absence of resistance, she becomes impudent, but as soon as she encounters force, she shows cowardice. The powerful landowner is merciless to everyone who is in her power, but at the same time she is ready to lie at the feet of those who […]...
  38. In his satirical comedy “The Minor,” Fonvizin ridicules the vices of his contemporary society. In the person of his characters, he portrays representatives of various social strata. Among them are nobles, statesmen, self-proclaimed teachers, servants. This work was the first socio-political comedy in the history of Russian drama. The main character The play is Mrs. Prostakova. This is a powerful woman who manages the household, keeps everyone at bay […]...
  39. The most important problem that D. I. Fonvizin solves in his comedy “The Minor” is the issue of raising an enlightened generation of young people who will take the country to a new path of development. This was precisely the goal that Peter I set for the nobles. However, in fact, it turns out that not all young nobles can become the support of the state and its hope for renewal. Many noblemen […]...
  40. Despite the fact that D.I. Fonvizin wrote the comedy “The Minor” back in the 18th century, it still does not leave the stages of many leading theaters. And all because many human vices are still encountered today, and important problems inherent in the era of serfdom are revealed with the help of literary techniques that were unconventional for that time. The comedy takes place against the backdrop of […]...
What is the image of Mitrofanushka, a common noun from the comedy Nedorosl (Fonvizin D.I.)

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Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is one of the best motivational works. With the help of the image of Mitrofan Prostakov, we can analyze and realize the destructiveness of boundless blind parental love and permissiveness.

Description of character

Mitrofan Prostakov is not distinguished by outstanding character qualities. In fact, this is a vivid example of lack of education (in any sense of it) and bad manners.

Excessive parental care and permissiveness became the reason for the formation of a complex character.

At 15 years old, he is still considered a child - his parents forgive him a lot, citing the fact that he is a child and will outgrow it.

Parents spoil their son - they believe that adult life is full of difficulties, and therefore it is necessary to arrange the period of childhood in such a way that it is the least carefree.

As a result, Mitrofan grows up pampered and spoiled. However, he himself is not capable of good deeds or humanity - the young man constantly quarrels with peasants and teachers, is rude and cruel not only towards them, but also towards his parents.

Receiving neither punishment for his actions nor rebuff, he only becomes more convinced of the correctness of his actions and continues to become more and more bitter.
Mitrofan is not interested in anything other than marriage.

We invite you to read it, written by Denis Fonvizin.

He does not know how to find beauty and aesthetics in the world around him - nature, art. To some extent, he resembles an animal that is guided solely by basic instincts.

Mitrofan is a very lazy person, he likes the measured life of a parasite and sneak. He doesn't try to achieve anything in life. Although, if desired, he can develop himself. It is worth noting that in general he is a smart person - Mitrofan realizes that he is incredibly stupid, but does not see a problem in this - the world is full of stupid people, so he will be able to find worthy company for himself.

Attitude towards others

The story of Mitrofan Prostakov is a typical story about what happens when a person is guided by the motive of permissiveness and impunity from childhood. The youth's parents are covered excessive love to his son, which is extremely destructive for him both as an individual and as a unit of interpersonal relationships, social communication.

Dear readers! We present to you which was written by Denis Fonvizin.

Mitrofan’s parents did not attach importance to the peculiarities of their son’s interaction with society, did not make adjustments and did not correct their son’s mistakes that arose in communicating with other people, which as a result resulted in an extremely unfavorable picture.

In Mitrofan’s mind, communication with a person begins with determining his position in society - if it is significant, important person(aristocrat), then the young man is trying to meet the minimum etiquette standards, which is true and this is difficult for him. Mitrofan does not stand on ceremony with ordinary people at all.

Mitrofan's disdainful, rude attitude towards teachers is common. The parents, again, do not interfere with their son, and therefore the situation develops into the level of interpersonal relationships in general. Mitrofan is allowed to be rude to other people (mostly these are people lower in social status, or those who are not able to fight back), while teachers and educators are forced to follow the rules of etiquette and treat their pupils courteously.

So, for example, it seems common for a young man to exclaim to a teacher in a similar way: “Give me the board, garrison rat! Ask what to write." As well as insulting addresses towards his nanny: “old bastard.”

As a result, a mother who madly loves her child also becomes the subject of rudeness. From time to time, Mitrofan reproaches his mother for being tired of her, blackmails her - he threatens to commit suicide, and on the whole successfully sums up his mother’s efforts: “You lured me in, blame yourself.”

Attitude to learning

While the bulk of the aristocracy tried to give the best education to their children, in the hope that this would allow their children to become successful in life, Mitrofan’s parents teach their child, because it is impossible not to teach - the decree issued by Peter I obliges all aristocrats to teach their children arithmetic, grammar and God's word.

Image of Mitrofan Prostakov for modern reader does not seem entirely typical - in most cases, history and literature provide images of educated, although not always purposeful, aristocrats. The image of Prostakov seems out of the ordinary, however, if you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that this is not so. This fact is confirmed by historical documents (Peter I’s decree on the compulsory education of nobles) - if the situation with lack of education were not widespread, then it would hardly be reflected in official documents.

Mitrofan's parents are not educated people - their knowledge is based on life experience, in general, they do not see the point in education and consider science a necessary measure, a tribute to fashion. This attitude of the parents, in particular the mother, provoked a feeling of uselessness of education in the eyes of Mitrofan.

Prostakov’s parents were unable to convey to him the idea of ​​the need for education and the prospects opening up to an educated person, and in fact they could not do this - Mitrofan’s mother considered education an evil, a necessity that must be experienced. From time to time, she adds fuel to the fire, voicing her true attitude towards studying: “my friend, at least for show, study, so that it reaches his ears how hard you work!”

In other words, the mother in no way condemns her son for his negligent behavior in the field of education and training, which further convinces Mitrofan that this whole process is useless and unnecessary, and is carried out solely “for show.”

This attitude led to another problem - a strong negative attitude towards the learning process itself and towards the teachers.

Over several years of study, Mitrofan was unable to advance one iota and therefore he is still a “minor” - due to insufficient knowledge, the young man cannot obtain documents indicating his education, but his parents are of little concern.

After four years of learning to read and write, Mitrofan still reads syllables, reading new texts still seems to be an unsolvable task for him, and things won’t be much better with those he already knows - Mitrofan constantly makes mistakes.

With arithmetic, things also do not look optimistic - after several years of study, Mitrofan only mastered counting to three.

The only thing where Mitrofan succeeded was French. His teacher, the German Vralman, speaks rather flatteringly about his student, but in this case the point is not in Mitrofan’s exceptional predisposition to learning languages, but in Vralman’s ability to deceive - Adam Adamovich not only successfully hides the true state of his student’s level of knowledge, but also deceives the Prostakovs, posing as a teacher - Vralman himself does not know French, but, taking advantage of the Prostakovs’ stupidity, he successfully creates the appearance.

As a result, Mitrofan finds himself hostage to the situation - on the one hand, his parents do not see the point in education, and are gradually instilling this position in their son. On the other hand, stupid, poorly educated teachers, due to their knowledge, cannot teach a young man anything. At a time when the situation with arithmetic and grammar teachers looks at the level of “difficult, but possible” - neither Kuteikin nor Tsyfirkin have exceptional knowledge, but they still have the bulk of knowledge, then the situation with Vralman looks completely catastrophic - man , who does not know French, teaches French.

Thus, Mitrofan Prostakov represents a person with an insignificant soul, petty desires limited to the carnal, animal satisfaction of his needs, who has reached the limit in his moral and spiritual development. Paradoxically, having the opportunity, Mitrofan does not strive to realize his potential, but, on the contrary, wastes his life in vain. He finds a certain charm in laziness and parasitism and does not consider this a flaw.